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Posts posted by VilleValoV

  1. What if im looking for the new Diggnation .Wma ...since to get it you can DONATE money...and they say in the show to do w/e we want w/ it. Does that mean i can ask if anyone has it that can send it to me? Is that considered "warez"...just checkin...I hate the audio verions...soo...blah

  2. Definately, Dimimu Borgir. Just because its Orchestral(very drematic) And Death Metalness all at the same time. Ither them or The Bled. But after a good hack, i do feel like a gangsta, so some heavy Rap does do the job(old MF DOOM).

  3. Im sorry about the "warez" thing. Im very new, and not quite sure just yet what exactly that means. But lets say I BUY a copy of OSX. Is there a way i can download it to my Hardrive, but still have Windows as well? *Runs to google for advice*

  4. While were talking about boot off cds. Sorry to get a tad off topic. Does anyone know where i can download Maybe OS X. or any apple OS ISO that i can direct download (Torrents dont get along well w/ my computer). Or can Apple Os'es even be booted from a cd?

  5. linux-KnoppixSTD. (Security Tool Distribution) Has just about everything a successful Cracker will need. It all depends on what you really wish to do with Linux. I use Knoppix because it has a program called Airsnort. Snatches Packets, And Decrypts Passwords. For the Very Lazy person in all of us. But if you havent looked in to taht one. Fool around with it. Tons of Tools, and theres a Download link to it in my *EDITED* post on this forum.

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