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I'm developing an IRC Bot, and was wondering if there's any way to simplify what I've done, so it isn't messy (e.g. reduce the nested tuples, simplifying the user mode changes).

import sys
import socket
import string

REALNAME="Psychosis" #Seems not to do anything, TODO: look into it
CHANNELS=["#<redacted>"] #Channels to join on connection
ADMIN_HOSTMASK=["Psychosis!Psychosis@"] #Nick and hostmask of bot's admin(s).


#User modes
powerlevels = {    "" : 0,    "+": 1,    "%": 2,    "@": 4,    "&": 8,    "~": 16}

def getsymbol( powerlevel ):
    if (powerlevel >= 32):
    return ""
    for k in powerlevels:
        if powerlevels[k] == powerlevel:
            return k

    for k in powerlevels:
    if powerlevels[k] < powerlevel:
    return getsymbol((power+1)/2)

#Connect to the server
s=socket.socket( )
s.connect((HOST, PORT))
#Set Nick
s.send("NICK %s\r\n" % NICK)
s.send("USER %s %s bla :%s\r\n" % (IDENT, HOST, REALNAME))
#Identify to NickServ
s.send("PRIVMSG NickServ :IDENTIFY %s\r\n" % NICKPASS)

#Join channels and initialise user cache
for chan in CHANNELS:
    s.send("JOIN %s\r\n" % chan)
    users.append([chan, list()])

while (quit==0):
    temp=string.split(readbuffer, "\n")
    readbuffer=temp.pop( )

    for recvline in temp:
    #print(recvline) #For debug purposes, mostly.

    #Reply to pings so the server doesn't drop us
            s.send("PONG %s\r\n" % line[1])

    #Initialise user cache for channel
        for chanlist in users:
            if (chanlist[0]==line[4]):
            for user in line[5:]:
            if user[:1]==":":
                user = user[1:]
               if(user[:1] in ['+','%','@','&','~']): #Probably should recode this if to take advantage of the powerlevels dictionary
                if (powerlevels.get(user[:1]) > 4):
                chanlist[1].append([user[1:], powerlevels.get(user[:1]) + 4 ])
                    chanlist[1].append([user[1:], powerlevels.get(user[:1])])

    #!kick command
    if(line[1]=="PRIVMSG" and line[2].startswith("#") and line[3][1:]=="!kick"):
        if (line[4] == NICK):
            s.send("PRIVMSG %s :\x01ACTION is confused!\x01\r\n" % line[2]) #Pokemon reference #1
            for chan in users:
            if chan[0]==line[2]:
                for user in chan[1]:
                if (user[0]==NICK):
                if (user[0]==line[4]):
            if (target_level < my_level): #Only kick users that are lower than us. i.e. if we're opped, don't try to kick the owner.
                s.send("PRIVMSG %s :\x01ACTION used Psybeam!\x01\r\n" % line[2]) #Pokemon reference #2
                        s.send("KICK %s %s :It's super effective!\r\n" % (line[2], line[4]))
            s.send("PRIVMSG %s :Nice try.\r\n" % line[2])
        s.send("KICK %s :%s\r\n" % (line[2], line[0].split("!")[0][1:])) #Kick the person who said "!kick" if they didn't specify a user

    #!nicks command - print nicks cache
    if(line[0][1:] in ADMIN_HOSTMASK and line[1]=="PRIVMSG" and line[3][1:]=="!nicks"):
        for chan in users:
        for nick in chan[1]:
             if (len(line)>4 and line[4]=="nosym"): #symbols are sometimes annoying
            nickslistsingleline="%s %s" % (nickslistsingleline, nick[0])
                       nickslistsingleline="%s %s%s" % (nickslistsingleline, getsymbol(nick[1]), nick[0])
            nickslistsingleline="Users in %s:%s" % (chan[0], nickslistsingleline)
                 s.send("PRIVMSG %s :%s\r\n" % (line[2], nickslistsingleline))
            s.send("PRIVMSG %s :%s\r\n" % (line[0].split("!")[0][1:], nickslistsingleline))

