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Visual Basic Issue


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Hi, I wrote a program using Visual Basic 2010. It worked fine on the computer I used to write and compile it, but when I try using it on other PCs it complains that I don't have the newest version of the .NET framework. Is there a way to make the program so it doesn't require the .NET framework at all or at least a very old version? I want to be able to run the program on a Windows XP machine that does not have any service packs installed.

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If I make a Windows form application in visual c++ does it require .NET? I read somewhere that some of the options for projects do.

It depends entirely on how it's compiled and what it's dependencies are. Microsoft's C++ compiler can produce stand-alone executables or it can produce .Net-encumbered code depending on what your project is and what options you selected in the project properties.

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I've got programs I wrote in VB6 on windows 98 from back in like 2002 or 2004, and they still work in Windows 7 64bit. The only caveat is that you don't use any special controls, that require specific vbrun dll files or special controls no longer used by recent systems, like Rich Text box controls, or it might ask you to install the specific dll files tied to the program and error out.

My Kenny Translator for instance, was written in VB6 back in like 2006 - http://www.twistedpairrecords.com/files/kennytranslator1.exe and still works on windows 7.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Use "Spoon studio", it is a expensive application though, and your application will be around 150mb since it "embeds" .Net into your application.

Spoon studio is great for other scenarios as well, like embeding java runtime into your application, "embed" virual file system and registry into you application and so on

Edited by wezyap
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The only windows systems that probably won't have .net on them are pre SP2 XP machines. Most everything today ships with some form of .net, but if you are compiling it against say, .net 4.0, then the systems you try to run it on might require .net 4.0. if the system compiled on used .net 2.0 then they should work on later systems, just depends on if the modules you used in it are dependent on specific versions of .net. Personally, I enjoyed VB6 back in the day. It was fairly easy to pick up and there was lots of source code to pull snippets of things from to do what you needed. It can also be a crutch though, and hinder learning other languages, since VB6 was a bit too simple in scope. http://www.planet-source-code.com/ used to be my favorite place to get sample code from to tinker with.

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  • 7 months later...

is there a ddos application code for visual basic

If you code one, then sure, but Visual Basic can be coded to do anything any other program on a windows system can do. Whether or not one exists, leave that for you to find. We aren't about DDoS apps on this forum. We don't attack other peoples networks and systems for personal gain and don't encourage it. What you do on your own is your own business, and you do so at your own risk.

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