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Posts posted by DLSS

  1. i decided to ditch stardock for rocketdock. it's just faster for me.

    personally i prefere yzdocks (u wont see mine on my desktop tho, cos i haver it auto hidden, (and set to smallest size :P )

    i'll upload another image with autohide disabled ...


    update desktop : 2s1krjl.jpg

  2. I mostly get paid in money, but when its for friends, mostly wine or sth to eat :D

    ditto (tho in my case beer or vodka,....

    wich reminds me yannick still owes me a bottle of eristoff...)

    i guess the best i got was for fixing stuff at a local radio station other computer buisnesses couldn't get running(they still used some dos progs, had to replace the box , replaced it with a dualcore box running xp, and no shit , the progs didnt work/run, so i installed dosbox & wrote some configs for each prog, getting it all to work fluently...) got payed €35 and got some racing tickets.

    i also get old boxes dropped off here but they're usually too old (P1, P2,...,) with the only usable parts left being fans...

    This wasn't some Lipton tea bag crap. This was a couple tins high quality loose tea. Although I have received a coca-cola whiles working on a box.
    :o coke?

    i usually get a beer, when i work for free the rule is simple : no alcohol no work :P

    even my gf's stephmom gets me a glas of gin .

    (i'm not rude enough to ask, but she's smart enough to offer :P)

  3. Kung Fu Jesus:

    Get off your damn high horse, I don't see you hosting any shows around here. I think the cast is doing a wonderful job. I also think -- as already stated about 100 times -- that you should focus more on feedback and constructive suggestions, rather than directly insulting the cast. Even if you hate the suggestion because you feel your insults are necessary, just have some class and stop being a douche.

    why are you calling him a douche, when right here you're proving to be en ass

    dont try to be badass, and diss on people that've been active here way longer then you , cos as long as you havent seen all past episodes and been active in the community (forums,irc,...) you don't kno what you're talking about.

    And franctly imho if you dont contribute to the community or show in one way or another (this doens't even have to be code , just feedback to the show or talking on the board or irc) you dont matter. and especially have no right to tell others that've been here longer then you, how they should act (hell actually that righ is a priviledge for vako,manuel,moonlit,tomb,... and other such high ranks :) )

    take an example to other new members like : saxon and H@L0_F00

    both were new but watched the back catalog and contribute on the forums ...

  4. i never said rock bottom >_>, just quite far from what it used to be, if we werent used to it being as it was, and i looked at it as you do, seeing it as it is now for the first time, i'd probably find it a good show, but, how am i going to explain this, we're used to more/better now...

    its like when u get a pc (pIII , 512 MB ram, geforce 2, 80gb hdd)

    then u get a new one (quad core, 4GB ram, ati hd card, 2,5 TB hdd)

    then they take it away and u get the previous one back, u're still thankfull you're getting something, but u do feel it's a downgrade and you now kno you could've had so much more ... you cant be ungratefull, but u do long back to the quadcore isn't it. (this is where i am)

    but now if i now give the PIII to you and you've never had any pc, yer gonna be verry happy with it, and wont long for anything better, cos you've never had anything better, as far as you go this is the best it gets (till now)

    i'm not to good with metaphores , and there's also our opinions to be concidered etc , but u get my point ....

  5. ....

    you're right i did assume too much :)

    but that was the message/impression i was getting from you're complete post :)

    starting from "i really loved the broken" (dont get me wrong everyone watched it, its what started iptv shows like this, and it has been parodied a lot aswell, but it also was one big joke...) to the stuff about not being able to watch the old eps due to quality and the importance of it.

    as i said i have nothing against macs (well ok i do hate their massive use of proprietary ports & connectors but thats here nor there) and agree that the're stable and the norm for video , photo , sound editing.

    as for stabs at me i dont mind dont worry ;)

    i guess i did underestimate you aswell. but we still disagree massively on what we call quality ....

    i was quite annoyed by you're post, what i posted in my first post was sincere and this community, especially the old members here r close to my heart, and we've all loved the show from the start, then to have it turn to yet another typical rev3 show isn't quite a fun thing especially cos hak.5 used to be something awesome and unique, driven by our community and the awesome hak5 staff, some can cope with this change better then others (vako ...) others like me dont want to, and want our old show back ...

    i'm sorry for my shitty assumptions, to me it sounded like you were a skiddy, and thats what i treated you as (hmm good spelling should've given me a clue).

