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Posts posted by thesugarat

  1. Darren,

    When you say "It'll support WPA" you're talking about the pineapple and not Karma correct? Of course you can setup an evil twin but you don't use Karma to pull in uers to that. You just be a hotter AP and throw in some jamming to disconnect clients and bingo.

  2. So for now it seems the best way to allow your controlling device onto the pineapple but not be affected by Karma is to go into your wireless settings and delete any open access points that your controlling device might have in storage. For a Macbook that's rather easy, not sure about idevices...

  3. You mean both karma and sslstrip don't show any logs? I would test one at a time until you get them working.

    For sslstrip use SSH to login to the pineapple and type sslstrip then enter. Tell us what you see. Cntrl+x to stop it. Or Cntrl+c I forget right now.

  4. Could it be that the fish feeder requires an ActiveX plugin that no other browser uses...

    I have a couple Panasonic webcams that require and ActiveX plugin to listen to the audio in the room. Everything else works perfectly so I don't worry about it. But I keep a VM of Windows handy for those rare instances where IE is absolutely required.

  5. For Karma:



    Check those out... Part of this is expectation management... Bottom line Karma is less effective now than it was a year ago because device manufacturers have caught on to what was being exploited.

    Also, where are you running karma? And I mean that physically, are you at home or are you doing this testing in a target rich environment like a coffee shop or airport? You may get plenty of probes at home but none of the devices connect for several different reasons.

  6. nabs,

    The answers to all of your questions are already here in the forums or in the pineapple university videos or other youtube videos that DrDinosaur mentioned. It's up to you to read and understand... and yes there are folks here who will answer questions, but to state there isn't much support here... that's just insulting.

    As for your number 6. SSH into the pineapple and nano/edit the list file you made for occupineapple. If I remember correctly there are extra characters in the file that are causing the problem you are seeing. I've not seen this problem myself but I did read about it here in the forums a few days ago...

  7. Doesn't adding it to the black list mean that Jammer will ignore that hardware? Shouldn't you add it to the White list so that it only tries to Jam just that hardware? Also, which of the jammers are you using? The aireplay should work against/deauth Access Points whereas the mdk3 should deauth the clients of the AP.

  8. You can't be serious, he plainly stated he was joking and you've responded since that post... Yes you need an SD card. I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to run without one. And if it isn't showing up, reformat it again under the Resources tile. When it does the reformat via that process it creates storage and swap space. The swap space is what I believe will help your bunny problem the most. You could try a USB thumb drive instead and see if you can create some swap space on that... You can try another SD card. Or it could genuinely be that you're correct and it might be a hardware malfunction with the SD card reader.

  9. I'm not saying it's going to fix anything... especially if it's a hardware problem... but there is a new beta firmware out for testing. Maybe sign up for that, flash it and let us know?

    Edit: After reading other posts its seems like some of you are already doing this.... Hope it helps.

  10. Well that's a different subject but what you are describing is not even ICS or Internet Connection Sharing. Which is difficult with OSX...

    Sounds like you have:

    MacBook wifi connected to your Home router on say 192.168.1.X range... And MacBook's Ethernet port manually set to connected to the Pineapple's eth0 port. Make sure you go into your Network settings and Prioritize your WiFi above your ehternet port. In that configuration your laptop will get it's internet from the WiFi connection but you should still be able to get to the management page of the Pineapple. But that configuration is very limiting.


    MacBook Wifi connected to Pineapple's AP (wlan0) with Pineapples Client Mode (wlan1) connected to an internet connected Access Point. That way you're all on the same system.

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