    #!nicks command - print nicks cache
    if(line[0][1:] in ADMIN_HOSTMASK and line[1]=="PRIVMSG" and line[3][1:]=="!nickdebug"):

    #remove a user who left the channel from the cache
    if(line[1]=="PART" or line[1]=="QUIT" or line[1]=="KICK"):
        for chanlist in users:
        for nicks in chanlist[1]:
            if nicks[0]==parteduser:
            parteduser=[parteduser, nicks[1]]
        if(not parteduser==NICK):
            while (i<len(users)):
        if( line[1]=="PART" ):
        print("%s has left %s" % (parteduser[0], line[2]))
        print("%s has quit: %s" % (parteduser[0], " ".join(line[2:])[1:]))
        print("%s was kicked from %s by %s : %s" % (parteduser[0], line[2], line[0].split("!")[0][1:], " ".join(line[4:])[1:]))

    #add a user who joined to the cache
    if(line[1]=="JOIN" and not line[0].split("!")[0][1:]==NICK):
        while (i<len(users)):
            users[i][1].append([joineduser, 0])
        print("%s has joined %s" % (joineduser, line[2][1:]))

    #update cache if a user changes their nick
            if (users[i][1][j][0]==newmodeuser):
            users[i][1][j]=[ line[2][1:], users[i][1][j][1] ]
    #update cache when user is (de)voice/hop/op/sop/owner-ed
    #Following ^Doom^'s advice - it's safe to assume that an owner or SOP is also opped. This won't work if someone screws around with the modes though
    #such as -o'ing an owner or SOP, then de-(own/SOP)ing them.
    if(line[1]=="MODE" and line[2][:1]=="#"):
        while (count < len(line)-3):
        user = line[count+3]
        mode = line[3][count:][:1]
        if (line[3][:1]=="+"):
        elif (line[3][:1]=="-"):
                    if (users[i][1][j][0]==user):

    #Rejoin when kicked.
    if(line[1]=="KICK" and not line[0].split("!")[0][1:]==NICK and line[3]==NICK):
        s.send("JOIN %s\r\n" % line[2])
        s.send("PRIVMSG %s :That wasn't very nice of you, %s.\r\n" % (line[2], line[0].split("!")[0][1:])) #Tell off the user who kicked us.

    #Join a channel when told to by the bot's admin
    if(line[0][1:] in ADMIN_HOSTMASK and line[1]=="PRIVMSG" and not line[2].startswith("#") and line[3][1:]=="join" and line[4].startswith("#")):
        s.send("JOIN %s\r\n" % line[4])
        for chan in users:
        if (chan[0]==line[4]):
        if (chanfound==0):

    #Leave a channel when told to by the bot's admin
    if(line[0][1:] in ADMIN_HOSTMASK and line[1]=="PRIVMSG" and not line[2].startswith("#") and line[3][1:]=="part" and line[4].startswith("#")):
        s.send("PART %s\r\n" % line[4])
        while (i<len(users)):
        if (users[i][0]==line[4]):

    #Quit when told to by the bot's admin
    if(line[0][1:] in ADMIN_HOSTMASK and line[1]=="PRIVMSG" and line[3][1:]=="!quit"):
        s.send("QUIT :%s fainted!\r\n" % NICK) #Pokemon reference #3

    #Say something when told to by bot's admin
    if(len(line)>5 and line[0][1:] in ADMIN_HOSTMASK and line[1]=="PRIVMSG" and not line[2].startswith("#") and line[3][1:]=="say"):
       s.send("PRIVMSG %s :%s\r\n" % (line[4], " ".join(line[5:])))

    #/me when told to by bot's admin
    if(len(line)>5 and line[0][1:] in ADMIN_HOSTMASK and line[1]=="PRIVMSG" and not line[2].startswith("#") and line[3][1:]=="act"):
       s.send("PRIVMSG %s :\x01ACTION %s\x01\r\n" % (line[4], " ".join(line[5:])))

(I was going to call is Psybot, but thought Psyduck would be better. Please don't bash me :rolleyes: )

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Very nice, what does the import syntax do at the top? import modules or functions? like perhaps another *.py file to use with this one? I am just starting out using Python 2.5 IDLE.. Is it easy to import other languages to use with python or to build webapps with python like php?

