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[Version 1] The Ducky Logger


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The teensy can read what is inputted into the computer correct?

what is stopping it from logging the keystrokes, mouse clicks, and visited websites,.....etc?

I am not a "strong" coder but I would be interested to help Develop something along these lines.

(purely for the sake of seeing if it can be done)

Also how could it store said information?

would it send it to a server via the internet?

logged to the micro SD/ SD card?

Could it log the keystrokes while someone typed in the password for the Bios?

What other interesting information could it log?

Added note:

I was thinking that it would run a payload on the computer which would send the keystrokes and other information To the ducky somehow. i suppose that would be a little overkill but it might stop ant-virus from detecting key-logs being saved to a file or uploaded to a server

I do see some of the faults my idea has but i want to know what you think about it.

Edited by Bobbers
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well first off all as far as i know the ducky is a one way device. it talks to the computer. it wont expect a response. and i almost know for sure that keylogging with the duckey is not possible.

you can see it as 2 keyboards on 1 comp. keyboard num 1 has no idea what keyboerd num 2 is typing and otherwise.

though it is possible by downloading a keyloggen and letting it upload to a FTP site (way more efficient!!!)

but i also could be wrong! but i dont think so

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could you pass the serial info from the inputs on the teensy to the usbport? If so you might beable to log the actual data stream and then write a program to interpret it.

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  • 2 months later...
The teensy can read what is inputted into the computer correct?

what is stopping it from logging the keystrokes, mouse clicks, and visited websites,.....etc?

I am not a "strong" coder but I would be interested to help Develop something along these lines.

(purely for the sake of seeing if it can be done)

Also how could it store said information?

would it send it to a server via the internet?

logged to the micro SD/ SD card?

Could it log the keystrokes while someone typed in the password for the Bios?

What other interesting information could it log?

Added note:

I was thinking that it would run a payload on the computer which would send the keystrokes and other information To the ducky somehow. i suppose that would be a little overkill but it might stop ant-virus from detecting key-logs being saved to a file or uploaded to a server

I do see some of the faults my idea has but i want to know what you think about it.


Your questions are so much similar to what I have been posting up lately. It seems like you still haven't received your answers yet... :(

I THINK you could get the Teensy with the SD card to load some type of executable file to record and possibly save it to the SD card again. You could also get the terminal to run a script and log the terminal session. We could also have Teensy listen until someone types the cap lock button to start recording the keystrokes by executing our own program that is saved in the teensy's sd card. Here is the post of sandyreddy coding the program which logs all the keys that has been clicked and send them to the server online. This uses Firefox as a mean of sending information out.


With the Teensyuindo .9 released, you could make the teensy be recognized by the computer as a serial port. So, I think you could have some files be sent to the serial port (toward SD card). The teensy has the ability to write files to its own SD card and I wonder if it can request documents from the computer and then write that file to its SD card. If it does work,that would be awesome.

However, I have not received any confirmation if this is possible. I have been reading and posting questions about this to Paul and everyone else's posts but so far, I haven't received any replies. I know this is possible, I just want to know from anyone who is familiar with Teensy if this is possible to implement or not.



Edited by BITS1
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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

If you are going to run code on the computer you are logging from you dont need a teensy, you need a USB flashdrive to store keypresses on.

I just ordered my own Teensy and have thought about this myself.

As far as i know, the PS/2 or (very) old RS232 keyboards utilized a standard serial line to transmit keystrokes.

So with that in mind, you could connect a PS/2 to one of the serial inputs of the teensy and program it to pass the data from the PS/2 to the computer via USB (and in addition, store it on the teensy using the SD adaptor)

Then you could either make it look for a certain combination of keys that would dump the entire log or just store it on the teensy, for when you are around to retrieve it.

I guess this wont work for laptops and computers with a USB keyboard. But it might be the safest way to do this. No antivirus software in the world would be triggered, and the only thing giving it away is the USB HID device connected to the computer.

You would have to have access to the computer for extended periods of time, twice.

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  • 1 month later...

I wonder if there's a way to do some sort of passive pass through tap... so information goes in but nothing goes out using some one way gate, but still goes across the bridge without affecting the information. Sort of piggy back on the signal, but then you need something to capture it like Usbalyzer or Usbsnoop. This way you get around the HID having to install.

USB Pin out - http://pinouts.ru/SerialPortsCables/usb_cable_pinout.shtml

P1 - VCC - Power

P2 - USB Data -

P3 - USB Data +

P4 - Ground

It should be possible to tap with a Diode at 5v, that way we don't overdrive it, or not even hook it up at all. I guess in a way this is a USB splitter.

Found this --



Edited by kickarse
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  • 2 months later...

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