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Posts posted by telot

  1. And one KICKASS antenna :P

    And one KICKASS dog! Oh wait I think I'm confused...

    Just kidddin around - I'm sitting on a mark4 + 3 + alfa as well and would love to pair them together in various configs. Let us know where to sign up D!


  2. Mobile formatted pineapple site! Could we edit index.php to have a flag to forward you to the mobile site if it detects you're on a phone/tablet? Not only that, but I love how its not black background with red/green text. While I do love the hacker colors on the pineapple - as I've mentioned before sometimes its nice to be able to innocently check my phone and get pineapple updates (thats why I use the emailed logs) in public without fear of a over-the-shoulder-looker saying "Hey! Whats all that then?!"...Great work as always WM! Now you need a Donate button just like Seb needs!


  3. @Darren, i understand it, iknow that its good to sort things out your self. And to it yourself the trail and error way, " the hacker mentality" But i put so many hours in it and have been reading so much... That i lost track.... and that i just need a mentor you can help me.... And iam willing to pay for her or his help... thats not wrong right?

    @telot that would be awesome thanx!

    Sorry I wasn't able to get to this last night as promised, I ended up working very late and didn't have time for pineappling (so sad). Ok lets get started!

    First connect to wifi on your Macbook. Second plug in your power to the mark4 and ethernet from POE port on mark4 to ethernet port on macbook. Then open Network Settings in System Preferences on Macbooky and click on Ethernet on the left. Configure IPv4: Manually. IP address will first be Subnet is Router left blank. Click Advanced and then the DNS tab and Add and click OK. You should then be able to ping your mark4 from the terminal and access in your browser to get to the pineapple config page. After verifying this, open a terminal and ssh root@ user is root, password is pineapplesareyummy then nano /etc/config/network to look like this:

    config interface lan

    option ifname eth0

    option type bridge

    option proto static

    option ipaddr

    option netmask

    option gateway

    option dns

    DONT MESS THIS UP!!! If you screw this up, in all likelihood you WILL NOT be able to access your pineapple without a soft/hard reset - avoid it by making sure you type correctly. Then Ctrl+x to escape and save. Unplug your pineapple from your laptop and once again go to Network settings. This time change the Ethernet Manually assigned IP address to - leave everything else the same. Then go into System Preferences -> Sharing and check the box "Internet Sharing" share your connect from Wifi to Ethernet (make sure its checked). and then close that. Plug in your pineapple and give it a go!

    Hope this helps


  4. Yeah I do to. In fact that’s what I do for a living. The problem is that ASUS eeePC parts are impossible to find even from ASUS. MAC's they are a different story. Apple monopolizes the parts and will not sell them to you. They want to put shops like mine out of buisness and make everyone go to Apple stores to get there Apples fixed. They don't want shops like mine working on Apples.

    :::puts on flame retardant gear:::

    Why would you ever need to replace the keyboard? Despite this, I would still go mac - wait for new 13in macbook pro. It has got the form you want, the horsepower to run multiple vm's of BT5r2 and win7 and is unix.


  5. Keylog a dozen employees in the restroom! I think you should save your $50 for the lawsuit!! Stick to discarding thumb sticks in the parking lot or other such sophisticated pen testing methodology - IMHO the guys paying for pen test are more interested in competence than 'tricks', and generally they will see through gimmicks for what they are. The pineapple for most of us is a sophisticated means of learning a lot of skills in and around the methodology of network security / pen testing / having fun?

    word to your mother.


  6. As always, thanks to all the devs for the hard work! I too am looking for some additional guidance on sslstrip. I'm sure you'll all agree that it is by far the defining feature of 2.0. I did a opkg install --dest usb sslstrip - it installs just fine. catting /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward responds back with a "1", as forwarding is already setup for pineappling I'm guessing. Its the next step, the iptables step, that I think I'm screwing up.

    iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080

    ^that is the standard iptables command you'll find all over the internet, but our pineapples are no ordinary arpspoofing mitm that is typical when sslstripping. Can anyone suggest how to modify this command or others to get sslstrip working on the mark4? Also, when I run sslstip, it gives a zone.interface missing error - any ideas on that? Thanks again guys


  7. I've been wondering about this as well, if i tell it to connect back to my external

    IP (eg. and its dynamic, doesnt that mean once the IP changes I will no

    longer have the connection? If so, is there a way around this?


    Many routers and all OS's can install a dyndns client. The router version is much more convenient. DynDns (or dyn.com as its called now...) is a service that does exactly what you're looking for here. Sign up for a free account, make a dyndns address (KingUnderHill.dyndns.com or something) and then put in your account information into the client (apt-get install inadyn if you're using debian - google it for other OS's) and boom! Anytime your IP changes, the installed client notices and shoots up the new (changed) IP to dyndns, so KingUnderHill.dyndns.com always points to your IP, no matter what it might be or how often it changes.

    Also, make sure you're forwarding the LPORT that you set to the internal IP of your metasploit box.

    Hope this makes sense, its early and I'm without coffee...good luck!


