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Everything posted by WatskeBart

  1. I have the Hornet-UB but mine was shipped with OpenWRT so i flashed the firmware with web interface. Though i've flashed with serial as well and works perfect ;)
  2. Regarding the UART. You can order this one, it will work perfectly own one myself ;) No need for RS232 to TTL fiddling while USB to TTL is available
  3. When you use the powerplug to power the AP121U then you can leave the VDD (3.3V) disconnected and only use TX-RX-GND ;)
  4. You can ignore the VDD when you use the powerplug provided with the pineapple ;)
  5. Trapcookies module looks interesting B)
  6. That one will work :) It can operate at both 3.3V and 5V, but i only use the TX-RX-GND and use the powerplug to power the pineapple ;)
  7. Setup WinSCP to use SCP protocol instead of SFTP ;)
  8. Yep me to, it will save a lot of unnecessary questions on the forum :)
  9. Easiest way is to scp upgrade.bin (2.0.0) to /tmp/ folder SSH into pineapple and run sysupgrade -n -v /tmp/upgrade.bin it will re-flash your firmware so you have a default pineapple again. Then scp modules_advanced.php to /www/pineapple/ Backup original modules.php like this: mv modules.php modules.php.backup Rename modules_advanced.php to modules.php like this: mv modules_advanced.php modules.php This way you don't have to fiddle with navbar.php, because you will simple replace the default modules.php with the advanced one ;) Here's the code of the original /www/pineapple/index.php, maybe you messed something up in there: <html> <head> <title>Pineapple Control Center</title> <!--<META HTTP-EQUIV="CACHE-CONTROL" CONTENT="NO-CACHE">--> <script type="text/javascript" src="includes/ajax.js"> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="logtail/logtail.js"> </script> </head> <body bgcolor="black" text="white" alink="green" vlink="green" link="green" onload="getLog('start');"> <?php require('includes/navbar.php'); ?> <pre> <table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td valign="top" align="left" width="350"> <b>Services</b><br /> <?php $iswlanup = exec("ifconfig wlan0 | grep UP | awk '{print $1}'"); if ($iswlanup == "UP") { echo " Wireless <font color=\"lime\"><b>enabled</b></font> | <a href=\"wlan.php?stop\"><b>Stop</b></a><br />"; } else { echo " Wireless <font color=\"red\"><b>disabled</b></font> | <a href=\"wlan.php?start\"><b>Start</b></a><br />"; } if ( exec("hostapd_cli -p /var/run/hostapd-phy0 karma_get_state | tail -1") == "ENABLED" ){ $iskarmaup = true; } if ($iskarmaup != "") { echo "MK4 Karma <font color=\"lime\"><b>enabled</b></font>. | <a href=\"karma/stopkarma.php\"><b>Stop</b></a><br />"; } else { echo "MK4 Karma <font color=\"red\"><b>disabled</b></font>. | <a href=\"karma/startkarma.php\"><b>Start</b></a> <br />"; } $autoKarma = ( exec("if grep -q 'hostapd_cli -p /var/run/hostapd-phy0 karma_enable' /etc/rc.local; then echo 'true'; fi") ); if ($autoKarma != ""){ echo "Autostart <font color=\"lime\"><b>enabled</b></font>. | <a href=\"karma/autoKarmaStop.php\"><b>Stop</b></a><br />"; } else { echo "Autostart <font color=\"red\"><b>disabled</b></font>. | <a href=\"karma/autoKarmaStart.php\"><b>Start</b></a><br />"; } $cronjobs = ( exec("ps -all | grep [c]ron")); if ($cronjobs != ""){ echo "Cron Jobs <font color=\"lime\"><b>enabled</b></font>. | <a href=\"jobs.php?stop&goback\"><b>Stop</b></a><br />"; } else { echo "Cron Jobs <font color=\"red\"><b>disabled</b></font>. | <a href=\"jobs.php?start&goback\"><b>Start</b></a> | <a href=\"jobs.php\"><b>Edit</b></a><br />"; } $isurlsnarfup = exec("ps auxww | grep urlsnarf.sh | grep -v -e grep"); if ($isurlsnarfup != "") { echo "URL Snarf <font color=\"lime\"><b>enabled</b></font>. | <a href=\"urlsnarf/stopurlsnarf.php\"><b>Stop</b></a><br />"; } else { echo "URL Snarf <font color=\"red\"><b>disabled</b></font>. | <a href=\"urlsnarf/starturlsnarf.php\"><b>Start</b></a><br />"; } $isdnsspoofup = exec("ps auxww | grep dnsspoof.sh | grep -v -e grep"); if ($isdnsspoofup != "") { echo "DNS Spoof <font color=\"lime\"><b>enabled</b></font>. | <a href=\"dnsspoof/stopdnsspoof.php\"><b>Stop</b></a><br />"; } else { echo "DNS Spoof <font color=\"red\"><b>disabled</b></font>. | <a href=\"dnsspoof/startdnsspoof.php\"><b>Start</b></a> | <a href=\"config.php#spoofhost\"><b>Edit</b></a><br/>"; } /*$isngrepup = exec("ps auxww | grep ngrep | grep -v -e \"grep ngrep\" | awk '{print $1}'"); if ($isngrepup != "") { echo " ngrep <font color=\"lime\"><b>enabled</b></font>. | <a href=\"ngrep/stopngrep.php\"><b>Stop</b></a>"; } else { echo " ngrep <font color=\"red\"><b>disabled</b></font>. | <a href=\"ngrep/startngrep.php\"><b>Start</b></a> | <a href=\"config.php#ngrep\"><b>Edit</b></a><br/>"; } */ if (exec("grep 3g.sh /etc/rc.local") != ""){ echo "3G bootup <font color=\"lime\"><b>enabled</b></font>. | <a href=\"3g.php?disable&disablekeepalive&goback\"><b>Disable</b></a><br />"; } else { echo "3G bootup <font color=\"red\"><b>disabled</b></font>. | <a href=\"3g.php?enable&goback\"><b>Enable</b></a><br />"; } if (exec("grep 3g-keepalive.sh /etc/crontabs/root") == "") { echo "3G redial <font color='red'><b>disabled</b></font>. | <a href='3g.php?enablekeepalive&enable&goback'><b>Enable</b></a><br />"; } else { echo "3G redial <font color='lime'><b>enabled</b></font>. | <a href='3g.php?disablekeepalive&goback'><b>Disable</b></a><br />"; } if (exec("ps aux | grep [s]sh | grep -v -e ssh.php | grep -v grep") == "") { echo " SSH <font color=\"red\"><b>offline</b></font>. | <a href=\"ssh.php?connect\"><b>Connect</b></a><br /><br />"; } else { echo " SSH <font color=\"lime\"><b>online</b></font>. | <a href=\"ssh.php?disconnect\"><b>Disconnect</b></a><br /><br />"; } echo "<br/><b>Interfaces</b><br />"; echo " PoE / LAN Port: " . exec("ifconfig br-lan | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'") . "<br />"; echo " USB 3G Modem: " . exec("ifconfig 3g-wan2 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'") . "<br />"; echo " WAN / LAN Port: " . exec("ifconfig eth1 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'") . "<br />"; echo "Public Internet: "; if (isset($_GET[revealpublic])) { echo exec("wget -qO- http://cloud.wifipineapple.com/ip.php") . "<br />"; } else { echo "<a href=\"index.php?revealpublic\">reveal public ip</a><br />"; } ?> </td><td valign="top" align="left" width="*"> <pre> <a href="#" onclick="getLog('start');return false"><b>Resume Log</b></a> | <a href="#" onclick="stopTail();return false"><b>Pause Log</b></a> | <?php if (isset($_GET[report])) { echo "<a href='index.php'><b>Dismiss Detailed Report</b></a>"; } else { echo "<a href='index.php?report'><b>Generate Detailed Report</b></a>"; } ?><br /> <?php if (isset($_GET[report])) { echo "<br /><b>Detailed Report</b> <small><font color='gray'>CPU Intensive. Do not re-run reports in rapid succession</font></small><br /><br />"; $cmd="/www/pineapple/karma/karmaclients.sh"; exec("$cmd 2>&1", $output); foreach($output as $outputline) { echo ("$outputline\n"); } } else { echo "<div id='log'>Karma Log:</div>"; } ?> </pre> </td></tr></table> </pre><!-- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqL_nsSl_Fs //easter egg --> </body> </html>
  10. If i remembered correctly, they are switching to a new environment instead of Github.
  11. Yup agree with peterfm if your AP121U is flashed with OpenWRT, just use OpenWRT web GUI to flash upgrade.bin ;)
  12. Bad ground can cause garbled output as well. Maybe it's easier to buy a USB-to-UART (TTL 3.3V) cable for a couple of bucks on ebay
  13. Make sure it's a USB-to-UART 3.3V cable. Sounds like you are using a wrong cable. Wiki excerpt:
  14. The wiki should be the first place to look IMO and it's stated here as well. Linux and Windows are in the wiki so why shouldn't OSX be in there as well? But i'm getting a bit off topic now :P just spit balling here ;)
  15. Someone should put it on the wiki page, maybe that prevents these questions. :) Or a guides sub-forum or sticky ICS guides rollup thread, just thoughts ;)
  16. When you are sure MD5 matches you could run sysupgrade -n -v /tmp/upgrade.bin
  17. I sure sounds like a lot of fun. I really like that the pineapple platform is getting more and more mature each day. Also are you planning a real onsite wiki, instead of github's one? I'm getting way off topic here :P
  18. ALFA ftp is working though ;)
  19. I agree with telot If your plan is solely to provide a wifi hotspot with internet provided via your phone, just use a wifi tether app. However i could imagine you want to have a redirect page explaining people they can use internet by paying you. That's when a pineapple comes in handy :) I don't disagree on having bluetooth support, but for now external wifi adapter support is the main priority ;)
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