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Stay Invisible


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You can't remain invisible 100% of the time. You can hide your IP and make it difficult to be traced through what is called a chain-proxy. A chain-proxy as your mentioned in your post is a "Proxy, on top of proxy on top of proxy" or one proxy linked to the next and to the next and so forth.

Now you need to be aware that certain proxy servers, will reveal your real IP address and log any transaction your IP address do. So its something to keep in mind too, when doing this kind of set up.

Edited by Infiltrator
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Surely there are ways to remain invisible 100% of the time or else Sabu would have been caught already. That is what I am trying to get at. If you have no idea, then thank you. Perhaps there are experimental methods yet to be explored? If so, would you please link me to them?

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There is no such thing as 100% invisible. It's more a matter of the amount of resources to track all the steps taken to hide would not be worth it. That and legal issues for say proxies in many other countries.

More along the lines of what I am looking for. Thank you. I suppose there is not more that you can contribute to this subject? Perhaps places I may use for my research?
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It all comes down to the proxy you are using as I mentioned before, certain proxies will keep a log and that's how they track you down. Turning off that ability is one way to hide your IP address, but that raises another problem, the ISPs also have the ability to log all transactions your IP makes.

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It all comes down to the proxy you are using as I mentioned before, certain proxies will keep a log and that's how they track you down. Turning off that ability is one way to hide your IP address, but that raises another problem, the ISPs also have the ability to log all transactions your IP makes.

Spoof time tables so ISPs' logged transactions do not match actions on victims end? Can ISP monitor encrypted VPN to other country that does not log anything? I would assume not, but then again I am a novice. Edited by Hamad
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Spoof time tables so ISPs' logged transactions do not match actions on victims end? Can ISP monitor encrypted VPN to other country that does not log anything? I would assume not, but then again I am a novice.

I would say to a certain degree everything you do on the Internet is being monitored. I've read an article before, that some organizations are investing into DPI (deep packet inspection) so to an extend, if they have the resources and time and if they want they could monitor your traffic.

Just give them a reason and you will see they will be on your ass.

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It all comes down to the proxy you are using as I mentioned before, certain proxies will keep a log and that's how they track you down. Turning off that ability is one way to hide your IP address, but that raises another problem, the ISPs also have the ability to log all transactions your IP makes.

Not only that, but some proxies (Non-SOCKS 5 Proxies) will still pass along your IP address in the packet requests.

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Spoof time tables so ISPs' logged transactions do not match actions on victims end? Can ISP monitor encrypted VPN to other country that does not log anything? I would assume not, but then again I am a novice.

Your ISP can see that you are using a VPN based on the ports or traffic, but its encrypted, so the only people who can see what is happening is you, and the endpoint. That is, unless the VPN software has a flaw, which if exploited could bleed info, but I've not heard of any VPN's that have that problem. Not saying it couldn't happen or a MITM couldn't somehow take place, but highly unlikely if not impossible.

Thing is, you would want multiple layers to hop through, even when using a VPN. You can use TOR through a VPN as well, but understand that traffic would be hella slow.

Edited by digip
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Not using your home connection would be quite beneficial as well. Public hotspots accessed via a long range antenna would be ideal in my opinion, assuming your geographical location provides you with such luxuries. Once connected, the suggestions above used in conjunction would add additional obscurity, but as it has been pointed out, nothing is 100%. - RS5

P.S. - I am 'pretty' sure that Swedish law does not require VPNs/Proxies etc located within the country to maintain IP logs(I believe this may only apply to private or paid VPNs). I am unaware as to any other countries which have similar lax laws regarding this policy. If anyone is more familiar, or can verify this statement, I would appreciate it.

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Another thing for added security to the things mentioned above is to use a encrypted protocol that you have developed or at least not many people know about. This is not a fact, but I have heard that anonymous operates darknets with this method, so if there ever even was a vulnerability and someone could monitor traffic, they wouldn't even have the protocol to understand it with.

If your really crazy about being 100% anomyous, then you need to see the movie State Of Play. Im sure the methods are a bit cinematically exaggerated, but there are some valid points to it. The wire mesh faraday cage is pretty cool.

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