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Posts posted by Infiltrator

  1. as i think when the password is entered by us,,router convert it to hash codes and match the two passwords is it correct?

    Correct, when you enter the clear-text password in your router, it takes it and then uses a hash algorithm such as an MD5 for example, to generate a hash of your clear-text password and uses it to match against the hash already saved in the database. If they are a match, you are authenticated, if they don't then you will get an authentication error.

  2. Hi Digip,

    Just out of curiosity when you contributed for this project, did you have to do any coding at all or you simply assisted by researching on RFI attacks?

    I am just finding the whole project very interesting to be honest!.


  3. Lately I've been watching the TV series "Chuck" and I kind of wish I was a spy. I know its a dangerous job, but the pay must immense.

    To the OP, I know spying on other people isn't a cool thing, but that's what the government has to do to keep its nation and people safe.

  4. My network is pretty simple, a single wireless router/modem, LinkSyS WAG320 with 4 computers attached to it.

    I've been using it for over a year now and its been pretty rock solid.

    The only thing, I hate about it, is that it doesn't support any open source firmware.

  5. A easier way to delete\Manage your firefox profiles is to run:

    1. Open run dialog (Windows key + r)

    2. firefox.exe -p

    3. Select a Profile and Press Delete Profile

    4. Either Create a new profile or Exit

    Hope this Helps,


    You shouldn't reply to threads that are more than 6 years old.

  6. I do almost all of my gaming on the Xbox. I have two of them, one on the shop and one in the living room, and the nice thing about those is that I know any game I buy will work perfectly and I don't have to mess with it. I honestly abandoned PC gaming years ago because I got sick of upgrading my video card every time a new game came out. Today the only reason I want a 9 series Nvidia card is for Cuda.

    I wish Vmware would support CUDA!

  7. What are the security implications involved with RDP and Xming?

    If SSH is configured properly, it can be pretty secure with Xming.

    On the other hand, I would not recommend to use RDP alone to remotely control a computer from over the internet, I'd use OpenVPN or SSHCop to make the connection secure.

    Or use a third party software like TeamViewer of UltraVnC.

    Sounds like I would have tweak the enter network and setup static IPs.

    Just use your router's DHCP server to allocate IP addresses dynamically, rather than configuring each machine statically.

  8. Whats the linux equivalent RDP? SSH?

    SSH is good for securing the connection between your Windows box and Linux box, as well as remotely controlling your Linux box via terminal commands.

    However, you can use an application called, "Xming" which is a great and lightweight implementation of X11 for Windows that allows you to connect to a Linux box just like RDP.

    There must be a way to seamlessly integrate each PC on the network. I dont think its possible to boot into a VM using VMware. VMware requires a host OS.

    Not necessarily, Vmware also has what's called VmWare ESXI, a Hypervisor which doesn't rely on a host OS like Windows to run on. It's installed just like a normal OS on the hardware itself, and from there you can create VMs and boot them just like a normal OS running on a physical hardware.

    The only downside of ESXI is that is relies on a server hardware. VmWare ESXI has been designed specifically for organizations or companies looking to downsize their data center servers, but can also be used by individuals who wants to explore the technology further.

    Here's a link with more information about VmWare ESXI: http://www.vmware.com/products/vsphere/esxi-and-esx/overview.html

    Now if you just think that the whole Virtualization thing is too complicated, just use your router to interconnect the other machines together. If later you plan on adding more machines to your network, buy a x5 ports network switch and hook it up to your router. You can then use RDP for Windows and Xming for Linux for controlling your machines remotely.

  9. I agree XP is archaic that's why I don't use it anymore. Instead I use Windows 7 as the main OS, with Vmware workstation and 2x virtual machines running Linux Os.

    When running Vmware, your physical machine should have good specs, in order to maintain a good level of performance. I'd recommend something like a QUAD core CPU with at least 8 to 12 GB of RAM.

    When I transfer large files between machines, I would normally do what you suggested enable file sharing, and then I would map the folder as a network drive on the other computers, so I can copy or access the files.

    When you say "I'm looking for a way to login to a deamon from PC on the network which allows access to any PC on the network.", are you looking to do something like an RDP session, where you remote into another computer via terminal services.

  10. I have the system connecting to a server over a WLAN, and I don't want people to be able to read the data as it is being sent back to the server, or any commands from the server.

    How about encrypting the connection with SSH, and before sending the data to the server, you could create a TrueCrypt hidden container to keep the file secure and locked.

    And even if someone managed to break into your server or sniff your traffic, the data would be encrypted and password protected.

  11. TrueCrypt its quite a powerful open source full disk encryption software. It also allows you to create a hidden volume where you can hide your "dirty files" from the praying eyes.

    You should definitely check it out.

  12. Either use remote desktop or attach the machines to the same keyboard, mouse, and monitor with a KVM switch.

    A KVM switch would definitely make things simple and easy to use.

    Also you could use Synergy to share the mouse and keyboard between multiple computers on your desk.

  13. 1) If your ADSL modem/router has spare Ethernet ports, you could use them to connect the computers together, or purchase a x5 ports network switch.

    2) Use your router's DHCP server to automatically assign each machine an IP address, rather than statically configuring each computer with an IP address.

    3) If you are comfortable with VMware, I'd install VMware Workstation on the XP machine and install your OSes as virtual machines. It will be very convenient for you, since you will have the ability to switch between the OSes, without having to dual boot or RDP into them.

    4) When bridging is enabled, two devices on two different networks, for example, a LAN and Wireless are permitted to talk or exchange messages to one other. In your case, I would just recommend using VmWare or Virtual box to switch between the OSes.

  14. +1 to Cloudflare, a cloud service that I would definitely recommend to minimize the effects of DDOS.

    Also taking measures, such as changing your IP address, blocking the offending IP address and leasing another line will help minimize the DDOS effects.

  15. if your looking for tools i highly recomend...

    sql ninja and sqlmap

    No doubt, they are good tools, but I would recommend learning SQL injection manually before attempting the tools.

    It helps you develop an understanding of how the tools work in general. I'd also recommend to buy the "Basics of Hacking and Penetration testing" book, to help you further.

  16. EmcoSoft is an excellent password cracker, supporting a variety of file formats. But its a commercial software, that must be purchased.

    But I would be cautious when cracking that file, as Digip pointed out it could contain a malware or worm.

  17. Depending on the power drill you are using, it could be outputting over 500watts or even more when under load, to be certain of its actual figures, I would recommend you to purchase a proper watt meter, that does amps, volts and watts measurements to get an accurate reading.

    You could also use a 24volts battery, connected to an 3000 watts inverter to power up the drill.

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