  8. I use tcpdump (the module or search these forums/wiki for my guide on command line) configured to autostart or via WPS button press. Then I use wireshark to view the cap file. There really is no better program to do it with - you can use tcpdump, but theres no gui. For ideas on filters in wireshark, checkout some of Vivek's videos on securitytube.net. I recall him using wireshark A LOT during his wifi megaprimer. Watch those videos and you'll see first hand how to use filters in wireshark. Good luck!


  9. Thanks for the fast response Seb, and as for it not working correctly I suppose that will give me something to do with my upcoming day off.


    Let us know how it goes CodiahW! This is one of the top requested features for the pineapple. +1 internets to you if you can pull it off ;)


  10. DNS spoof is a little different with Macs. Theres a bunch of issues with internet connection sharing and DNS routing...Have you checked out the ICS in OSX thread? Its pinned, so you can't miss it.

    Some things to check out before diving into dns spoofing:

    Can you karma devices to your pineapple?

    Can they connect to the internet?

    When you ssh into the pineapple, can you ping www.google.com?

    For noobs, I would recommend you run BT5 or windows(XP or 7), because its a cleaner setup that is better documented - in the quick start guide that came with the pineapple, and on these forums. Once you get a handle on exactly how this networking trickery is working (with ICS, bridging the connections inside the pineapple, etc) you can move up to getting it to work in OSX. Again, just a suggestion.

    As for the lack of/poor documentation...I have a little project cooking that should help you out ;)


  11. SFTP will not work on the pineapple out of the box. drop bear doesn't support it, which is what the pineapple uses for ssh/scp. Search the forums, theres a thread about a sftp package you can download to the pineapple that might be right up your alley. Best thing to do would be to skip gui clients and use the terminal thats built into every mac - but I'm just that sorta guy


  12. telot: that is a VERY interesting link and perhaps i have an addiction for pen test tools but i just might buy one today. i do want to get this 3G MC760 working tho, since it's supposed to be supported, I need it, have one on hand, and sunk some money into it. you're right about the fact that i can/should just create the functionality i need, but i've never had a single class on programming of this kind. i'm a mathematical statistician. i've written some programs in VB, some macros, and billions of statistical "programs" (we call them that but they are not executable files and are totally different than computer programs) so for now i'm just a user.

    i was thinking of taking some classes online tho; let me know if you recommend anything. ideally i would take classes from SANS but i don't have the time/$ right now for an entire degree program.

    anyway, so how exactly would it work? you are using the cat 5 cable to connect the pineapple to the Digi Connect (or somehow doing it wirelessly?) and somehow you're able to connect the digi connect to the client's wireless, and your digi is assigned an IP which you are then able to SSH to? .

    I do have one other ace up my sleeve that this reminds me of, which is a DreamPlug (http://www.amazon.com/Globalscale-DreamPlug-036000291452-Class-Server/dp/B0053GBB5Y ), which sounds like it would do basically the same thing but perhaps a bit cheaper. However the plug computer is like $200 and your Digi Connect was like $600-ish from the manufacturer, so I probably want to stick with the 3G as I've already sunk a couple hundred into the pineapple with no results yet ($90 cost + $65 battery + $20 Micro SD card + $50 data for 3G + $80 for the 3G device, except that I did already own the MC760).

    I hear ya on the cost already sunk into the pineapple vs the cost of the Digi - they ARE pricey. Did you find any on ebay? I use a verizon 3g and a Wimax 4g depending on the area I want to do the pen test in. The digi connects to a cellular network via its internal cell modem. I connect the digi to the pineapple via ethernet and send power through the ethernet cable via the USB port on the digi. That way I only have to power the digi, and it daisy chains to the pineapple. I set my Digi up with a static ip or a dyndns so I just ssh root@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (x=ip of the digi).

    As for online classes, I can't really say. python is powerful and ubiquitous and I've heard it recommended as a place to start from a bunch of people. For pineapple specific stuff, I'd start with php as that is what is run all over the pineapple.

    Hope that helps


  13. Yeah, I wondered about that too, how could a pineapple do keylogging, it would be more like collecting/sniffing the credentials from a login page.

    Zomg Infiltrator is in the Jasager forums! Get back to Questions/Hacks & Mods/Business IT!

    Haha just kidding Inf, you're always welcome here! Just had to give you some crap because you're such a prominent poster on all the other forums and we so rarely get to enjoy your expertise here on the Jasager page :)


  14. If the 3G dongle is plaguing you - do what I did and just avoid it.


    I use one of these with my pineapple when I want to drop it off somewhere on a pentest. It works like a charm acting as the computer in the most important aspects (serves up solid internet to the pineapple) and it allows me to ssh/http in to perform any administrative functions. The digi can even power the pineapple with its usb port. This setup also allows for easy use of a huge usb stick, as opposed to being limited to a slow 32gb ($max$) microsd that fits in your 3g dongle. The biggest drawback is that digis are expensive. If works paying, great - if not, you can try and find a used one on ebay. Good luck!

    As for your other requests, particularly the WPA enterprise - thats not currently possible with the pineapple. The pineapples all are limited to serving up and accepting open auth only. Theres another thread where digininja eludes to some other possibilities, but they appear to be very limited. Best thing about the pineapple (and all open source everything), if it doesn't exist, then make it!


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