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Everything posted by WatskeBart

  1. Having no problems whatsoever Make sure you have internet on your pineapple. When you think ICS is causing troubles, plug a cable in the WAN port of your pineapple and connect it to your router/switch which provides internet and with a second cable connect the PoE/LAN port to your computer. You can control your pineapple with your computer and your pineapple will have internet. Then check the module list again. If you also want internet to be routed to your computer copy/paste these lines in "Execute commands" box on the Advanced page on your pineapple and click the execute button. This will enable NAT, see wiki. iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o wlan0 -s -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE I added these lines to the WPS button script ;)
  2. I really hope it's going to be a 2.0.0 instead of 1.1.2 or at least a 1.2.0 B) Look at me getting all exited :P
  3. I have this one and it works flawless, can operate at 3.3V and 5V. USB to UART TTL 6pin serial converter with the new CP2102 chipset Good simple free TFTP server Your USB-to-Serial link probably operates at 12V (RS-232) and that won't work, because you need UART voltage levels. See this thread for a nice discussion about the difference. ;)
  4. It will be included in the next firmware release ;)
  5. You mean something like this ;)
  6. Or don't use the 3.3V from your TTL converter and only connect RX-TX-GND and insert powerplug into pineapple ;) Always handy to have a USB to TTL UART device to fix these kind of problems. Ordered mine here took about 2 week to arrive, but for that price it's worth the waiting :P
  7. Master of the Whistle i found a minor problem in your Site Survey module. When wlan0 and mon.wlan0 are down the module doesn't display the correct status on site_survey.php To reenact give command: wifi down and open your site survey module ;) Also when starting a capture the cancel link isn't shown immediately, i have to refresh the AP list.
  8. P.S. Don't forget to update the wiki ;) I wanted to add the module but i don't have rights to do so :)
  9. Seems that your topic did disappear strange btw. But if i understand your setup is like this: Internet <> (wireless alfa adapter) <> computer <> (ethernet cable) <> pineapple is this correct? If so, just follow the guide which can be found here: Quick Start Guide When running a *nix based OS use wp4.sh and when running windows based OS use ICS but make sure you enable ICS first before setting up the static IP on your ethernet adapter. Note: In *nix the network manager can cause troubles see this post.
  10. What do you want to achieve with your USB drive?
  11. wow Mark VI already :PBut why don't you connect your laptop to the Free WiFi and connect the pineapple to your laptop using a ethernet cable connected to PoE/LAN port? This way you have free internet and when you run the wp4.sh script on your laptop the clients connected to the pineapple also have internet. I don't think you can connect your pineapple to the Free WiFi access point and at the same time use functions like Karma.
  12. Yes you can :) It's described right here: Quick Start Guide
  13. It gives the same result as whatismyip.org ;)
  14. I'm using the second fix from Prox it's much cleaner and out-of-the-box like. Seb should implement this in next firmware release ;)
  15. I started kismet_client and used wlan0 as source. I captures SSID's for a short while and then i get the following errors in the kismet console: pcap radiotap converter got corrupted Radiotap header length pcap radiotap converter got corrupted Radiotap bitmap length When i clicked the window option in the kismet menu the device froze and rebooted itself
  16. Excellent! Great find and finally correct history files for your modules ;)
  17. Yep stupid it totally forgot about that subdomain system of dyndns.com :P I thought checkip.dyndns.com was part of dyndns itself So icanhazip.com is just as good :D
  18. The quickest way without changing any IP's is to connect your DSL with a cable to your pineapple WAN port en connect your PC to either the PoE/LAN port on the pineapple or WiFi. But to configure the WAN port to enable NAT, you must add lines to your iptables. I'm using it in a similar setup like your and added the following code to the WPS button script located at the configuration page Add this code (source): #!/bin/sh #Script is executed when WPS button #is pressed for 2-4 seconds. iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o wlan0 -s -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE After you clicked the button "Update WPS script" when the WPS button on your pineapple is pressed for 2-4 seconds NAT'ing will be enabled. NOTE: After a reboot or replug you need to press the WPS button again to enable NAT.
  19. I agree the code stays clean and crisp that way. But i'm not to fond with small or privately owned websites, because you never know for how long they will be up or support the service. I think that a website like dyndns, won't be leaving the interwebs soon :) Stability is my goal ;)
  20. Whahaha not my preferred OS either but still to mainstream for the mainstream :P
  21. Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.

  22. Understood but there is only one /www/index.php so first come first serve i guess.
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