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Import other languages, I guess meaning using python in combination with another language. Sort of how HTML, you can put PHP and Javascript in it and they all work together good. Is Python compatible like this with alot of other languages? and when importing a module in python you dont have to put an extention such as "Import socket.py" or "Import socket.h"? so it just auto assumes you are importing a *.py file that the import is calling thats in the same directory? thanks man

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Thanks, I'll have a look at it. That said, I have almost finished recoding Psybot/Psyduck so it's Object-Oriented, alot easier to read and modify, neater, and not so repetitive. I'll post it here once I finish recoding and testing the User Cache system.

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Might need to do a little more work, but here is Psybot 1.1a:

import sys
import socket
import string
import thread
from time import strftime

# #########################################################
# ##                  Psybot Settings                    ##
# #########################################################

#Server to connect to
server = 'irc.some-server.com:6667'

#Bot's Nickname
nick = 'Psybot'

#Bot's Identification
ident = 'Psybot 1.1a'

#Real Name of bot
realName = 'Psybot'

#Channels to join on connection
channels = [
nickservPass = 'lamepassword'

#Character indicating a command. Most bots seem to use '!'.
commandChar = '^'

#CTCP Version:
version = 'Psybot v1.1 by Psychosis'

# #########################################################
# ##                      IRC Class                      ##
# #########################################################

class IRCConnection:
#More Settings:
    #Hostmasks of admins
    adminHostMasks = [
    #Quit and Part messages:
    quitMessage = '*yawn*'
    partMessage = 'I\'m falling aPART.'
    kickReason = 'with a steel boot'
    #Output everything to console
    debug = False
    #Log everything to file
    logToFile = False
    #Location (absolute or relative) of log files
    logFileLocation= '.'
    queue = []
    partial = ''
    users = []
    powerlevels = {    '' : 0,    '+': 1,    '%': 2,    '@': 4,    '&': 8,    '~': 16}
    def getModeSymbol( powerlevel ) :
        if (powerlevel >= 32) :
            return ''
        for k in powerlevels :
            if powerlevels[k] == powerlevel :
                return k
        for k in powerlevels :
            if powerlevels[k] < powerlevel :
        return getsymbol((power+1)/2)
    def __init__ ( self, network, port, name, hostName, realName ) :
        self.network =  network
        self.port = int ( port )
        self.hostName = hostName
        self.realName = realName
        self.socket = socket.socket ( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )
        self.socket.connect ( ( self.network, self.port ) )
        self.nick ( name )
        self.send ( 'USER ' + self.name + ' ' + self.hostName + ' * :' + self.realName )
        if self.logToFile :
            self.logFile = open(strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.log'), 'w')
    def send ( self, text ) :
        self.socket.send ( text + '\r\n' )
    def quit ( self ) :
        self.send ( 'QUIT :%s' % self.quitMessage )
    def nick ( self, name ) :
        self.name = name
        self.send ( 'NICK ' + self.name )
    def privmsg ( self, destination, message ) :
        self.send ( 'PRIVMSG ' + destination + ' :' + message )

    def notice ( self, destination, message ) :
        self.send ( 'NOTICE %s :%s' % ( destination, message ) )

    def join ( self, channel ) :
        self.send ( 'JOIN %s' % channel )

    def part ( self, channel ) :
        self.send ( 'PART %s :%s'% ( channel, self.partMessage ) )
        i = 0
        while i < len ( self.users ) :
            if self.users [ i ][ 0 ] == channel :
                self.users.remove ( self.users [ i ] )
    def cycle ( self, channel ) :
        self.part ( channel )
        self.join ( channel )

    def topic ( self, channel, topic = '' ) :
        self.send ( 'TOPIC ' + channel + ' ' + topic )

    def names ( self, channel ) :
        self.send ( 'NAMES ' + channel )

    def invite ( self, nick, channel ) :
        self.send ( 'INVITE ' + nick + ' ' + channel )

    def mode ( self, channel, mode, nick = '' ) :
        self.send ( 'MODE ' + channel + ' ' + mode + ' ' + nick )

