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Posts posted by VilleValoV

  1. Can i make a boot cd of an Apple OS? preferably OS X. If anyone knows of a direct ISO download for a recent Apple OS plz post.

  2. Oh all I need to know is how to verify, not gather.

    Write a script that can preform the algorithm. Google it, thats all that needs to be done. I dont know how the CCV number works. Because that is Card specific. IT may take a bit more searching to get the proper answer.

  3. just go an buy HL2 you tight b******.

    People like you really iritate me in that you think you can get everything for free when so many people put all their work into something like that.

    Its people like your that have made the RIAA and MPAA cause so many problems and make it so that people can't use Nero and Alcohol 120% with games installed and have to put up with DRM everywhere.


  4. Call me crazy, but this story sounds a bit too fishy. It seems to me, hes looking for a way, simply, to get credit card numbers. if that is the case. Google the term "DarkCoding" and click on your first or second link. That ell give you almost 100 Credit card number. But no CCV numbers. And if your telling the truth, and he wants you to "Create" some program. Better start Learning them Algorithyms(spelling?). Because thats how all credit cards are verified.

  5. I tend to live by the rule of, if you piss off the wrong person they will find a way to make it illeagal. Especially with the way people look at a hacker today.

    I live by the rule, If your depriving someone of anything, its illegal(Be it access to the wireless hotspot, or the removal of files on their computer. Copying on the other hand is a different matter. But i agree with Toxie. You make the wonrg person mad, and sneezing becomes illegal.

  6. I got a bootable Burned Disc working properly. For the people that also need the wide variety of Security tools that Knoppix can give ya here how you can get your own Linux Knop. STD boot disc in less than 10minutes (Burn/Download speed varies)

    1. Download the ISO of Knoppix STD 0.1 Which can be found here


    2.Download Adensoft(or any other available ISO/Boot Cd Optioned Burning Program. The Seven Day Trial of Adensoft can be found here


    3. Install and Open Adensoft, Make sure your Cd/Dvd Copier/Burn

    Drive is selected at the bottom of the window. Click Burn ISO at the top. Select the Knoppix ISO, hit next. And leave the rest up to Adensoft.

    4.Now all you have to do. Insert the disc in your E: drive, Turn your computer off, and just boot from disc! Now ya have your very own working Bootable Linux-Knoppix os to further you in your packet snatching profession.

  7. I had some questions on how to do it. Thanks to the people that answered my questions. I put together a howto in the last post from all i have learned. Enjoy

    *brought to first post for easier findingness*

    I got a bootable Burned Disc working properly. For the people that also need the wide variety of Security tools that Knoppix can give ya here how you can get your own Linux Knop. STD boot disc in less than 10minutes (Burn/Download speed varies)

    1. Download the ISO of Knoppix STD 0.1 Which can be found here


    2.Download Adensoft(or any other available ISO/Boot Cd Optioned Burning Program. The Seven Day Trial of Adensoft can be found here


    3. Install and Open Adensoft, Make sure your Cd/Dvd Copier/Burn

    Drive is selected at the bottom of the window. Click Burn ISO at the top. Select the Knoppix ISO, hit next. And leave the rest up to Adensoft.

    4.Now all you have to do. Insert the disc in your E: drive, Turn your computer off, and just boot from disc! Now ya have your very own working Bootable Linux-Knoppix os to further you in your packet snatching profession.

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