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Posts posted by DLSS

  1. about the xtian ads, i doubt it has anything to with those,...

    myspace turns to where the money comes from, guess where the ad campaign for the blasphemy challenge ( by atheist organisation rrs) first launched and got popular ? and why there were so many atheists on myspace in the 1st place ?

    Atheism isn't a religious group and has no legal recognition at all, so they couldn't even sue on grounds of discrimination. The TOS items you listed are purely a safeguard to protect them from legal action based on the content of a members page, nothing else.
    wtf do you mean by saying it "has no legal recognition "?

    anyway ,...

    they couldn't even sue on grounds of discrimination.
    WTF , how so ? if i wouldn't let ppl in my club or wotever cos they have lets say red hair they could sue me for discrimination. and there's no legal recognition for redheads is there ?
  2. MySpace: No place for Atheists !

    MySpace Deletes Largest Atheist Group in the World.

    Cleveland, OH.— Social networking site, MySpace.com, panders to religious intolerants by deleting atheist users, groups and content.

    Early this month, MySpace again deleted the Atheist and Agnostic Group (35,000 members). This deletion, due largely to complaints from people who find atheism offensive, marks the second time MySpace has cancelled the group since November 2007.

    What’s unique in this case is that the Atheist and Agnostic Group was the largest collection of organized atheists in the world. The group had its own Wikipedia entry, and in April won the Excellence in Humanist Communication Award (2007) from the Humanist Chaplaincy at Harvard University and the Secular Student Alliance.

    “MySpace refuses to undelete the group, although it never violated any terms of service,” said Bryan Pesta, Ph.D., the group’s moderator. “When the largest Christian group was hacked, MySpace’s Founder, Tom Anderson, personally restored the group, and promised to protect it from future deletions.”

    “It is an outrage if Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation and the world’s largest social networking site tolerate discrimination against atheists and agnostics-- and if this situation goes unresolved I’ll have little choice but to believe they do,” said Greg Epstein, humanist chaplain of Harvard University. News Corporation, Murdoch’s global media corporation which also includes Fox News, purchased MySpace in 2005.

    “My personal profile was deleted as well, and despite weeks of emails to customer service, plus a petition signed by 500 group members, MySpace won’t budge. I think these actions send a clear message to the 30 million godless people in America (and to businesses whose money was spent displaying ads on our group) that we are not welcome on MySpace,” said Pesta.

    For a Wikipedia article on the now defunct atheist and agnostic group, visit


    width=170 height=170http://www.secularstudents.org/files/atheists.and.agnostics.gif[/img]

    source : http://www.secularstudents.org/node/1933

  3. yeah i was bored and didnt find any online so made my own :P

    just place it in the directory you want to create a playlist from

    you can change and add the extensions it searches for if you want ...

    O and if you want to remove credits go ahead :) , just dont replace em :( thats all i ask ...

    @echo off
    color 0a
    title playlist generator by DLSS
    echo   playlist generator by DLSS  (posted originally on hak5.org)
    echo my homepage : http://DLSS.co.nr
    echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    echo current directory is %cd%
    set /p file=what should the playlist be called ?:
    : test-audio
    if exist *.mp3 (goto music) else (if exist *.wma (goto music) else (goto test-video) )
    : test-video
    if exist *.divx (goto video) else (if exist *.avi (goto video) else (if exist *.wmv (goto video) else (goto end) ) )
    : music
    title playlist generator by DLSS / generating %file% (audio) playlist
    : m3u
    echo.#generated with DLSS's playlist generator >> "%file%(a).m3u"
    echo. >> "%file%(a).m3u"
    dir "*.mp3"/b >> "%file%(a).m3u"
    dir "*.wma"/b >> "%file%(a).m3u"
    goto test-video
    : video
    title playlist generator by DLSS / generating %file% (video) playlists
    : bsl
    echo.#generated with DLSS's playlist generator >> "%file%.bsl"
    echo. >> "%file%.bsl"
    dir "*.avi"/b >> "%file%.bsl"
    dir "*.divx"/b >> "%file%.bsl"
    dir "*.wmv"/b >> "%file%.bsl"
    : m3u
    echo.#generated with DLSS's playlist generator >> "%file%(v).m3u"
    echo. >> "%file%(v).m3u"
    dir "*.avi"/b >> "%file%(v).m3u"
    dir "*.divx"/b >> "%file%(v).m3u"
    dir "*.wmv"/b >> "%file%(v).m3u"
    : end

