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FairUse4WM cracks Windows Media DRM AGAIN !


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this might get me to download music legally

source engadget : http://www.engadget.com/2006/08/25/fairuse...dows-media-drm/


So far as the yet very quiet forums are claiming, a new app called FairUse4WM can be used to strip Windows Media DRM 10 and 11 (i.e. PlaysForSure, but not WM DRM 9). Yes, yes, we know, we've heard this song and dance before. But before we proceed, let's just be totally clear on how the system works: providers like Napster and Yahoo Music Unlimited provide subscription service for unlimited access to Windows Media DRMed files; stop paying the fee, stop getting access to the files -- but you already knew all this. We tried FairUse4WM and we can verify that it quickly and easily stripped the DRM from our Napster To Go tracks, and made them freely available to play on our Mac (which, of course, has Flip4Mac installed). In other words, it's a simple, apparently lossless, one-step method for making your files playable after you're no longer paying fees on your subscription service. The app didn't work on our Vongo videos, but we can verify with all certainty that yes, Windows Media DRM can now be easily and quickly stripped from PlaysForSure media services. Now watch as Microsoft shuts down the forums and runs damage control in order to prevent an digital media entire platform from collapsing. Click on for a couple more pics of the app in action!

P.S. - Kinda goes without saying but we take absolutely zero accountability for what you may do with FairUse4WM, ok?

[Thanks, Frank]




Now here's that same track we just downloaded from Napster playing on Quicktime (with Flip4Mac, which, of course, doesn't support WM DRM.)

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Yeah.. download it legally, until you strip the DRM which is illegal... might as well just pirate.
stripping the drm is legal in most of europe , (deffonately belgium & the netherlands) , in canada , and if im not mistaking even the uk ...
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Yeah.. download it legally, until you strip the DRM which is illegal... might as well just pirate.
stripping the drm is legal in most of europe , (deffonately belgium & the netherlands) , in canada , and if im not mistaking even the uk ...

It's no longer legal in France, speaking to people about this app may cost me 3 years of jail.

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I know it's no longer legal to do so in Sweden. Just downloading that application would be illegal too since its only purpose is to circumvent DRM. If I need to remove the DRM to be able to play a file like that I would be allowed to use it, still wouldn't be allowed to have the application though.

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Well, i'll be in Italy for one year (studies) and my web connection will depend on neighbour's wifi. So it will hard to learn french to anyone.

I'll grab some CD of "illegal applications" and i'll pass them through the border. :lol:

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YEAH u read the title correctly :D

after the update they cracked it again :D

-> http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=870286#post870286

This is expected behavior. A single IBX can have multiple embedded keys.

Go back to the first page, and Extract Keys using the newly downloaded file.

IF you get the -9000 error, wait for the next release, which should be sometime this weekend.

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