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Question about Windows Explorer username/passwords

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You know how the first time you connect to your Clarkconnect storage server in Windows Explorer you get asked for a username and password... and you select the option so Windows remembers the details? How do you reset that option if you want to logon in a different name and password?

I've been messing about with Samba settings and I want to try logging in with a different user to make sure the settings are working.

This is a question I have asked on other forums but I have never got the anwser.


have you got internet explorer 7? its really easy thanks to windows linking windows explorer and internet explorer. just right click on your internet explorer icon select properties (or internet properties), then under the heading "Browsing history" click delete and then "Delete passwords..."


could be a reg key. run regedit and search for your username. then export the key and delete it. only brainstorming here


If you've created a connection in (Windows XP) My Network Places to a specific Clarkconnect (Samba share) with a certain username, it's only for that username/password/server combo.

You'll need to set up a new connection to connect to a different one or to connect to the same one with a different username. There is a checkbox to store the password but the username is part of the connection.

If you've created a connection in (Windows XP) My Network Places to a specific Clarkconnect (Samba share) with a certain username, it's only for that username/password/server combo.

You'll need to set up a new connection to connect to a different one or to connect to the same one with a different username. There is a checkbox to store the password but the username is part of the connection.

I know that. What I want to know is how to uncheck the checkbox and remove the stored password.

NET USE /Persistent:No


NET USE /Persistent:Yes

Then add the shares back again.

Should I be typing those commands in on the Windows terminal or on the storage server terminal?

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