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Posts posted by Just_a_User

  1. Nice

    36 minutes ago, Sebkinne said:

    You can download stock firmwares from downloads.openwrt.org or compile yourself from source

    So im guessing most of the images would be from the http://archive.openwrt.org/chaos_calmer/15.05.1/ar71xx/generic/ feed? if so which device would you download for?

    And I assume the tetra would be the NAND branch not the generic? once its available.

    50 minutes ago, Sebkinne said:

    That said, those firmwares are completely free of any pineapple related code apart from the actual hardware support. 

    Thats a given, but is nice for EOL usage. Kinda reassuring that old pineapples can have a openwrt/lede retirement :)

  2. Not sure why you would want to use your pineapple as a std router but to each there own :) I answer your first point, the others you can research on the OpenWRT/LEDE. Someone recently cooked up the latest LEDE 14 build for there pineapple so if you have a search in the forums you should see something.

    9 minutes ago, Anthony Furt said:

    - To detect another Pineapple working in Rogue AP mode.


  3. 14 minutes ago, xxlewisperryxx said:

    thanks, got a silver slip from Royal Mail, asking me for money, thought i payed everything when i purchased.

    With USPS/STD Post its sometimes possible it gets overlooked, especially with smaller (letter) parcels. With DHL its the shipping incoterm that hak5 uses - they use DDU (Delivery duty unpaid) as this charge is country specific. If they shipped DDP (Delivery duty paid) they would need to adjust shipping charge per order. Import/export can be a PITA :)


  4. On 2/25/2018 at 6:48 AM, ISamson said:

    I tried to look for governmental reports, but I found not much. I am in Australia.

    Maybe this is it?


    Part 10.7—Computer offences

    in a more basic version https://www.afp.gov.au/what-we-do/crime-types/cybercrime/high-tech-crime#computer-intrusions Interesting.

    • Like 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, Dave-ee Jones said:

    Still, the Nexus 5X has a different WiFi card to the Nexus 5, meaning that Kali can't use it for network pentesting, sadly.

    you mean not without using an external card? yeah only the 5 apparently can do that.

    "There are some devices that can support monitor mode with a modified firmware and kernel such as the Nexus 5, 7 (2012), and Nexus 6P. Right now, only a specially modified version of Nexus 5 supports monitor mode for Nethunter"


  6. @Shawn @Moebetta

    First, welcome to the forums. Second, For pineapple related questions its best to read and post in the Pineapple section of the forums.


    Also in answer to your questions - https://wifipineapple.github.io/wifipineapple-wiki/#!index.md  is a great place to start, it also includes a videos section with a few youtube videos with first steps kind of info. If you check out the hak5 youtube channel you should be able to find more.

    If you have specific questions that are not already on the forums then ask away I for one will be happy to help if i can. Using the forums search tool is very useful to find information and solutions to issues that other users have experienced in the past - which can save you time figuring things out or having to ask basic questions to busy forums members.

    Good luck and again, welcome.

  7. 5 hours ago, Voltyvelvet said:

    Hi all, I want to know if anyone ever changed test scores without getting caught because I want to learn how since no one wants to do it for me. : (

    Why don't you instead put the same effort into studying to get real grades? it will also help show you areas of strength and weakness - which can help steer your personal career path choices. Dont think anyone if going to really help you with this.

    If your determined, im sure you will find a way... however, why? its a short term fix to a long term problem imo.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, ISamson said:

    so what use can such device be to me? 

    I have found it useful to use (finally) a small collection of old devices I had gathered over the years.

    You may not have some/many but you can also pick up old devices on the usual second hand markets, they don't need to be pretty or have great battery life but just need to be working - some cracked screen devices still work and can be picked up cheap. I focused mainly on android devices as even old iphones/ipods seem to hold prices better prob due to stripping for parts.

    With things like linageOS firmwares you can have an old device such as a Samsung S3 running Android Nougat with latest security patches to test against.

    Other devices i had was old IP cameras, DVR (not fully working) and iptv devices basically anything with wifi.  I'm still very much learning and make plenty of mistakes often but the Pineapples are forgiving and reset easily. if your determined you can use them as great learning tools but you may need to get to grips with Linux/OpenWRT before you can move onto other things, but everything in small bites works for me.

    Most of all have fun, show you mates, if they agree rick roll them. maybe if they like it you might get someone to join you in your explorations :)

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Fallen Archangel said:

    I think my main question is if the bash bunny can create a VPN/SSH tunnel, and if there would be any benefit to getting one over the other for this purpose.

    Welcome back, I found a some of your old posts useful :)

    I think both can do the minimum what you need (ish), but as both would use the clients network to get connections, have you considered the LanTurtle 3g? for remote access without using client network?

    EDIT -  Really the bashbunny would need to obtain Internet connection sharing from the host, or drop a payload on the host to get the access. https://github.com/hak5/bashbunny-payloads/tree/master/payloads/library/remote_access


  10. 23 minutes ago, vay3t said:

    @Just_a_User I can not believe how clueless I am. I've been laughing for a while. thanks!

    Your not clueless, sometimes the smallest things are the easiest to overlook. I should have spotted it while chatting on IRC.

    Are you going to add a *.ovpn selector on the module maybe? or maybe a window following the ovpn log?

    Next issue seems to be on the openvpn.sh

    root@NANO:/pineapple/modules/openvpn/scripts# ./openvpn.sh 
    cat: can't open '/tmp/openvpn.run': No such file or directory


  11. To confirm, I have installed this module manually on my nano (both on internal and SD), and the pineapple detects the module as in it adds it to the module list of the GUI and installed modules list of module manager. However the module itself does not load for me, i just get a box saying "vundefined".

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