    def kick ( self, channel, nick, reason = '' ) :
        if not nick == self.name :
            self.send ( 'KICK ' + channel + ' ' + nick + ' ' + reason )
    def logwrite( self, data ) :
        if self.logToFile :
            logfile.write('%s\n' % data)
            logfile.flush() #Lets us read the log while the bot still has it open
        if self.debug:
    def recv ( self, size = 4096 ) :
        commands = self.socket.recv ( size ).split ( '\r\n' )
        if len ( self.partial ) :
            commands [ 0 ] = self.partial + commands [ 0 ]
            self.partial = ''
        if len ( commands [ -1 ] ) :
            self.partial = commands [ -1 ]
            self.queue.extend ( commands [ :-1 ] )
            self.queue.extend ( commands )

    def retrieve ( self ) :
        if len ( self.queue ) :
            command = self.queue [ 0 ]
            self.queue.pop ( 0 )
            return command
            return False

    def dismantle ( self, command ) :
        if command :
            #PING doesn't have the same format as other responses.
            #Whereas other responses are in the form:
            # :<source> <command> [<paramaters>] [: <more paramaters>]
            #PING is in the form PING :<source>
            #Here we flip it so it's parsed the same as other commands.
            if command [ :4 ] == 'PING' :
                command = ':%s %s' % ( command.split ( ':' ) [ 1 ] , command.split ( ':' ) [ 0 ].strip() )
            source = command.split ( ':' ) [ 1 ].split ( ' ' ) [ 0 ]
            parameters = command.split ( ':' ) [ 1 ].split ( ' ' ) [ 1: ]
            if not len ( parameters [ -1 ] ) :
            if command.count ( ':' ) > 1 :
                parameters.append ( ':'.join ( command.split ( ':' ) [ 2: ] ) )
            return source, parameters
    #User Cache functions:
    def addUser ( self, channel, name, mode = 0 ) :
        i = 0
        while i < len ( self.users ) :
            if self.users [ i ] [ 0 ] == channel:
                self.users [ i ] [ 1 ].append( [ name, mode ] )
    def delUser ( self, channel, name ) :
        i = 0
        while i < len ( self.users ) :
            if self.users [ i ] [ 0 ] == channel:
                j = 0
                while j < len ( self.users [ i ] [ 1 ] ) :
                    if self.users[ i ] [ 1 ] [ j ] [ 0 ] == name :
                        self.users[ i ] [ 1 ].remove ( [ self.users[ i ] [ 1 ] [ j ] [ 0 ], self.users[ i ] [ 1 ] [ j ] [ 1 ] ] )
    def changeUserMode ( self, channel, name, mode ) :
        i = 0
        while i < len ( self.users ) :
            if self.users [ i ] [ 0 ] == channel:
                j = 0
                while j < len ( self.users [ i ] [ 1 ] ) :
                    if self.users[ i ] [ 1 ] [ j ] [ 0 ] == name :
                        self.users[ i ] [ 1 ] [ j ] [ 1 ] += mode
    def changeUserName ( self, name, newname ) :
        i = 0
        while i < len ( self.users ) :
            j = 0
            while j < len ( self.users [ i ] [ 1 ] ) :
                if self.users[ i ] [ 1 ] [ j ] [ 0 ] == name :
                    self.users[ i ] [ 1 ] [ j ] [ 0 ] = newname    
    def initUsers ( self, data ) :
        foundindex = -1
        while i < len ( self.users ) :
            if self.users [ i ] [ 0 ] == data [ 1 ] [ 3 ] :
                foundindex = i
        if foundindex == -1 :
            self.users.append ( [ data [ 1 ] [ 3 ], [] ] )
            while i < len ( self.users ) :
                if self.users [ i ] [ 0 ] == data [ 1 ] [ 3 ] :
                    foundindex = i
        if foundindex >= 0 :
            for user in data [ 1 ] [ 4 ].strip().split ( ' ' ) :
                if user [ :1 ] in ['+','%','@','&','~'] :
                    if self.powerlevels.get ( user [ :1 ] ) > 4 :
                        self.users [ foundindex ] [ 1 ].append ( [ user [ 1: ], self.powerlevels.get ( user [ :1 ] ) + 4 ] )
                        self.users [ foundindex ] [ 1 ].append ( [ user [ 1: ], self.powerlevels.get ( user [ :1 ] ) ] )
                    self.users [ foundindex ] [ 1 ].append ( [ user, 0 ] )

