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Open Source people give me a headache


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Except no commercial product available has the functionality that MythTV does. Nor will one ever exist. All the money in the world can't buy what I have :) .

However, I might be inclined to go "I want what you have, but I don't have the time to do it myself, so if I pay you cost+20% will you build me one and support it for a year?"

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However, I might be inclined to go "I want what you have, but I don't have the time to do it myself, so if I pay you cost+20% will you build me one and support it for a year?"

And I will say "indeed". I don't have a problem with people not taking the time to fully understand Linux, if I did I'd be sadly disappointed. So very few people ever take the time to actually understand how their OS works or even the proper procedure to do things (we all recall the time that we watched somebody email a picture by copying it from IE and pasting it in word, then saving the document and attaching it). So long as the person tries to become comfortable with it and know their way around that they don't feel lost, I'm quite alright with building a "ready-made" solution for someone. As a matter of fact, I don't live alone, the MythTV box that I made is shared by my family (yes...I live at home while attending college). I figure if my family can understand how to use it and not complain about it and hell, they're even comfortably content with it (although they would never admit a love for it like me) then that's one less battle I have to deal with. That's also one step forward for open source.

Now of course we all know most DVR's, Blu-Ray Players, and even TV's have some sort of open source library being implemented. My pioneer Kuro and the Bonusview player both had GPL licenses in their books (probably for busybox as well as other things; some were mentioned, some weren't). A lot of other Non-GPL open licensed software was in there (libjpeg being one). MIT, BSD, Sun's open license, you name it. Getting them to see --it's more than just an appliance, that it's fully programmable and infinite possibilities can happen with the computer inhabited with open source software-- that's the trick to set it apart from all the other linux embedded commercial devices.

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Could you please tell me exactly what is wrong with spelling "Microsoft" "micr0$0ft" ?

Is it wrong or what ?

But considering this is mainly a place for sciddy wannabe-hackers I can see why you

get a headache... You may be required to USE it !!

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