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Everything posted by WatskeBart

  1. Nope :) Even the guide on wifipineapple.com tells you to do the exact same thing. I've tested it and it does work. I connected to my wireless network with ip adres Then enable ICS on my wireless adapter and click OK on the warning that a static ip will be set by windows. I manually set a static ip and dns ip on my wired adapter. Plugged in a cable from my laptop to the pineapple PoE/LAN port and voila internet on my pineapple and my clients.
  2. Enable ICS on your wifi adapter first and then manually set your IP to on your wired ethernet adapter. Windows 7 for example will change the ip to a static class C ip when you enable ICS. This could be your problem.
  3. Thanks for the quick fix, i just updated and everything is working fine B) Maybe add a .txt extension to the scans history files, so windows users can quickly open with default program eg. notepad ;)
  4. WM i'm experiencing a problem with the output tab. When i perform a scan the only info i see in the output tab is: Scan is running... But in the history tab there is a record. When i select that record it will show the proper output. (omitted some details here) Am i doing something wrong here?
  5. I think i don't fully understand what you try to explain. (because the lack of my english that is) I already noticed for example that the module keylogger backs up the current landing page before it substitutes his own. (hence the keylogger install/uninstall function). I thought it would be as simple as putting a input bar with a save button, so you can name your preset and it will save the preset to eg. /www/pineapple/lpage/nameofpreset.php and add it to a dropdown menu next to the landing page configuration area. When you select a preset from the dropdown menu and click a activate button, the nameofpreset.php will be moved and renamed to /www/pineapple/index.php I don't understand how that should interfere with a module, as the pineapple user is responsible for backing up his landing pages. Just spit balling here B)
  6. EDIT: I've change the commands given by start/stopwlan.php, instead of ifconfig i used wifi so the monitor interface will be started/shutdown as well. Complete WiFi silence when turned off ;) I updated the index.php myself :) Here's what you do ;) Use your favorite texteditor to edit this file: /www/pineapple/index.php Look for this piece of code: $iswlanup = exec("ifconfig wlan0 | grep UP | awk '{print $1}'"); if ($iswlanup == "UP") { echo " Wireless <font color=\"lime\"><b>enabled</b></font>.<br />"; } else { echo " Wireless <font color=\"red\"><b>disabled</b></font>.<br />"; } comment the code so it doesn't work anymore, because we are going to make some "new" code change it so it looks like this: (note the /* above and the */ under the code) /* $iswlanup = exec("ifconfig wlan0 | grep UP | awk '{print $1}'"); if ($iswlanup == "UP") { echo " Wireless <font color=\"lime\"><b>enabled</b></font>.<br />"; } else { echo " Wireless <font color=\"red\"><b>disabled</b></font>.<br />"; } */ Add the following code under the code you just commented: if ( exec("ifconfig wlan0 | grep UP | awk '{print $1}'") == "UP" ){ $iswlanup = true; } if ($iswlanup != "") { echo " Wireless <font color=\"lime\"><b>enabled</b></font>. | <a href=\"config/stopwlan.php\"><b>Stop</b></a><br />"; } else { echo " Wireless <font color=\"red\"><b>disabled</b></font>. | <a href=\"config/startwlan.php\"><b>Start</b></a> <br />"; } Save your index.php Now we are almost there but we need to make two more files. Create a file called startwlan.php and add follwing code: <?php exec ("wifi"); ?> <html><head> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=/pineapple/"> </head><body bgcolor="black" text="white"><pre> <?php echo "Wireless started"; ?> </pre></head></body> And create a file called stopwlan.php and add following code: <?php exec("wifi down"); ?> <html><head> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=/pineapple/"> </head><body bgcolor="black" text="white"><pre> <?php echo "Wireless disabled"; ?> </pre></head></body> Copy the files startwlan.php and stopwlan.php to /www/pineapple/config/ Refresh your Status page and voila! :D There are probably much easier and cleaner ways to do this, but it works and i wanted to contribute ;) Some screenies :D
  7. EDIT: Just contributed the code on GitHub ;) The reveal public IP option from the status page wasn't working on my pineapple with FW v1.1.1 Probably because of changes at http://whatismyip.org I have a new piece of code for you all :) Edit this file in your favorite texteditor: (i used notepad++) /www/pineapple/index.php Look for this line: (line 77 in my case) echo exec("wget -qO- http://whatismyip.org") . "<br />"; And change it into this line: echo exec("wget -qO- http://checkip.dyndns.org|sed -e 's/.*Current IP Address: //' -e 's/<.*$//' ") . "<br />"; If you want to test the code first, login your pineapple via SSH and copy/paste following code: wget -qO- http://whatismyip.org this will fail :P but wget -qO- http://checkip.dyndns.org|sed -e 's/.*Current IP Address: //' -e 's/<.*$//' will work Maybe Seb could take this fix in next firmware release ;)
  8. I would like to suggest a preset option for the landing page configuration. With all the different landing pages out there, it would be nice to save a current landing page to a preset, so you can recall it later and switch quickly between them. Unfortunately i don't have the PHP coding skills to do so :P but it never hurts to suggest :)
  9. With a check for usb support so it will backup to usb first, if not then on the pineapple itself.
  10. Thanks for the quick fix Whistle Master ;)
  11. Just did a quick test and it works flawless :) I'm very curious what people will say in chat, when they find out that all URL's are redirected to the chat page Instead of comment the ; you mean remove the ; for those who don't understand ;)
  12. Very excited about this new rolling type :P Will test in a few hours :)
  13. Thought i was the only one :P
  14. First of all, great work on the modules system :) I got some errors while loading the infusions list. And a nmap install error All the other modules install just fine. Original modules.php also gives errors. P.S. Is it possible to edit the modules.php so that the table alignment for the file sizes will be on the right side, it will look better IMHO ;)
  15. Don't see v1.4 in the infusions list.
  16. Nevermind, i figured it out. While the Mark IV firmware is based on OpenWRT, i gathered my guts and flashed my Mark IV hardware based device with the OpenWRT webinterface and SUCCESS! :D So wireme YES you can flash a OpenWRT device with the webinterface, but make sure you have Mark IV hardware as shown in the image from my previous post.
  17. I think i have the same device as the wireme, so i have the same question. I can confirm that i have the Mark IV device, my device is identical like the one in Darren K's post here: WiFi Pineapple Mark IV, First Mod by Darren Kitchen, on Flickr So will it be easy as logging in my existing OpenWRT firmware (OpenWrt Firmware Attitude Adjustment (r28772) /LuCI Trunk (trunk+svn7885)) and upload the upgrade.bin from the Mark IV firmware thread with the webinterface or do need to do a clean serial flash? Thanks in advance, //WB
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