ZigZagJoe Posted November 20, 2009 Share Posted November 20, 2009 Thanks I have been looking at mplayer (after I tried wx's media controls (failed))... so ya I am probably going to use mplayer but I was thinking of passing the url for search result playing. Only problem is you have to use post data to tell groovesharks' servers what to play. afaik, mplayer doesn't have a facility to pass post data. Also, it looks like only the search results *sometimes* have genres.... I wrote a routine to use google to scrape genres, it's not perfect but it's the best i've seen so far. The code is in c#, but i can post it if you like. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zimmer Posted November 20, 2009 Author Share Posted November 20, 2009 I would love that, I know some C and C++ and can generally read code I can't program in (well get the gist etc.) so ya any code would be great! Thank you. :) (also is the source code for saver2 open (I am interested (curiosity))) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZigZagJoe Posted November 20, 2009 Share Posted November 20, 2009 I would love that, I know some C and C++ and can generally read code I can program in (well get the gist etc.) so ya any code would be great! Thank you. :) (also is the source code for saver2 open (I am interested (curiosity))) Saver2/sproxy source currently isn't open but I do plan on releasing the savers (aka, the bits which sniff songs and gives the data to saver2 to do what you will with it). If i can find a good project host thing it's a distinct possibility though. Code: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Net; using System.IO; public class Genre {     public static string[] KnownGenres = {             "alternative", "other", "classical", "rock",             "hiphop", "hip hop", "r&b", "techno", "trance",             "dance", "punk", "pop", "metal", "rap", "jazz",             "ska", "electronic", "progressive", "country" ,             "breakbeat", "funk", "world", "soul", "house"         };     public string Value = "";     public string DebugResult = "";     public override string ToString()     {         return Value;     } } public class GoogleScraper {     private static string GetHTTP(string URL)     {         HttpWebResponse resp = null;         HttpWebRequest req = null;         StreamReader sr = null;         try {             req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(URL);             req.UserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible)";             req.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version10;             req.Timeout = 10000;             req.Proxy = new WebProxy("" + Proxy.CORE.Server.listenPort, false);             resp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();             sr = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.ASCII);             return sr.ReadToEnd();         } finally {             if (sr != null)                 sr.Close();             if (req != null)                 req.Abort();             if (resp != null)                 resp.Close();         }     }     public static Genre ScrapeGenre(string song)     {         return ScrapeGenre(song, " genre");     }     public static Genre ScrapeGenre(string song, string extra)     {                 try         {             string googleResult = GetHTTP("http://www.google.com/search?q=" + Uri.EscapeUriString(song.Replace("&", "and") + extra) + "&num=30").ToLower();             Dictionary<string, int> Counts = new Dictionary<string, int>();             Genre g = new Genre();             foreach (string genre in Genre.KnownGenres) {                 if (song.Contains(genre)) // it happens... unfortunatly                     continue;                 if (!googleResult.Contains(genre))                     continue;                 int c = 0;                 c += CountStringOccurrences(googleResult, " " + genre);                 c += CountStringOccurrences(googleResult, genre + " ");                 c += CountStringOccurrences(googleResult, " " + genre + " ");                 if (c == 0)                     continue;                 Counts.Add(genre, c);                 g.DebugResult += genre + " w/ " + c + "\r\n";             }             if (Counts.Count == 0)                 throw new Exception("No results");             List<string> resultGenres = new List<string>();             g.DebugResult += "\r\n";             while ((resultGenres.Count < (Counts.Count / 2)) || (resultGenres.Count == 0))             {                 int maxVal = 0;                 string currMax = "";                 foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> kvp in Counts)                     if ((kvp.Value > 0) && (kvp.Value >= maxVal) && !resultGenres.Contains(kvp.Key))                     { // find the highest which has not yet been added                         currMax = kvp.Key;                         maxVal = kvp.Value;                     }                 if (currMax == "")                     break; // just in case                 if ((resultGenres.Count != 0) && (Counts[currMax] < (Counts[resultGenres[resultGenres.Count - 1]] / 2)))                     break; // don't add genres with few results when the big ones have been added already                 resultGenres.Add(currMax);                 g.DebugResult += "add " + currMax + "\r\n";             }             foreach (string s in resultGenres)                 g.Value += (char)((byte)s[0] - 