    #These functions dont need to be part of IRCCommand, but it can't hurt, right?
    def isAdminCommand ( self, data ) :
        if data [ 0 ] in self.adminHostMasks :
            return True
        else :
            return False
    def isChanMessage ( self, data ) :
        if data [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ :1 ] == '#' :
            return true
        else :
            return false
    def isPrivateMessage ( self, data ) :
        return not isChanMessage ( data )
# #########################################################
# ##                    Main Program                     ##
# #########################################################
def autoRecieve() :
    while True :
irc = IRCConnection( server.split(':')[0], server.split(':')[1], nick, ident, realName )
thread.start_new_thread ( autoRecieve, () )

for channel in channels:
    irc.join ( channel )

while not quit :
    data = irc.dismantle ( irc.retrieve() )
    if data:
        if irc.debug :
            print ( data )
        #Respond to server PINGs so we dont get dropped
        if data [ 1 ] [ 0 ] == 'PING' :
            irc.send ( 'PONG %s' % data [ 0 ] )
        #Manage redirects (channels with +L)
        if data [ 1 ] [ 0 ] == '470' :
            i = 0
            while ( i < len ( irc.users ) ) :
                if ( irc.users [ i ] [ 0 ] == data [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ):
                    irc.users [ i ] [ 0 ] = data[ 1 ] [ len ( data [ 1 ] ) -1 ].lower()
        if data [ 1 ] [ 0 ] == 'PRIVMSG' :
            #Reply to CTCP VERSION commands
            if data [ 1 ] [ 2 ] == '\x01VERSION\x01' :
                irc.notice ( data [ 0 ].split( '!' )[ 0 ], version )
            if data [ 1 ] [ 2 ].split ( ' ' ) [ 0 ] [ :1 ] == commandChar :
                command = data [ 1 ] [ 2 ].split ( ' ' ) [ 0 ] [ 1: ].lower()
                arguments = data [ 1 ] [ 2 ].split ( ' ' ) [ 1: ]
                #Usage: ^mkick nick1 nick2 nick3 ...
                if command == 'mkick' and len(data [ 1 ]) > 2 :
                    for victim in arguments :
                        irc.kick ( data [ 1 ] [ 1 ], victim )
                #Kick someone
                #Usage: ^kick <nick> <reason>
                elif command == 'kick' :
                    irc.kick ( data [ 1 ] [ 1 ], arguments [ 0 ], ' '.join ( arguments [ 1: ] ) )
                #Say something
                #Usage: ^say <text>
                elif command == 'say' and irc.isAdminCommand ( data ) :
                    irc.privmsg ( arguments [ 0 ], ' '.join ( arguments [ 1: ] ) )
                    irc.logwrite('SAID\t%s\t%s: %s' % ( data[ 1 ] [ 1 ], data [ 1 ] [ 2 ].split ( ' ' ) [ 1 ], ' ' .join ( data [ 1 ] [ 2 ].split ( ' ' ) [ 1: ] ) ) )
                #Perform an action
                #Usage: ^do <action>
                elif ( command == 'do' or command == 'act' or command == 'action' ) and irc.isAdminCommand ( data ) :
                    irc.privmsg ( arguments [ 0 ], '\x01ACTION %s\x01' % ' '.join ( arguments [ 1: ] ) )
                    irc.logwrite ( 'DID\t%s\t%s: %s' % ( data[ 1 ] [ 1 ], data [ 1 ] [ 2 ].split ( ' ' ) [ 1 ], ' ' .join ( data [ 1 ] [ 2 ].split ( ' ' ) [ 1: ] ) ) )
                #Join channels
                #Usage: ^join #channel1 #channel2 #channel3 ...
                elif command == 'join' and irc.isAdminCommand ( data ) :
                    for channel in arguments :
                        irc.join ( channel )
                #Leave channels
                #Usage: ^part #channel1 #channel2 #channel3 ...
                elif command == 'part' and irc.isAdminCommand ( data ) :
                    for channel in arguments :
                        irc.part ( channel )
