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Posts posted by natural_orange

  1. To add an explanation to what other have said, you can't because they chip doesn't have any ability to receive input, it is simply pushing out video.

    You can find pretty cheap either usb or PCI video input cards, though your milegage may very, typically cheap cards come with crapware and poor support so read the reviews.

  2. i never thought of that, but this would be a good way to get like the name of .flv files in other players like ABC or Foxes online player, assuming that they are not encrpyting them.

  3. I'm surprised that this has not patched yet, it doesn't seem very difficult to fix, you just need something to wipe the ram chips when your done with them. Though if your HDD encrypted whatever is doing the wipe couldn't be encrypted. Probably something that would need to be added to the BIOS or bootloader.

    This is why they need the built-in crypto chips that are actually physically impossible to remove the key from because no command is built in to the chip that will output the keys.

    Another great example of someone not fully testing there product, i imagine that the developers just assumed like 99% of people in the world that RAM dissipated quickly after power was cut.

  4. if your doing this in vista you can just use the backup and recovery center.

    It will only backup what filetypes you want it to, and allows you to easily restore the files.  It will also compress them for you.

    You can either backup to a network drive or another hard drive.

    I use it and it works great.

    As for your script it is simply using xcopy to copy all the files from a directory to d:backup  if you don't have a d: drive or a folder called backup then it wont work.

    then it finds all the files that have been deleted from the computer but not the backup location

  5. the only way to get programs on the DS is to use a Mod Chip, im not sure what apps you can get for it but they did an ep on this last season i believe, and the last episiode

  6. Using " Net Administrator *"  is not hacking in anyway shape or form. Using a password reset floppy/cd is more of a hack than that.


    I just wrote a VB.NET app to convert a hostname to an integer ipaddress.  Although this won't work for anything that uses host headers (shared hosting).

    If you put the http://1086311198 into the Run Command, it will convert it to an ipaddress before sending it to your browser.

  7. theres something wrong with that

    it repeats the same block of info like 6 times

    <server_name>Hak5Radio -<br>  //MISSING </server_name>

    $title = <audio_info>ice-samplerate=44100;ice-bitrate=128;ice-channels=2</audio_info>











    <server_description>total bullshit songs you hate.</server_description>

    anyway you could just make seperate pages for server_description, server_name, listeners.  With the only thing on the whole page is just that.  For some reason that broken tag seems to break vb.net's html parsing

  8. Since TomB closed his web page I have no efficient way of getting the stream information.

    I either need access to the /admin/stats.xml file on the hak5radio server or way to get the stream information from VLC, which is gonna be hard because the documentation is a bit sparse.

  9. Hey Guys!

    I made an app in VB.NET that uses the VLC activeX component to play the Hak5radio stream as well as tell you the current song and how many people are listening!


    - .NET Framework 2.0 Download Here

    - VLC Installed Download Here

    I don't have a place to host it right now so all I can do is tease you with a screenshot.  If you know of a place to host this or you can host it please leave a post here or pm me. 

    SomeoneE1se is hosting it! Thank You!

    width=353 height=293http://arch.kimag.es/share/11453715.jpg[/img]

    Next I will add notification on either new song or when someone starts streaming, or both.

  10. Hey Everyone! I've been coding VB.NET for the last couple years and I've made a whole range of application, you can see them in the list.  I'm just wondering if anyone is interested in them... if you are I can send you the executable or the code.  if theres enough interest in any of these I'll keep working on them.  A lot of these are quite unfinished, some of them were really quick so I didn't spend a lot of time on really following best practices and  keeping the code neat.  I take no responsibility for any of this, use at your own risk, but most of these app's shouldn't give you problem.

    Mabey Ill make all of these into one big app?

    Seriously if anyone has a utility that they have been looking for, leave me a post or pm me and ill see what I can do! I'm also in the hak5irc a lot.

    Big Clock (Recent, Right now its just a big clock, but im hoping to add a timer, alarm, and coutdown)

    Caesar Shift Brute Force - (Will decrypt a selection of text with all 24 Caesar shift keys)

    Calculator (A calculator, mostly a proof of concept)

    Check Email Address (Recent, A program to check email address's)

    Digital Root (proof of concept, finds the digital root of a number)

    Encrypter (A Mono alphabetic cipher encrypter)

    FireFoxDDEEXEC (Fix's FireFox's DDEEXEC problems, i.e. Firefox cant find that file proble)

    Frequency Analysis (Analyzes the frequency of letters in a selection of text for solving mono alphabetic cipher)

    TrueCrypt Launcer ( A true crypt launcher, mostly so i can use it with my fingerprint reader)

    UtilMan Replacement (A replacement for utilman)

    CSVtoM3U (Takes a CSV (from iTunes for example) and converts it to a M3U Playlist)

    FileWatch (Monitor changes to files in a directory or drive, has a nice GUI)

    SendMail (a Proof of Concept for sending mail, still in progress)

    There's a few more floating around somewhere...

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