  6. see tht guys completely contradicting me,

    its the new crowd the show is now geared toward,

    rev3 brats, its all about the eye candy the content doesn't matter.

    as you notice from his post :

    A very long time ago, I tried watching an episode, and only made it a few minutes in because the production quality was so low.

    we the long time loyal fans have been dumped for the new rev3 skiddy statistic,

    wich wouldn't have been interested in the show in the first place.

    its all about the eye candy, dude no disrespect but you probably prefere the ps3 or xbox360 over the wii cos of superior gfx, u prob chose for a mac for the eye candy (nothing agains mac's )

    you probably prefere a gui interface, and use bloatware cos it looks pretty

    you'd probably buy a car that looks great over one that runs great.

    nothing against you, but i hate your type, all about the eye candy "ooh shiny"

    me and i think a lot of us prefere a system and interface that works over one that looks good, and usually verry minimalistic. (look back a year or so and look at the desktop threads, count the amount of windows systems, now look at how much of those use the windows classic theme or a derivative)

    we generally prefere commandline over gui, why ? not because its "1337" , but because its a lot more powerfull and usefull and even easyer to automate (by scripting) , its another reason a lot prefere linux because of the much more powerfull commandline.

    then again why do i even bother, as i said , this guy it the typical new statistic, we long time fans dont matter anymore, comon darren admit it ... cos thats what it feels like.

    remember @ the mentioning of the take-over when quite a few of us were complaining, u said it wouldn't change, well it did didnt it?

    i (and a lot of us old fans'd probably agree) want our old show back :(

  7. Ok guys, if thats what you believe then fine,

    But at the end of the day if you are pulling Gigs of data down, whether its encrypted or not, then you will trigger your ISP's interest and maybe get your connection throttled. Even more so if the majority of your traffic can not be viewed by your ISP, their not stupid, they know what large amounts of SSL/encrypted traffic could mean (especially if you've not got a business package).

    If you don't what the risk of your connection being terminated, leagal action being taken, or your speed being caped then DON'T DL COPYWRITED STUFF.

    look mate there's big bad ips's out there (mainly in the us : verizon, virgin, ...)

    but there's also isp's that dont give a flying fuck and market towards the leechers, in belgium u have dommel and edpnet doing this, while other isp's here are limiting (30gb etc a month) they go and offer 100/200gb a month (+free usenet acces) at a cheap price, counting on the leechers to buy extra gigs, and speed boost packs ...

    not all isp's start off with the same mentality, to give an example: the first isp in holland (and now one of the biggest) was xs4all and was founded by hackers, for hackers they (at least claim) never to hand over any iformation on their users.

    chedom/dommel was created by leechers for leechers :) basically started cos dl limits were too low & prices were too high, so they thought they could do better, and boy do they :D

  8. ok im getting in this thread late but must say manuel, kung fu ninja, are right (and to be honest most of us expected it to when u guys moved to rev3).

    i used to watch every show, enjoy it, and look forward to the next one with anticipation.

    now i hardly watch every third show , and forward bits that get boring or are just too basic,

    and as mentioned by others snubs is probably a verry clever girl (no doubt as she chhose u darren :) )

    but she acts really dumb in front of the camera (stagefright ?)

    as said before we want to see more hardware hacks, and stuff on different platforms.

    i can honestly say i currently mainly use windows (but also run ubuntu)

    but i'd still rather see segments on linux, unix, hell even mac if it has to.

    we're here to learn isnt it?

    i kno windows most of us do, most of us run dualboot (and the rest can run vm's),

    there's a lot more to learn on linux, and probably a lot more interesting stuff most of us dont kno.

    this used to be the greatest show on the net but lately i'm finding infinity exists more interesting, with topics like : XSS Tunneling, DNS spoofing, Downfalls of Anti-Virus Software ,Fix Google Mail Enumerator, SMB Relay Exploit, trojan basics

    but even they also do verry basic stuff like manipulating user accounts, email spoofing, wep cracking, etc

    but at least they mix it up a bit more...

    bsodtv is also still around, with foxx especially doing great segments with both hardware (building various antenna's, recievers, modding wifi cards, etc, etc ,etc) , software, console hacks (and his great sense of sarcasme :P)

    both of those shows have a practically unexisting budget or production value,

    but they have great content, thats what makes a show, thats what used to make hak5 great

    and another thing iptv used to mean shows some guys threw toghether in their garage/house and uploaded online, now its like i'm watching tv, everything is dumbed down, there's commercials, there's a studio, there's even that typical annoying watermark in the corner of the screen ...

  9. ok i cba to read the whole 3 page thread but i can say sparda & dingleberries r right...

    now for all the leeching nublets :

    if u use bittorrent use encrypted torrents, if you're really paranoid use a service like torrentprivacy (google it)

    second option get on some trusted boards (NOT wbb) and use filesharing services (rs,mu,es,vip-file) tho these apart from the last one are only advised for small files

    but last and most important especially if u want the newest rlses GET USENET WITH SSL that way u have all the recent stuff ,u dont have to upload (making it legal in holland) , u download at high speeds, and it uses ssl encryption.

    note that if u want to be secure or have a decent service in most cases u'll have to shell out a few bucks ...

