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Posts posted by jollyrancher82

  1. Maybe, but at this kids level I think FreeBSD would have an easier learning curve. No doubt that openBSD is a nice OS, but coming straight from windows it will be a bit harder. Its a personal choice yes, and he's not going to be able to jump into it straight away, but sitting down with a BSD OS for a few months and figuring it out for himself will teach him far more than simply following a tutorial from howtoforge. And there is no doubt that he needs the expirence to be honest, would do him good.

    CentOS is basically a free version of Redhat sans branding and support, so it is basically RHEL but without the costs. Fedora is a nice OS, but its not a production OS.

    Lastly, avoid Plesk, webmin+virtualmin is a nice CP for your clients (and free) but cpanel rocks more.

    It's security is 'amazing' out the box because it only comes with an SSHd.

    Well... OBSD is not that hard to learn... the main reason I suggested it is because its security out of box is amazing. The only other OS that compares in security with OBSD is Solaris... yes I said what you think I said... Solaris... I do not want to start a whole conversation about Solaris and OBSD being the most secure OS'es on earth but Solaris has a very advanced permissions system and is very powerful and secure. It is a good choice for someone with a Unix background, but looking for something user-friendly.

  2. So Hak.5 is lowered itself to the level of all those people who play FPS 24/7?  Can't just have a fun game anymore.

    So just because its competition means it can't be fun. I fo one am all for it. Competition only will make these guys better at the games they play.

    I am for Pwn.5 or h4x.5 both of them are sweet.

    Which games would we be playing or is it jsut whatever we want. I am up for heading up a Console Hak.5 Group. :)

    Competition implies competing... competing removes the fun, because it goes from fun to serious.

  3. Java and Javascript are completely different languages. Contray to popular belife, they have nothing to do with each other, other than a similar name. Nothing.  Although sun now own both.  Javascript is not a scripting version of Java like one would expect due to the name. Its not like VB and VBscript. They are different languages in their own right.

    This is the code for tic tac toe in java:


    Its using awt for the GUI

    And here it is in java script:


    In the JavaScript one you always win if you go first, and tie if the computer goes first.  Pretty poor AI :/

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