    the slexy : http://slexy.org/view/s2T8ITtLEp

    greetz, DLSS

  4. this guy just got his cannon laptop back & is pissed and yelling

    cos his drive with 3 years or so of his work got formatted (he thinks replaced & wants it back)


    *someoneE1se alternative link*

    meh if he yelled like that to me i'd explain it, if he'd still be angry or yelling towards me i'd get a copy of the disclaimer form he signed, hold it infront of his nose and laugh @ him ...

    probably also loop a sentence of a peaches track saying "back it up boys"

  5. hmm well, i dont kno what the problem is ...

    my old non-u3 payload still grabs the hashes etc without giving me errors as long as the person is logged in as admin.

    (you can check if its still up on the wiki , i just hope u can still get it past the virus scan)

    but also in your last post you say'd

    I already

    promised the teacher that I WOULD get this DVD player

    to work

    by that i presume you have your teachers permission , so couldn't you just go get the head of IT (or whoevever does that kinda thing there) to turn it on, log in, and make it play ?

    anyway if all else fails you could try and boot a version of linux off a stick & play the dvd useing vlc ...

    (if it'll boot off the stick ..)

  6. for the big well known sites the best & free tool to use to download & convert is vdownloader (its small& portable aswell)

    but the best technique to use in general in firefox is in my opinion using tamperdata, here'sa howto vid i did about it for dloading from livevideo.com (there are no tools tht support it yet so i do it this way)

    and other strings etc u might search for on otherr sites ...


  7. well i mean i opened it up and changed the RAM just ot be sure to RAM wasn't dodgy...

    but anyways, from what i said above, doesn't it seem that going by the WORDING of the System Bulder Licence, I am OK?

    Sure, it's prob not what microsoft intended however by taking a step back, is it really resonable to ask a business to by retails copies for their customer's computers? It just sound a bit strange

    as far as i'm concerned you're in the right, supplying them an oem this way ...
  8. Are you running the XP64 trial version or the full version?
    full ever since i have a x64 system . (why would i run tial ?)

    beats vista, makes full use of the dualcore , etc ...

    only probs i had were no drivers for my printer & webcams ... apart from that everything works fine :D

  9. sell him a mouse
    lol WTF ?

    am i the only one here who believes in honest buisness and disguisted by salesmen trying to sell the most expensive hardware (€2500+) to normal consumers that actually need no more then a low end machine (€500 to €800)

    anyway as the guy said technically according to M$'s definition it would be ok , but as most on here said , i doubt this is what they mean  ...

    and as said its not illegal seeing as you're jus supplying legal sofware (not a pirate copy) , but it probably does go against M$'s EULA ...

    conclusion : if you'd call M$ they'll probably tell you you're not allowed to and need to sell them a full copy (disk) ,

    but according to the above definition you'd be in the right,

    and last but not least : as long as its a new & legitilate copy it is you're selling (oem or otherwise) it's not illegal , even tho it goes against M$'s wishes/rules/EULA/...

    peace, DLSS

    ps: to be honest i doubt they didn't have a oem version in the past seeing as easily 92% of all laptops sold contain a oem version of windows

  10. width=486 height=60http://dagvandedownload.be/files/dvdd_banner2.png[/img]

    dagvandedownload.be ("Day Of The Download") is an action against the backwards download limits in Belgium. The scope is to show that current internet speeds allow any user of any subscription type to fill up their quota within hours and that better prices and conditions should be enforced on Internet subscriptions in Belgium.

    Seriously, even ZDNet.be has frequent articles that show internet subscriptions are much cheaper in countries as The Netherlands or France. Belgium remains a quite expensive location for broadband internet within Europe ...

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