  10. The fact that Hak5 still has control over its own content is probably the best bit to consider in this thread. This guarantees that the show keeps its aura. It doesn't matter if Rev3 is a corporate microcosm, they won't be able to G4itize Hak5 anytime soon. There is also the inarguable upside that Hak5 will indeed reach many many more people.

    may i disagree ? in the last 2 eps the backdrop alone has become as static as any other rev3 show and i feel thats a serious setback seeing how well they were done the last 2 seasons, hell i found the simple red wall with hak5 poster back in season 1 more interesting then this greyness & shades.

    and the language has become a tad too n00b friendly (dont get me wrong , no prob with explaining , but why on such a level a 10yo could understand it? its degrading to the ppl that are a bit into tech, and come on who here still needed an explanation for "reverse engineering" ? and if someone didn't kno we can all use google&wikipedia)

    and where did the atitude "for geeks/hackers by geeks/hackers" go ? cos it seems to"ve went to "by corporate entity rev3 (cos there's a watermark on the show now :s) for the general public"

    the shows even have become ultra short (like most if not all rev3 shows >.>)

  11. thanks a lot all :) ^_^

    Grab it's model number, find it's native resolution using google.

    did :) its the AOC 2216Sw and aparently the rez = 1680x1050 .

    unfortunately today i went n paid an advance, wich i now hope i can get back , cos i've noticed a lot of bad reviews, and the prob it only has a vga port (wtf? who does tht these days) wich wasn't mentioned in the ad , while my videocard has 2 DVI connectors , and i'm not planning to stick a fugly adapter between it , or let it degrade my image quality ...

    ffs shouldn't 've paid the advance. :(

    ps the orig ad : 48229789.png

  12. ok so my monitor is borked, it was a 19" 4:3 (so no widescreen)

    now i plan on going to get one i saw in an ad of the local mediamarket (they suck but r affordable)

    saw a nice lcd display for €150 fitting my budget, odd thing was the size, its 21.6"

    i kno monitors of 21" and 22" even ones of 21.3", but 21.6" seems an odd size , and am wondering what the max res'd be and if i'd run into any probs >.>

    Thnx in advance :)

  13. It's just a service of my bank here in Belgium so it's no big deal. So all of you who thought that I was an sort of überbankcardeditor were wrong... :lol:

    It's called a photo card and you can put on almost every photo on it. I had a complete black one but that's broken now...

    yeah i've got my own pcbborddesign on my card when they first came out with tht service (as far as i kno dexia was the first to offer this and to offer it for free) i'll see if i still have the desigh preview somewhere ...


    design :


    (this dates back from Jun 20, 2006)

  14. Walmart, the Apple Store, Best Buy, and all major consumer electronic stores will have protective software on the computer, common software included Deep Freeze, and Steady State. You won't be able to remove the password because they have designed this software to prevent it, or the software restores the password after you remove it. In some cases it can also make it very difficult to even reformat, let alone change the password.

    If you want access to the machine you'll need to get a copy of the SAM file (boot to a Knoppix disc and copy it to a USB drive) take it home and see if it contains any HASHs, i don't know if it will or not (let us know if you try this). And obviously, i think the retailer will frown upon you doing this.

    i generally hate deep freeze , tho its kinda funny that they used an illegitimate copy of it on some computers at my old school xD

  15. HP no particular reason apart from the fact that its sturdy , cheap and as far as i kno doesnt give probs with linux , at least not the distro's i tryed ....

    my first lappy and apart from the fact it came with vista , verry happy bout it .

    my lappy :

    HP 530 - Core Duo T2400 / 1.83 GHz - Centrino Duo

    RAM 1 GB

    HDD 80 GB Serial ATA-150 - 5400 tpm

    DVD±RW (+R duallayer) / DVD-RAM

    GMA 950 (wtf is is ?)

    WLAN : 802.11a/b/g

    Vista Home Basic

    15.4" widescreen TFT 1280 x 800 ( WXGA ) BrightView

    back then one of the cheapest decent ones i could get (€599.99)

  16. still running both (as soon as i get a hdd to backup the vista machine its getting xp): vista basic, win xp x64 pro (wich is actually based on server 2003), +ubuntu 64bit

    and currently i feel xp x64 gives me best of both worlds.

    vista is the biggest junk i've worked with since winME , and seeing that overall the only + to vista seems to be dx10 , and the basic is lacking it (as far as i understand) so there's no reason for me to keep it....

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