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Everything posted by VaKo

  1. http://www.eyes-wideopen.co.uk/final/ Been working on this on and off for a few months now, its my university courses degree show, with a few randoms bits of peoples work on there (the ones with the * at the end of there name). Its not finished yet, but its pretty close. So i though i'd get some outside views on it and leak it early to you people. Just wondered what people thought, what you like, or dislike, and if its broken at all. Been tested on XP SP2 Firefox and IE6 but no Macs as of yet. My works not on the site yet, as i need to add HD streaming video to it. Needs javascript enabled and flash 8 installed. Thanks for your input/critieuq...
  2. Hell yes, there always wild, only managed it twice, always by shear luck though, nothing special about me. Almost makes the weeks chained to a computer working in the dark staring at code or video. Been working in the same room since christmas learning web design.
  3. There a rare breed... now whats even better is 2 slightly drunk girls who are open to suggestion, but the even rarer :-(
  4. Its best when the girl actually enjoys giving head...
  5. I'm not so much of an idealist. I realise that my idea would need to be imposed on people, i'll right up a proper repoist in a bit, working on some uni stuff right now.
  6. Just to be even more inflamatory, not only do I endorse an other throwing of american goverment, i also endorse an end to democracy, globally. Face it, democracy is a corrupt principle, its basically mob rull with a complicated rule book. What i'm proposing is a mixture of a demarchy and meritocracy. We don't need any evangelical top heavy monolithic goverment systems, in america or europe.
  7. I just use a custom GTA mod to commit armed robbery in online casinos
  8. Maybe, i've always thought hell would be like Croydon...
  9. WTF? You cannot be bothered to read? You do know theres a special section of hell for your kind? Imaging the RIAA being able to sieze every computer, console and mp3 player in your house to search for mp3's... Please america, time for another revolution?
  10. ..read this. The /. post Sorry to be all digg-esq but wow... this is going to pass and have global ramifications.
  11. My main issue is i can't make heads or tails of it to be honest, this is the 2nd javascript thing i've tried, and the last one was pretty much plug and play. I'll email you though, thanks for dropping in and offering to help me!
  12. To be honest, after 36 hours of staring at the code wondering what i've fucked up, i'm ready to call it quits and just make the thumbnails smaller. Using this for the images btw:http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox2/
  13. I have a site i'm working on that may require some divs with custom scroll bars (to allow a 780px by 280px box to scroll hozitontally and display more thumb nails). The overflow: auto; function looks fugly IMHO, so i'm looking for a way of allowing custom scroll bars with graphics that fit the site. So far i've found this "easy script" (FleXcroll) but I have no idea how to make the damn thing work. Tried doing as the author says, tried copying and pasting what I think is the right code from the examples, tried googling my ass off. Before I give up, could anyone shed some light on this code? If you manage to get this working in a way i can use, i owe you many many beers. (btw i know this a bad idea to begin with, but I've been asked to look into the custome scroll bars by other students in my group, majority vote etc)
  14. Thats probably the biggest quandary of the open source market summed up in one line...
  15. My advice to you is: put the poster up! (but don't get caught). Just make sure its good, has correct spelling and grammer. Let the consumers know about there choices. (but then again, how many of them are going to be able to download and iso, burn it an install linux on there own?).
  16. After following MS upgrades since windows 3.1 i've found that usually the new version feels pretty much the same as the old version when its first released. Then after 1-2 years of using it you go to fix a mates computer thats running the old version, thats when you really start to notice the improvements.
  17. VaKo

    free porn

    Thats cool, responsible drinking at home is pretty damn good in my book, you learn that you can drink beer without causing a scene. You must know people who can't manage that though.
  18. VaKo

    free porn

    I have a simple solution, make it the law to ID everyone on entry to a bar after 7pm. First offence, £1000 fine for every bouncer on shift that night and £5000 for each of the bar owners. 2nd offence, its £2000/£10000. 3rd, 1 month jail time for the bar owners. I guarantee no one underage will get into a bar/club after the first conviction. Plus, if your kids caught drunk underage, you and your kid have to attend something like traffic school for bad parents. Fining a min-wage bar worker solves nothing, especially when your boss tells you that checking ID is slowing you down to much, and if you carry on your fired. This is why I no longer do bar work. <btw i've been listening to Denis Leary for the last 2 hours, does it show? lol>
  19. Its not to bad actually, I was running it on a XP pro SP2 950MHz/512Mb AMD box with a geforce 2 card for a cheapo media center. Worked fine with no problems. Its pretty selective install, so you can chop out the bits that want to load at boot (basically a fancy alt-tab replacement and a widget that puts the desktop icon text next to the icon instead of underneath). The boot screen sucks though, and the screen saver ain't the best. edit: looks like: http://www.eyes-wideopen.co.uk/vako/desktop.jpg
  20. VaKo

    free porn

    You ever done bar work? £5000 fine for serving underage kids... yet the bouncers kept letting the fuckers in. I'm all for an american style system, if you look under 25, you get ID'd at the door. No ID? Piss off home and get some. Worst thing I've ever seen is some women and her 11yr old kid in a very crowded bar at 1am on a saturday night. I serve the women (kids hidden behind her) and she turns round and gives this kid a double vodka red bull...
  21. VaKo

    free porn

    Underage drinkers are annoying, usually because you have to step over them while there drowning in a pool of there own vomit outside clubs. Its even worse when your chatting to a girl (in a dark club whilst drunk) and slowly it dawns that she's 15 and your so going to jail unless you alt-f4 the situation ASAP.
  22. It has loads of extra shit, new icons, animations etc. Think of it as a Royale+. Worth a look at. (edit) What i like about it is that it works nicely with other themes to make the whole XP expirence a little less 2001-esq. I use it with a theme called HmmXP.
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