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Posts posted by VilleValoV

  1. first off, i just bought a psp today. I was upset to find out that I couldnt save any game data from my new game "Liberty City Stories" on my PSP. Because it didnt come with ANY sort of memory. I didnt know if this was an accident on my part. Maybe i threw away something. But i thought it came w/ like 256memory. I didnt find this out til the stores have allready closed. So thats my first quesiton. Does the PSP come w/ any memory, did i throw my stick away?

    And quesiton two, i wont be able to get around a computer w/ working USB ports(long story) til tomorrow. I was wondering if there are any tweaks or cracks i could play aroudn with that dont involve me connecting my PSP to my computer.

  2. Now before i get all the WAREZ WAREZ WAREZ post. Listen. Yes it was wrong on her behalf, and having a crooked Microsotf Local Rep for a Brother Dosent help but. Shes been scared straight. MS sent her an email and told her it was a prosicutable offence and that she can expect to have her OS shut down (this is what she tells me). True or not, she demands i come over tomorrow and Save all her info to disc. So she can LEGALLY BUY HER NEW OPERATING SYSTEM. I was just wondering, is there a program that can search for user created files(that could pick up quicken, Word Docs, Email Lists, etc.) And make my job easier?

  3. Ok, so I'm getting the feeling that people like it, but not where it is. thing is, if it were on a seperate page and you had to click a chat link to get to it, it wouldnt get populated.

    Maybe I'll just break this bad boy out on hak5.org's homepage on the 5th and let the mayhem ensue (the cool kids know to join #hak5 on irc.hak5.org anyway)

    Hmmm.... kinda like a n00b buffer?

    Haha, I was thinking the same thing....

  4. See, whilst I'll probably get all three consoles eventually, there is one thing that sold me to Nintendo's latest venture.

    No, not the silly name, but the ability to download the backcatalog of Nintendo games.

    Castlevania, Bubble Bobble, and Street Fighter 2 anyone?

    Exite Bike, F-zero, Mike Tysons Punchout, SHAQ FU!!!!!!!

  5. Not sure if there has been a thread like this yet but post your comp cases/ case mods that you have done. Mine isnt really a mod. I just rebuilt my computer into an acrylic case and added the blue led fans. O and yea the case showed up with a borked power button so i had to fix that. I guess thats a mod.



    Dude....I can totaly see your Harddrive *covers his eyes*...I really like the See thru cases...Damn i need a new webcam...Ill get a pic of mine up as soon as possible.

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