                #Cycle channels
                #Usage: ^cycle #channel1 #channel2 #channel3 ...
                elif command == 'cycle' and irc.isAdminCommand ( data ) :
                    for channel in arguments :
                        irc.part ( channel )
                        irc.join ( channel )
                #Usage: ^quit
                elif command == 'quit' and irc.isAdminCommand ( data ) :
                #Print nicks cache to console (DEBUG only)
                #Usage: ^nicksdbg
                elif command == 'nicksdbg' and irc.debug and irc.isAdminCommand ( data ) :
                    print ( irc.users )
                #Turns DEBUG mode on/off
                #Usage: ^debug <on|off>
                elif command == 'debug' and irc.isAdminCommand ( data ) :
                    if len ( arguments ) == 1 :
                        if arguments [ 0 ].lower() == 'on' :
                            irc.debug = 1
                        elif arguments [ 0 ].lower() == 'off' :
                            irc.debug = 0
                #Change bot's nick
                #Usage: ^nick NewNick
                elif command == 'nick' and irc.isAdminCommand ( data ) :
                    if len ( arguments ) == 1 :
                        irc.nick ( arguments [ 0 ] )
            else :
                if data [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ :1 ] == '#' :
                    irc.logwrite ( 'CHANMSG\t%s\t%s: %s' % ( data [ 1 ] [ 1 ], data [ 0 ].split ( '!' ) [ 0 ], data [ 1 ] [ 2 ] ) )
                else :
                    irc.logwrite ( 'PRIVATE\t%s\t%s: %s' % ( data [ 1 ] [ 1 ], data [ 0 ].split ( '!' ) [ 0 ], data [ 1 ] [ 2 ] ) )
        #NAMES List
        if data [ 1 ] [ 0 ] == '353' :
            irc.initUsers ( data )
        #User left the channel
        if data [ 1 ] [ 0 ] == 'PART' and not data [ 0 ].split ( ' ! ' ) == irc.name:
            irc.delUser ( data [ 1 ] [ 1 ], data [ 0 ].split ( '!' ) [ 0 ] )
        #User joined the channel
        if data [ 1 ] [ 0 ] == 'JOIN' and not data [ 0 ].split ( ' ! ' ) == irc.name:
            irc.addUser ( data [ 1 ] [ 1 ], data [ 0 ].split ( '!' ) [ 0 ] )
        #User quit
        if data [ 1 ] [ 0 ] == 'QUIT' and not data [ 0 ].split ( ' ! ' ) == irc.name:
            for channel in irc.users :
                irc.delUser ( channel[ 0 ], data [ 0 ].split ( '!' ) [ 0 ] )
        #User changed their nick
        if data [ 1 ] [ 0 ] == 'NICK' :
            irc.changeUserName ( data [ 0 ].split ( '!' ) [ 0 ], data [ 1 ] [ 1 ] )
        #Mode was changed
        if data [ 1 ] [ 0 ] == 'MODE' :
            if len ( data [ 1 ] ) > 3 :
                i = 0
                nicks = data [ 1 ] [ 3 ].split ( ' ' )
                while i < len ( nicks ) :
                    modechange = data [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ i+1: ][ :1 ]
                    user = nicks [ i ]
                    powerchange = 0
                    if modechange == 'v' :
                        powerchange = 1
                    elif modechange == 'h' :
                        powerchange = 2
                    elif modechange == 'o' :
                        powerchange = 4
                    elif modechange == 'a' :
                        powerchange = 8
                    elif modechange == 'q' :
                        powerchange = 16
                    if data [ 0 ] [ 2 ] [ :1 ] == '-':
                        powerchange *= -1
                    irc.changeUserMode ( data [ 1 ] [ 1 ], user, powerchange )


I hope I haven't forgotten anything

Edit: oops, turns out I forgot to get it to identify with nickserv. Will add that in for the next revision.

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