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Everything posted by Mother

  1. Thanks.....The laptop I am running this is on is Backtrack 5 which is installed and not a live cd. I am using a netgear USB wifi (wlan0) and nic (eth0) connected to the MK3. I use my Windows 7 laptop to test with. I use the ./wp3.sh to start it.
  2. Thanks for all your help. I have a long drive back to California so when I get home I am going to dig into this but if anyone has any ideas please let me know.......
  3. So I reflashed my pineapple like Mr.Protocol suggested and went to a different wifi network. I am still getting a 192.168.10.x sent out on dhcp. Where should I be looking for this? This is getting frustrating. Anyone have any ideas???????
  4. Thanks... I did what you said and connecting to the pineapple ssid I did get a IP address. I then connected the cable to my laptop and ran wp3.sh I started seeing a ton of devices connected and getting a 172.16.42.x addresses. I then connected my laptop to the internet ssid and got a IP address but in the pineapple webif I saw my laptops mac address on the ARP log with an address of I connect my phone to the 'internet' ssid and see it on the webif as but on the phone I see a address and cannot get to the internet. Very weird. I tried calling on skype but I guess there is a time difference and your asleep.
  5. Any idea on this????? Where would I look to see whats doing dhcp? I have a strong networking background and a pretty OK linux skills. I am trying to find out where the Networking.com is coming from as well as the 192.168.10.x network. I feel like I am getting close to getting this devise to work. Thanks..
  6. So I was able to flash my MIII successfully and I am currently have it running. I used the ./wp3.sh to start the pineapple. I can see MACS in tha association logs. From my Windows 7 box I can see the 'internet' ssid and connect to it. Once connected I cannot get on the internet and when I do a IPCONFIG I get the following..... Wireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection: Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : Networking.com Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::84f0:b36c:7278:7041%11 IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . : Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : Where is this .10.x network coming from? From the WEBif on the Pineapple I can see the routing table is It looks like it is correct. What can I do to check this and see why the 192.168.10.x is being giving by DHCP???? Thanks
  7. Are we talking about URLsnarf and ngrep not logging anything?
  8. Freakin sweet...I was able to find my issue by reading this, You are awesome....Beers on me!
  9. Ok, so I dont check any boxes and I have the pineapple connected with a crossover cable. I hit 'Go' in the EasyFlash and then plug in the power on the pineapple. I get .. stderr:Non arp received. Make sure the device is connected directly! stderr:Expect arp with lenght 60, receive 42. Perr MAC: 00:c0:ca:32:b1:a8 Peer IP: Your Mac: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx Your IP: If I keep the pineapple plugged in I at least get the correct IP.. Am I doing it right?
  10. OK , I am try to get this clear. I launch the ap51-flash-fonera-gui-1.0-42. There are 2 input boxes, the first one I browse to the squash file and the second I browse to the lzma file. Do I also check the boxes for 'Create Nvram Partition' and 'Uncompressed Load' as well?
  11. How do you know if the flash has taken correctly??
  12. Ya, sorry about that, just want to get this thing working. Thats what I was thinking. The pineapple is and dhcp looks right in the webif but when I see 'internet' ssid and connect I get a 192.168.10.x network. eth0 is connect to the Pineapple with a
  13. Thanks Mr.Protocol...So a I need a cross over cable..
  14. I am going to be doing it tonight. What method did you use?
  15. Anyone have a link to download Freifunk EasyFlash? I cannot seem to find the link. Thanks
  16. Looking forward to that guide. Great works guys...
  17. Ya, this seems to a standard occurence. I just had to keep pounding on it until it started to work somewhat. What OS are you using?
  18. So it has been a while since I used my MIII and now I am in a Las Vegas hotel for VMware training trying to get this to work. I can get everything to start up fine. (I think) but when my Windows laptop connects to the "internet" ssid it gets an ip of 192.168.10.x address. I thought it supposed to be a 172.16.42.x ip? Whats going on??????
  19. So using method 2 following the instructions from http://www.digininja...nstallation.php, when done how do you add back the add-ons like airodump and the other pieces of software?
  20. I was just being a smartass.... I am not even ready to start thinking a flashing until I learn more of what I am doing.
  21. GIVE ME, GIVE ME, GIVE ME......lol Darren, you are doing an awesome job and your work is appreciated. Damn, I still remember stumbling onto your videos back in season 1 with Wess. You have come a long way and I also look forward to new videos.
  22. Thats what I thought. Was that what Darren was using when he did the interview with CBS and he was capturing the reporters logins? Thanks
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