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Everything posted by piffdos

  1. @LiveOverflow hey i noticed in your pwnable videos your gdb automatically prints out a stacktrace after each step. how'd you set that up?

  2. @sneakerhax sadly no filming at the con so the demo's don't really translate to slideshare

  3. RT @hacktress09: This pretty much sums up my week https://t.co/5PgminIwUM

  4. This is how I envision every #blueteam the morning of day 2 of @WRCCDC #ccdchttp://t.co/qPtys4THdA

  5. If every pentesting job requires 7-10 years of experience as a pentester, how exactly does one become a pentester? #circularrequirement

  6. happy sequestration day, we should make today a national holiday to celebrate how dysfunctional our government is!

  7. Lol @ “@nostarch: Last chance: get 40% off Blender Master Class. Use #coupon code WILLITBLEND.http://t.co/dkyuJJhwlV #b3d #opensource

  8. Many thanks to @MADSecInc for putting on a great ctf!

  9. Exited for today's talk by @sk3wl ! @defcon831 session 2!

  10. Maybe you should hire @Mandiant “@realDonaldTrump: My Twitter has been seriously hacked--- and we are looking for the perpetrators.”Hyuk yuk

  11. Improved NOP sled: (also what most people think when they hear "nop sled" http://t.co/M9wdC09J via @sec_reactions

  12. going the take the CEH exam, even though I dont think I could even consider myself a "hacker" with the simplicity of the test @eccouncil

  13. Make Unlocking Cell Phones Legal. http://t.co/plZ1lLZl

  14. Hey man, So I am working on getting the mitm module installed, I grabbed the mitm from the pineapple bar, then went to the tab and saw "MITM proxy not installed" so I chose install, and I was instructed to wait, and not refresh. Well I waited and waited and nothing happened. It would be nice to get an estimate of how long the average install takes so I dont think something went wrong. finally I went to /usb/infustions/mitm and ran ./install.sh which seems to still be running and installing quite a few packages, but some have failed during install mkdir: can't create directory '/usb/usr/lib/ImageMagick-6.7.8/config': No such file or directory cp: can't create '/usb/usr/lib/ImageMagick-6.7.8/config/': No such file or directory cp: can't create '/usb/usr/lib/ImageMagick-6.7.8/config/': No such file or directory I havent tried to use it yet, but basically my suggestion was to provide some sort of progress bar on the browser for the module installation so people dont think something has gone horribly wrong with the install. Thanks !
  15. excited 4 next weekend!! local defcon talk by @sk3wl then @MADSecInc CTF at @bsidessf then @RSAConference

  16. Hey all, I had some difficulty insalling modules on my pineapple and tried running opkg update to update the list of available packages, unfortunately it fails. I have tried the update using ICS and directly connecting the pineapple to my network. Here are the details. also I am unable to download the package from another system, any issues with the package server, is anyone else having this problem? root@Pineapple:/# ping www.google.com PING www.google.com ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=55 time=19.637 ms 64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=55 time=22.716 ms 64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=55 time=21.173 ms ^C --- www.google.com ping statistics --- 3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max = 19.637/21.175/22.716 ms root@Pineapple:/# ping cloud.wifipineapple.com PING cloud.wifipineapple.com ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=51 time=105.308 ms 64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=51 time=128.905 ms ^C --- cloud.wifipineapple.com ping statistics --- 2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max = 105.308/117.106/128.905 ms root@Pineapple:/# opkg update Downloading http://cloud.wifipineapple.com/packages/Packages.gz. wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Collected errors: * opkg_download: Failed to download http://cloud.wifipineapple.com/packages/Packages.gz, wget returned 1. root@Pineapple:/#
  17. Really exciting announcement for local DC831 members, stay tuned...

  18. Equal rights! support marriage between astromech and protocol droids. #equalmarriage http://t.co/e97y7Dgb

  19. Port security ate my homework

  20. whats the over/under on another java 0 day being released within the week?

  21. Has anyone had a recruiter ever ask you to bend the truth (lie) on a resume? I definitely don't want to work with an organization like that!

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