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  1. Your right, the installer did freeze durring the .net framework section of the installer. I confirmed that tonight when I installed saver on a friends Mac. A good clean install again. Out of curiosity what do you use for a music playback client?
  2. Ive successfully configured Saver and the Pandora client running TorEndPoints to run on a Mac. The set up IMac I7 Mac OSX 10.6.5 Parallels 6 Running Parallels I created a virtual machine running Windows 2003 Server configured to XP workstation mode. http://www.msfn.org/win2k3/ Running Win03 as a virtual machine I downloaded the latest Xmas version of Saver. Installing Saver was a bit ugly as the the installer appeared to freeze and I had to force quit the installer, however Saver was successfully installed. I then reconfigured the proxy within Saver to the following settings. Socks5 Proxy Port Port 5060 Works like charm..... Pandora to Canada on a Mac. A tip of my hat to ZZJ.
  3. IMO there is no valid reason to hide the tor command window on the task bar. The solution is to drag the task bar so its minimized (hidden).
  4. I suspect it could be Tor timing out or failing to resolve an IP address, causing this crash. BTW Tor is very simple to set up for use with Saver2. 2/10/2010 11:54:06 AM Pandora: sniffed Radiohead - "House Of Cards" on 'In Rainbows' (ID S989535) 2/10/2010 11:54:06 AM S989535: Started downloading 2/10/2010 11:54:06 AM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready 2/10/2010 11:54:06 AM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download 2/10/2010 11:54:07 AM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected 2/10/2010 11:54:17 AM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer 2/10/2010 11:54:17 AM #420 GET http://images-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/images/...5_130W_130H.jpg 2/10/2010 11:54:18 AM S989535: Got album art 2/10/2010 11:55:44 AM StreamPlayer: Song download complete 2/10/2010 11:55:44 AM S989535: Finished downloading 2/10/2010 11:55:45 AM S989535: Song AART ready, submitting 2/10/2010 11:55:45 AM Saver2: Processing song Radiohead - "House Of Cards" on 'In Rainbows' (ID S989535) 2/10/2010 11:55:45 AM FILE SAVED, Source: Pandora; MP3 format, 5286764 bytes 2/10/2010 11:55:46 AM #421 GET http://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=sr_adv...t=relevancerank 2/10/2010 11:55:46 AM Using 4a proxy to resolve addr 2/10/2010 11:58:58 AM Something has went horribly wrong in SProxy. System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The system cannot find the file specified at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEx(ProcessStartInfo startInfo) at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo startInfo) at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(String fileName) at Proxy.CORE.LaunchURL(String URL) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\SProxy\CORE.cs:line 108 at Proxy.MainForm.linkLabel1_LinkClicked_1(Object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\SProxy\MainForm.cs:line 431 at System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel.OnLinkClicked(LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Label.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel.WndProc(Message& msg) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) 2/10/2010 11:59:34 AM #422 GET /log 2/10/2010 11:59:34 AM #423 GET /proxyicon.gif 2/10/2010 11:59:34 AM #425 GET /log 2/10/2010 11:59:35 AM #426 GET /favicon.ico 2/10/2010 11:59:35 AM StreamPlayer: Done sending data 2/10/2010 11:59:37 AM #427 GET /favicon.ico 2/10/2010 11:59:37 AM #428 GET /favicon.ico 2/10/2010 11:59:48 AM Client: Song finished playback 2/10/2010 11:59:48 AM Client: Starting playback of song Telepopmusik - "Breathe" on 'Genetic World' (ID S118823) 2/10/2010 11:59:48 AM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t2-2.pandora.com/access/1...%2B03V6bFUhc%3D 2/10/2010 11:59:48 AM #429 GET http://audio-sjl-t2-2.pandora.com/access/1...%2B03V6bFUhc%3D 2/10/2010 11:59:48 AM #429: Exemption key Pandora-Vital forcing exempt 2/10/2010 12:00:48 PM StreamPlayer: Exception while starting --> System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at Client.StreamPlayer.Play(String URL, String exArgs) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\StreamPlayer.cs:line 334 2/10/2010 12:00:49 PM Client: Failed to play song, trying again 2/10/2010 12:00:49 PM Client: Starting playback of song Daft Punk - "Something About Us (Love Theme From Interstella 5555)" on 'Daft Club' (ID S154140) 2/10/2010 12:00:49 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t2-1.pandora.com/access/8...WtUYQn91FiXU%3D 2/10/2010 12:00:49 PM #430 GET http://audio-sjl-t2-1.pandora.com/access/8...WtUYQn91FiXU%3D 2/10/2010 12:00:49 PM #430: Exemption key Pandora-Vital forcing exempt 2/10/2010 12:01:49 PM StreamPlayer: Exception while starting --> System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at Client.StreamPlayer.Play(String URL, String exArgs) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\StreamPlayer.cs:line 334 2/10/2010 12:01:50 PM Client: ERROR Playback Error: HTTP streaming failure
  5. Saver2 is a brilliant piece of work. You have this method nailed with a Tor enabled proxy coupled with the versatility of using plug-ins. I'm running a Win03 box outside of the US using Tor. Your Pandora client in turbo mode is just awesome. A two thumbs up effort. You should be very proud of yourself. YZF
  6. I reverted back to the .7 version of Firefox. The rip function now works. I know the rip function works in version .8 and .9 however I'm not sure about the .10 version of Firefox. I'll have to test....
  7. I also confirm that Firefox 2. 0. 0. 11 kills the rip funtion. I'm going to revert back to the .09 Firefox version tonight.
  8. Greetings from Canada I found Darkone's Pandora's Jar the other week. Its one of the best programs that I've found in a long time. I found it very easy to setup. I'm running Vista Basic on my daughters $300 Acer box Firefox 2. 0. 0. 9 PJar Ver 8. 1 Removed Flash 9 and installed Flash 8 Edited pluginreg file as per the instructions. It worked the first time out. I did not install Greasemonkey or Flash switcher. I find that its best to start PJar with cruse control disabled, capture the first song manually and then enable cruise control. As far as Pandora restricting access to only the US. What a joke. Pandora can be accessed from any country outside the US using a very simple method that does not involve the use of TOR. My issue is that I don't know how to disclose this on a public board for fear of countermeasures from Pandora. Keep up the good work. . . .
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