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Posts posted by jollyrancher82

  1. My bet is that Darren will win, Wess will hit Darren, Darren will attempt to retaliate but miss (with or without the use of alcohol), and Darren will go to the hospital.  Thus Wess will ultimately win.

    You start by saying Darren will win, then end saying Wess will win...

  2. I sincerely apologize for bumping this old thread.

    He hasn't changed a bit from the day you posted this. Infact he is worse than ever. Just as arrogant.

    He has absolutely no humbleness in him at all. He thinks he is a GOD among commoners.

    I hope he gets pwned hard oneday. Maybe then he'll learn not to be a jackass to everyone....

    Im a former friend of k1u's. Im just a gamer, and know absolutely nothing about hacking or pc technology.

    he tricked me.

    Give me infos!  I'll pwn him hard.

  3. Favourite game: Wii Sports

    Favourite OS: AffinityOS

    Favourite console: Wii/DS/PSP

    Nationality: British

    Accent: English

    Sex: Male

    Age: 21

    Race: White European

    Height: 6' something

    Status: Dead.

    Build: #1337

    Favourite band: System of a Down

    Favourite book: Deception Point - Dan Brown

    Favourite author: Dan Brown

    Favourite movie: 10 Things I Hate About You

    Favourite director: TomB

    Favourite TV Show: Prison Break/Lost/Scrubs

    Favourite actor: TomB

    Favourite actress: Jessica Alba

    Favourite Pinup: Jessica Alba

    Favourite Comedian: Jimmy Carr

    Other hobbies: Being elite.

    Occupation: PHP Developer.

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