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wh1t3 and n3rdy

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Posts posted by wh1t3 and n3rdy

  1. Most of the points raised in this article and thread have been raised at one time or another. Darren is hardly going to be thrilled about viewers passing around nude photos of Snubs. Wess, Harrison and Jonathon all did posts on the forums stating why they chose to leave so there is probably not any real reason for Darren to address that either.

    he thing we all have to deal with in reality is it's their show, and they can take it in any direction they choose to. I dont have any personal grudges against them myself. I have always thought that Snubs was on the show because she was Darrens gf, not because she particularly offered anything to the show on a technical level, which I still feel is the case.

    For a long while their I also thought the content level was very poor, season 3 was a nightmare. Whilst I had my own objections against the revision 3 decision, they have certainly improved and I am pretty thankful for weekly episodes, which would be a pretty full on task.

    I hope Darren offers some insight on his views on what was written, and that we don't act like douchebags and jump all over him because he disagrees with some of the things written. A community this large and dynamic is bound to have shit like this happen, combine that with the internet, the invariable dicks this scene can attract and people just out to be retards and you know for sure it's going to be on.

    You have to credit the fact they have stuck with it for 5 years and whilst some things shit me off, I am glad they have and if it really is that bad people have the option to fuck off and do something else.

  2. Yeah well he made a terrible mac vs pc vs linux video and I basically commented saying "gee thanks for making linux users look like dickheads."

    There is little point in me telling people they suck because they use windows. Use whatever you want. I'm all for advocating Linux but there is the right way and an idiot way of going about it.

    Speaking of zealous advocates, I am going to see Richard Stallman at the world computing conference in Brisbane in Septemeber. Should be interesting.

  3. Tim from OSGUI is a fucking retard. I and many others have had run ins with this clown. Wait till you see the music videos this wanker has made. I would link to him but he is a you tube partner and be fucked if I want to give him any money. I asked him to meet me at the Linux Conference in January so we could debate in person, and in his uual style blocked me. He has accused people of being wife bashers, homophobes and heaps of other shit for using anything other than ubuntu or a derivitive of it. He's a fail idiot, who can't use the terminal and make broad and sweeping stements he cant back up like AMD hands down is better than intel cpus in every benchmark. His knowledge of linux is limited and he obviously doesn't comprehend the way it has and will continue to evolve. He uses windows on his EEEPC for office.

    I'm ashamed he's an Aussie and I hope to bump into him one day.

  4. Whilst not very prominent, I have been around a fair while and I did hold off on joning the forums when I watched the latest released episode (Season 1 episode).

    I remember some things slightly different but it certainly was a good read, and did remind me times I quite enjoyed. (I made more than one douchebag rage quit IRC and then watch them try to haXXor me)

    I guess the only real positive influence I have had here that I am proud of ws getting the Business and Enterprise IT for those us of working in Enterprise environments (Thanks again Vako)

    A few times I've ranted about the "good old days", but something this dynamic is hard to keep on a singular track. Many decisions I have disagreed with, and was pretty cut when Harrison left, because I always like his approach on camera.

    Will it ever be the same? No way.

    Will it ever be as good? Maybe one day.

    Do I regret joining the community? Never.

  5. Well we plan to game for some of the time so that's covered, and it's not just open to the public at this point, I am inviting people I trust.

    We do have some project ideeas in mind, but that will be decided upon at out first meetup. I dont want to get too ambitious until we find our feet.

    Thanks for the suggestions guys.

  6. Surprised this has received no comment, I'm happy though, I emailed Eric Raymond because I quoted The Jargon File and he emailed back saying he liked the site and fully supported what we are doing.

  7. @n3rdy , I think most of us already got the point, just get over it dude honestly what you are gonna get from being angry at other people, nothing you already made you point so move on.

    Bloody hell.

    I posted this thread so if others didn't see the one I was talking about they would get my point. I'm one for saying stuff out in the open rather than bitch about it. It shits me but I'm far from being angry about it.

  8. What can I say, I'm an angry angry man lol.

    Yeah I know it pisses them off, I hate Linux users who do it all the time and make the rest of us look like dicks. I mainly got pissed because my ability to maintain a windows install was called into question. You have to remember I have been using IRC since 94, and the fact I held back as much as I did means my level of flaming control is God like lol.

    Yeah Vako I take your point, I should have seen it coming, but i was on my phone and had shit to do so I rushed it.

    Throat punches for dicks who flame other OSes like retards. In fact we need an OS fame thread, post any OS flaming outside of that then ban your arse.

  9. Surely I'm not the only one over this fucking retarded debate. I posted an aswer to a questions asked on here (admittedly was skimming on my n900 and missed the windows reference in the OP) so offered a solution, which happens to be linux based. After re-reading the thread I noticed the windows mention, and thought "oops" so I did what i thought to be right and edited my post so i wasn't putting off topic shit in his thread.

    It seems my attempt to show some respect was totally missed because two guys tried to slag me off because I use Linux.

    Let me make this clear.

    I don't give a flying fuck what OS choose to use. I don't try and make people change, and I don't run around doing the tired old slagging off at windows routine. Linux is the best solution for me.This does not mean i hate windows users,or more insultingly, lack the ability to manage a windows box. Sub 10 year olds pass the MCSE, so don't try to lump me with the tards that install any old shit, wanna hax there school network and use script kiddie bullshit to make themselves feel leet.

    Use whatever you won't, don't piss and moan at others (that includes other linux users slagging off windows, you cunts annoy me as well)

  10. Same old Linux crap response. I like Windows, I like MS. Never got on with Linux. It's not bad I guess, I just don't like it. But I don't post in every Linux issue thread "Saw you were using Linux, so NVM".

    That's another reason to hate Linux, some of the users. ;)

    What a load of bullshit, i was skimming this on my phone and made a suggestion but then noticed you mentioned windows so I went to the effort to edit it out because it was not relevant, my apologies for showing your thread some respect.

    Same here. The reason ppl hate Windows so much is that they don't know how to take care of their systems.

    Sure that applies to many people, but not to me tiger. I have has 0 issues running windows, not a single security breach either in machines at home or server I maintain at work. I know full well how to maintain an Operating system. Linux is he OS of my choice for my personal machines, I don't give a shit what others choose to use and don't try and convert them.

    Not all Linux users are zealots, so stop being crybabies and take my post edit for what it actually was. I've got better and more important things to do than slag off windows users on a fucking forum.

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