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Everything posted by mreidiv

  1. OK so i tested it on bt5 r1 64bit KDE hard drive install and bt r2 KDE 32 bit hard drive install injection working perfectly with bt5 native drivers Monitoring works perfectly with native drivers I am not sure why other people are having problems but i have not changed any settings in the os at all so maybe they have or maybe they are using a vm ?..... some people have it working fine others don't. So take it for what it is worth....
  2. I have never had a problem with this card but I just upgraded to bt5r2 I will double check but if you reasearch it on bt forums the people that are having the problems are using bt in vm or virtualbox. I will test it with bt5r2 and repost. Also I would like to get a good atheros based card also.
  3. This one is great 2000mw runs out the box with bt5 perfectly... http://www.amazon.com/High-Gain-Long-Rang-Alfa-9dBi-Mount/dp/B0038Q4AIG I have never had a problem with it..
  4. use the advanced tab and type in the command cat urlsnarf.log and hit execute
  5. He is probably confusing it with a rj48 t1 cable
  6. no real need to add a temp gauge on the mk4 i had it running for 8 hours no noticeable heating at all..
  7. http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?showtopic=25668
  8. I have set up ics on windows and have had clients using the wan lan but cant get urlsnarf too work
  9. urlsnarf is not showing up in the ui like the mk3 & by on i have it enabled in the ui is there a log file some where that i can look at? i can confirm that after 8 and a half hours not even a sign of over heating so that's good. I can cat urlsnarf and phish.log on the advanced page so its working just not in the Web UI
  10. just got my mk4 so i have Few questions Where did Ngrep go? I cant get urlsnarf to work. Karma urlsnarf dns spoof and cron jobs is on? And i though reaver would be included on this?
  11. On the reaver code page there is a data base that users are contributing to that stores the best settings for reaver for that particular router. It wont get you the info you want but should help. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ags-JmeLMFP2dFp2dkhJZGIxTTFkdFpEUDNSSHZEN3c#gid=0
  12. its out now: http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?showtopic=25639
  13. Can the mk4 use multiple usb devs at one time say a 3g and flash drive? Will it provide enough power to run both using a hub?
  14. Have you looked at reaver? and use this to dertirmin make http://www.coffer.com/mac_find/
  15. you have to remember that using a smaller computer limits the speed at wich some applications run. I have bt5 running on a netbook and i have some programs that will just bring the netbook to a halt. Also some GUI programs wont fit on the screen so the is no way to view the bottom of the GUI program or use it through the GUI. Also after looking at the specs it only has a 4g drive on it. and 256 ram. so i donthing it would work.
  16. What is VPS click this http://lmgtfy.com/?q=What+is+VPS What is cloud computing Click here http://lmgtfy.com/?q=What+is+Cloud+computing Not trying to be arrogant but try your questions in Google first.
  17. Check this battery out http://www.mcmelectronics.com/product/82-13770&scode=GS201&CAWELAID=678510498 or http://www.spytown.com/cop-12vpk4-5a.html?productid=cop-12vpk4-5a&channelid=FROOG&utm_source=CSEs&utm_medium=GoogleShopping&utm_campaign=SpytownCSE or http://compare.ebay.com/like/250992267054?var=lv&ltyp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar&_lwgsi=y&cbt=y this one is a must see http://www.securitycombo.com/products/Rechargeable-Power-Pack-Li%252dBattery-DC-12v-9v-5V-For-CCTV-Cameras.html
  18. i was able to work around the problem 1. hit connect in wicd to the ap u want 2. open terminal and issue "iwconfig [interface] key [key for ap]" so it should look like this iwconfig wlan0 key sdfsdfgsdf also i also noticed that once you have your card in mon0 mode you have to stop mon0 and then restart wlan0
  19. Did u complete it and have u posted it?
  20. So there are several sites that let you sing in to their website using you twitter account, face book ...ect If some one on here can create a landing page similar to att_wifi' and post on it you can sign in using these accounts. Sign in using: [] Twitter [] Facebook [] Gmail [] Hotmail or live [] Yahoo [] Aol .etc...... so they have to check a box (so we would know witch one they were using) then redirect them to an Error page that say's we could not validate you account or something and ask them to try a different account. This would not only save space on the pineapple but alleviate a lot of the headaches. Also it would be nice if people shared (and had a place to share their www files) So i ask you all if this is a good idea and if anyone wants to take on this project because i have no idea in what i am doing in php or html lol.
  21. We just need to get Darren to add the Tapa talk plugin in to this website. Thanks soka80
  22. i have tried on win 7 and found out that i don't run into problems if i pause my antivirus protection
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