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i think that the forum needs to be split into some more categories.

one thread has over 500 replies, futher to that it should be split into windows and linux, because i think theres alot of unesscessary confusion.

threads weave in and out of different topics and os. theres no consistency and its a nightmare to find anything without searching for eons.

no its not laziness, its just that some of us dont want to spend the whole of an only weekend off rummaging through endless amounts of useless information that invariably leads in the wrong direction.

overall out of 10 i would give this forum a 5, something to be learned from the guys who were running remote-exploit forum (now backtrack4 linux) which was loads better.

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I have to say that mooching is all part of the fun in my opinion.I have led myself in the wrong direction a few times, but I would say that was more my fault than the forums.However in doing so I have learnt a few things along the way that I probably would not have by doing it in this manner.The forum you have mentioned is,as you say,very good as I have visited that one myself but I will stand up for Hak5 here as this forum is a goldmine of information and has some very talented people about it.......O.K. it may not be the most organised,frilly,dancing lights forum around but who needs all that with the top talent and info it posesses!!

:D Top marks from me Hak5..... ;)

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I honestly like the way hak5 forums are like. I easily could of bought few pre-made pineapples from the store, but I wanted to build it myself because to me if I can't build it myself then I shouldn't use it. Part of the building process is learning, understanding, and researching and I'm glad it wasn't easy to build one because now I learned more about networking and linux.

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Well the backtrack forums are dedicated to one thing and one thing only, so that is easier to control and keep organized. Anything that is not related to backtrack 4 get's locked on their forums.

Edited by Seshan
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i think that the forum needs to be split into some more categories.

one thread has over 500 replies, futher to that it should be split into windows and linux, because i think theres alot of unesscessary confusion.

threads weave in and out of different topics and os. theres no consistency and its a nightmare to find anything without searching for eons.

no its not laziness, its just that some of us dont want to spend the whole of an only weekend off rummaging through endless amounts of useless information that invariably leads in the wrong direction.

overall out of 10 i would give this forum a 5, something to be learned from the guys who were running remote-exploit forum (now backtrack4 linux) which was loads better.

yeah fair play guys i agree with some of that, i still think its good to have to find out things yourself because you learn granted, however this jasager forum which is dedicated to one thing jasager, and how it works with the fon and the pineapple is very subjugated and hard to pin information down on.

i agree with also that theres a plethora of talented professionals participating in the project,

but i wonder how many people who have been so close and quit, would have gotten a lot more out of scripting, hacking, moding etc. if they had of had a little more help at the start instead of the 'i had to earn my stripes' mentality that seems to prevail.

it would be like me giving my apprentice a hammer and saying 'theres some timber, build a house' its not going to happen and its counterproductive,

however if i help him build one, guide him and show him how to to do it so he doesnt 'brick it' he can not only build one himself im sure that he would have some unique input into another house he builds later on.

but then again maybe hes just not hanging out for those free stickers, none the less, nothing wrong with some constructive critisim and on the back of it i do think ive been a bit on the hard side with the rating, it is a good forum, keep up the good work.

Edited by dualboot
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Suggest the categories you'd like to see and I'll have a think about it.

From a purely selfish point of view it is easier for me just to pull up one page and step through the new stuff in there rather the go jumping through multiple sub-categories but I don't mind a little extra work.

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Suggest the categories you'd like to see and I'll have a think about it.

From a purely selfish point of view it is easier for me just to pull up one page and step through the new stuff in there rather the go jumping through multiple sub-categories but I don't mind a little extra work.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post and respond.

I would like to see windows and linux categories.

That would be enough to put the noobs (me included), in the right field of play from the start without spoon feeding us.

Also (sorry), minimizing any extra work you would have to do.

Im dual booting win and bt4 at the moment and i'd describe myself as 'dazed and confused'.

Im interested to know if anyone else thinks theres any validity to this, or if i should get a fork and reach for the humble pie.


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