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Posts posted by telot

  1. wow that's great, you should put a report on the github/submit an issue https://github.com/sebkinne/wifipineapple/issues?sort=created&direction=desc&state=open

    I wonder if interference from another wifi or other device was causing some of the problems?

    Haha you beat me to it! To really test this as scientifically as possible, we'll need an area with no competing signals, as the results will be largely confounded by other wifi access points broadcasting on the same frequency.


  2. I have SSLStrip working on a beta I am testing right now.

    Once internal testing is complete I will post it as a beta.

    If that is successful then the beta will be rolled into a release.

    This does take some time as there is a lot to test. So no ETA ;)



    Best news I've heard all day! Thanks Seb!


  3. New version is out: v1.2 !

    Add the option to persist db on USB. Without persistence, the statistics are cleared at each reboot.


    Thanks as always WM!


  4. Looks great man! Can't wait to try it out. To me, taking this a step further would be to integrate email alerts for set thresholds - what are you thoughts on that WM?


  5. Anyone else have issues with this? is there a how to on this out there somewhere?



    Nope - we still have to develop it as a community. If you'd like to give it a shot and share your results here in this thread, that'd be great! I haven't had much luck finding time to devote to it unfortunately :S Once I do I will surely post what I find. In the meantime however, please have a go at it!


  6. Yeah I am running the "fickle" lion indeed. I am able to run the wp4 script in terminal however no connection. I will try to manually set everything as you suggested in the AM. Thank you guys for the quick replies.

    The wp4 script was never intended to work with OSX...its for full blown linux.


  7. Heya WW!

    Been waiting until modules was supported to check out some of your incredible additions, and today's the day! :)

    I updated my MK4 to 1.1.0 successfully, fired up the GUI in FireFox

    Went to the "modules" menu item

    Showed available modules and choose to install Site Survey 1.3.3

    Launch Site Survey

    all I show is what appears to be the column header bar.

    I try refreshing both APs and clients, no data ever shows up.

    I"m currently connected to an AP on the machine I'm controlling the MK4 with, as well as another 6 or so APs available to all my devices, devices can connect to my MK4 and get to internet (which is going through a WiFi AP), etc.

    Any ideas? I've tried rebooting the device, turning on Karma, turning off Karma, etc, to no avail.


    Did you turn off and on again wlan0 to see other APs and deauth them? This WILL kick off any victims you might currently be serving. If you then turn off/on mon.wlan0 you can see individual clients connected to APs as well, but karma will no longer work, requiring a reboot to reestablish functionality. Hope this helps!


  8. hey telot how about something like this

    My link


    My link

    That is a pretty sweet idea, and would be great for pineappling a college quad or something - though I wish they provided technical details on the panels. What I'm really looking for more of NEMA enclosure, something like this: http://bbpmag.com/wordpress2/wp-content/uploads/fdp-xwb1.jpg - I use them all the time for work and we always run external solar panels. I'm sure hoping for a weather proof (thats what the NEMA 4x rating is all about) enclosure with top mounted (tiltable?) integrated solar panel that can fit a battery (most likely deep cycle marine 12v) and a pineapple and cellular router. its a total pipe dream - never gonna happen in the foreseeable future until the industry really boosts the wattage of current solar panels :(


  9. Seb whenever possible I would like to use the usb feature, and keep as much space on the pineapple.

    are the modules able to be installed onto the usb?

    or is that left to the module developer.

    I'm only asking because there are some modules that may be large.

    I second this! I've got a fatty 16GB in my pineapple thats just waiting to be filled up with some modules.

    Other than that, I love the release Seb - just upgraded and migrated and all is well! Another great release!


  10. Knowing what karma is, is something quite essential.

    It is the Jasager feature on the pineapple.

    Karma autostart starts it on boot.

    You are right there though, maybe I should rename that.



    lol that was awfully confusing for me when I first started as well...jasager is the whole package of "saying yes" to wifi probe requests. It does this using a tool called Karma developed by Robin Wood (digininja)


  11. Hopefully that's enough to keep the MK4 with the cruzer fit plugged into it happy and functioning.

    It seems that there's JUUUUUUST enough of a deficiency in available power to do the job via single USB port when using the cruzer fit, as I can use an old "long" Patriot 8GB stick just fine when powering the MK4 via USB, but not the cruzer fit. Telot indicated that he's got it working with another branded USB "stick" as well that's of the small form factor, but they're far more expensive than a standard USB stick.

    Mine is a super talent pico usb stick and it works great with the mark4 powered over single usb.

    Fingers crossed, hoping it works as intended, or I'll just have more damn portable power than I know what to do with (have a fwe other portable batteries including the New Trent 11K mAh one).

    Hey, having too much is ALWAYS better than having not enough :) Especially when it comes to batts. What I'm looking for is a nondescript enclosure that has solar and batts for 24/7 365 runtime. I use 12v + solar devices everyday for work, but finding a small enough enclosure to not be too obvious is proving difficult...in the end it all depends on how you want to use it.


  12. That's correct, the New Trent 11k mAh has got huge capacity, but only a single 5v USB output, same as a single USB output. It's fine to run a MK4 barebones, but not enough to run it with the additional cruzer fit USB stick.

    The battery I'm looking at has dual USB outputs, so with the appropriate cable, it'll be able to provide up to 10v of output, more than enough to run the MK4 and whatever USB stick you could throw at it.

    Are you certain it will provide 10v of output? I'm pretty sure those dual usb to single usb Y cables only increase the current, not the voltage. I don't mean to burst your bubble hfam, but I asked about this a while back: http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?showtopic=25049&st=0&p=192653

    If this isn't the case, can you please share a link? I'd love to know how they do it! Basically to double the voltage from a battery source, you have to cross the positive and the negative (sounds weird, I know) - which works fine with two independent batteries, but when its coming from the same source (1 battery, 2 usb ports that are both connected to the one battery) it will just short circuit...which is bad. I just don't want you to fry your new battery pack


  13. Telot,

    You're right, if I only turn down / up the wlan0 interface, I can see the AP list, but I don't get any clients listed if I don't bring down / up the mon.wlan0 interface...

    Can you list the clients connected if you only turn down / up wlan0 interface ?

    Same thing here - only the AP list, no clients. For me, that is just fine for now - losing the ability to karma outweighs the need to see clients in my book, though others may feel differently and therefore want the monitor up/down. Perhaps a line of instruction regarding this either in a README or on the actual page site_survey.php will reduce future confusion?

    Thanks again WM, this thing is awesome


  14. lol exactly - I was thinking 2girls1*** but its hard to find these days...plus that whole continuing to talk to me thing is a great quality in a life partner. Other than that though, the pineapple does make for a great April fools day device...an expensive and technically complex April fools day device, but an awesome one.


  15. That looks about as legit as this : ;)


    I smell a fellow redditor...

    So how bout that narwhal baconing? Bout what time does that occur again? ;)

    But seriously, Master Chef Whistle Master did it again! Mixing dnsspoof with a dash of metasploit for a little key logging action - beautiful! Can't wait to try it out!


  16. I was thinking this too last week, i had so many problems doing my testing.

    May I suggest an 'Auto WLAN Restart' Feature, if we are working via wifi, as if I turn off WLAN0 to restart site survey, I obviously cannot log back into the pineapple.

    The only thing I could do to get it back on was via setting up a button to turn it on (in the beta 1.1 firmware, button module )

    rofl interesting side effect! I totally didn't think about that, as I always connect to my pineapple via ethernet or over cellular/ethernet. It should be a cinch to modify the script to bring it right back up so that you'd lose connectivity for as little a time as possible.


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