32) + s.Substring(1) + " / ";             g.Value = g.Value.Substring(0, g.Value.Length - 2);             return g;         }         catch (Exception e)         {             throw new Exception("Failed to scrape genre", e);         }     }     private static int CountStringOccurrences(string target, string str)     {         int c = 0;         int i = 0;         do         {             i = target.IndexOf(str, i);             if (i == -1)                 break;             i += str.Length;             c++;         } while (true);         return c;     } } Basically, google the song artist and track name, then count the number of occurrences of the recognized genre words. Then pick the top ones, up to (number of found genres/2) while the values being added are still at least half as big as the last one added. GetHTTP gets a page and returns it as a string. Certainly not pretty code, but it does work. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gnounc Posted November 22, 2009 Share Posted November 22, 2009 love the program, Ive been looking for one in python specifically, so very nice. So far in using it I've noticed: *only 1 search works, after downloading and going back to search it errors *the program doesnt create the download directory if it doesnt already exist. *it asks you to agree to the eula everytime you start it *it doesnt check to see if a song (or filename) exists before downloading *obviously theres no option to stream song in player instead of downloading yet *and it doesnt actually save the new filepath for next session most of these have to do with persistance ala cfg file Anywho, good work, cant wait to see how this evolves Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zimmer Posted November 22, 2009 Author Share Posted November 22, 2009 Ya the new one should have some fixes but my main goal is to get streaming playback working (harder than it sounds :() ya I hope to have the next release soon. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZigZagJoe Posted November 22, 2009 Share Posted November 22, 2009 Ya the new one should have some fixes but my main goal is to get streaming playback working (harder than it sounds :() ya I hope to have the next release soon. did a dirty hack to make your app output url and streamkey doing so, "wget --post-data='streamKey=(KEY)' (URL) -O - -q | mplayer - -cache 320 -demuxer audio" worked fine. To control it, use mkfifo and mplayer slave mode. Only problem is that would limit it to *nix only. Until mplayer has an option to post data itself, you're going to have to break platform compatibility one way or another if you want to control mplayer. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zimmer Posted November 23, 2009 Author Share Posted November 23, 2009 mplayer can get piped data? Well that changes things :) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZigZagJoe Posted November 23, 2009 Share Posted November 23, 2009 for basic streaming support i added os.system("wget --post-data='streamKey=" + data['streamKey'] + "' " + self.mp3URL +" -O - -q | mplayer - -cache 320 -demuxer audio") right after data['streamKey'] = self.songKeyfromID(self.songID) in Grooveshark.py, and it streamed fine. Running on os x. though, the song download stuff didn't ofc becuase the stream key is consumed. if you play around with piping to/from files you can probably have your cake and eat it too (stream it and save it). though, again, that would limit it to *nix only. playing around, wget (URL etc) -q -O "/home/user/wherever/file - artist.mp3" & sleep 3; mplayer "/home/user/wherever/file - artist.mp3" -cache 320 -demuxer audio -slave -quiet causes it to be downloaded to a file AND played back by mplayer (after a 3 second delay, to allow for buffering). now, if you put commands into stdinput, you can control mplayer. "pause" and "volume [value] 1" are the most important ones, more on http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/tech/slave.txt Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zimmer Posted November 23, 2009 Author Share Posted November 23, 2009 Well that will work because instead of using wget I can just do while 1: data = f.read(1024) sys.stdout.write(data) sys.stdout.flush() if not data: break it will push the data to stdout in 1024 bit chunks as it gets it (then I just pipe it to mplayer) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zimmer Posted November 23, 2009 Author Share Posted November 23, 2009 one problem is how to control this... I wonder if I could do this in slave mode with pipes Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZigZagJoe Posted November 23, 2009 Share Posted November 23, 2009 Well that will work because instead of using wget I can just do while 1: data = f.read(1024) sys.stdout.write(data) sys.stdout.flush() if not data: break it will push the data to stdout in 1024 bit chunks as it gets it (then I just pipe it to mplayer) Yeah, but you can't control mplayer without implementation-breaking pipes being involved if you are feeding the data via stdin. You could do something like (pseudocode, i don't know python) system(wget URL -O file &) sleep 3 process = popen(mplayer file -quiet -slave) process.stdin.write("pause") and so on and then throw commands at mplayer stdin while the process is sill running. Or, you could just use system() and let mplayer handle it (space play/pause, ctrl c quit) for the pandora client, i end up using 2 threads plus mplayer (and the UI thread ofc). One reads data via http and stores the chunks received; the other feeds these blocks to mplayer via a named pipe. meanwhile, stdin and slave mode is used to control it. to use pipes for playback mkfifo pipe wget url -O pipe mplayer pipe -cache 320 -demuxer audio Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zimmer Posted November 23, 2009 Author Share Posted November 23, 2009 hmm ya of course I could see what system they are on and use their native named pipes Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zimmer Posted November 23, 2009 Author Share Posted November 23, 2009 Threads are evil! (what I got when I used them in python from people (due to problems debugging them I like threads though I think I got a solution will be back with report on if it works Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZigZagJoe Posted November 23, 2009 Share Posted November 23, 2009 hmm ya of course I could see what system they are on and use their native named pipes the problem with this is quite frankly windows pipes are bitchy as hell and i rather doubt you could get them working sanely in python (c would have to be involved somewhere) so, yeah, in conclusion it'd be best to have wget or something else output to a file (streaming) while mplayer reads from the file and you control mplayer via slave. It would be implementation neutral being the key thing. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zimmer Posted November 23, 2009 Author Share Posted November 23, 2009 it works!!! Ok my solution write to a file 1024 bytes of the file then open it in mplayer example (some mp3 I found (the audio I don't necessarily agree about (it is religion))) I googled some mp3 http://www.ccel.org/ccel/anonymous/catacombs/mp3/ #Play                 file_ = open('C:/Kibble.mp3', 'wb')                 f = urllib2.urlopen('SOME URL')                 while 1:                     data = f.read(1024)                     file_.write(data)                     if not data:                         break then in mplayer mplayer.exe "C:/Kibble.mp3" (it works even if the file is still being download) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zimmer Posted November 24, 2009 Author Share Posted November 24, 2009 Updated... url http://download774.mediafire.com/azdy55ssd...jnywno/dist.exe Has streaming playback support - with controls Creates download folder if it does not exist Asks to overwrite download mp3s Keeps settings over multiple app instances Fixes bugs ---- multiple searches Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zimmer Posted November 25, 2009 Author Share Posted November 25, 2009 Almost have a GUI done... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gnounc Posted November 27, 2009 Share Posted November 27, 2009 The directory still didnt save properly. Streaming works perfectly though, I'm going to test out playlists now, cant wait to see what you come up with for a gui! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zimmer Posted November 30, 2009 Author Share Posted November 30, 2009 Ok gui is just about ready to go, playback works, download works... should be released later today. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mtron Posted November 30, 2009 Share Posted November 30, 2009 Great ! Hopefully with source for us Linux guys ;) Thanks Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zimmer Posted November 30, 2009 Author Share Posted November 30, 2009 Of Course :) Heck without the cross platformness ZigZagJoe would have all the users (IMO his app is better (yes I am admitting my app is not the best)) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zimmer Posted December 3, 2009 Author Share Posted December 3, 2009 Ok here is the source http://pastebin.com/mbcc4bf You need httplib2 installed (see first post), python (first post) and wxPython (wxPython.org/download) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zimmer Posted December 5, 2009 Author Share Posted December 5, 2009 GUI HERE FOR REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry about such a long time between releases. For non windows users change the mplayer path in the settings tab. Also you can change the default save location (defaults to Music directory in the apps directory) http://download838.mediafire.com/l5m1wleem...distrobution.7z Well it took me a LOT longer then I was hoping/thinking to make the gui but it is here... You need wxPython for the gui app - wxPython.org/download.php Ideas for next releases: Pandora support Anything you guys can suggest (I am willing to add pretty much anything (that is not a promise though :-))) Tips: If you want faster releases, annoy and pester me :). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pichet Posted December 5, 2009 Share Posted December 5, 2009 Hi Zimmer, I tried the *.py thing on a 'PureOS-Light' Linux LiveCD with 'wxPython' and my evaluation didn't last too long: missing stuff, whatever. Maybe an module would help! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zimmer Posted December 5, 2009 Author Share Posted December 5, 2009 pichet what stuff was missing? also why the hell do you want to run it on a live cd, this app writes files to the disk so a live cd WOULD NOT WORK. also on linux you need to change the mplayer executable from a windows exe to the linux version. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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