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Posts posted by Infiltrator

  1. Oh comeon Inf, you know its a cat and mouse game - they'll block VPN, we'll use ssh tunnels - they'll block ssh tunnels, we'll use TOR - they'll block TOR, we'll use I2P - they'll block l2P, we'll invent a new form of dark net or tunneling or whatever. Its the hacker mentality and we have the upper hand...because we as a community are smarter than they are :)


    Yeah, I know exactly what you mean, and I do agree with you. Those government officials think they know how to stop us, but we are always one step ahead of the game. Because we have technolust.

  2. not the APIPA Bro, apipa canoot help you to connect to domain or internet connectivity ..it only talk to its own broadcast range..!! if u have two or more computer with one modem take one computer go to the lan card change ip address to any u want , (login to router make static from dynamic ip ) and again go back to the same lan card add another ip into the same

    now go back to the command

    c:> arp -a

    type this and u will see the arp entries with two ip address with unique mac address

    slap me if its not worked

    Correct if I am wrong, but wouldn't the Modem and the LAN card have its own MAC address. And as result, you would have two different MAC addresses.

  3. its possible bro, i have tried on during my lab session..

    you can assign two ip address , in a one lan interface...you can assign one for The computer IP address and another one for by asssuming router IP address(but in reality u don have router in ur hand)

    thats how i used during in my lab set up ...so after tat try look up arp cache table

    c:> arp -a

    now u can see two ip address, and two different mac address

    but onli one network interface card

    Oh yes the APIPA address. But one thing you got to remember is that the MAC address is imprinted on the NIC's ROM, so it doesn't change only the IP address.

  4. Hello guys, i'm quite new to linux and i've been experimenting lately with a few VMs (BackTrack and Ubuntu are just a couple to name). I'm planning on getting a new computer and i plan on using only linux on it. The question lies on which distro should i choose to use as a main OS? I will be doing INFOSEC stuff and coding as well as listening to music,watching videos,uploading pictures and that sort of thing. I was wondering if maybe BackTrack could be used as a main OS. Could you install some video players,music players, document editors,etc..? Is BackTrack stable enough to be used as a main OS? Is it safe? What about other distros such as Fedora or Debian? Would they be good for pentesting/casual use? I'm sorry for the poor phrasing of this post, my english isn't good. If you didn't understand something, let me know!

    I'd not recommend Backtrack as your main OS, instead use Ubuntu, as its been designed as a desktop OS for everyday usage. Backtrack on the other hand, was designed for security auditing and most of its operations are conducted from a terminal window, which could prove challenging at first, if you are not a Linux user.

    Ubuntu is quite friendly and there are tons of tutorials and guides on the internet, to make your transition as smooth as possible.

  5. what if you have two ip address assigned in a single adaptor card ? the two ip address have two mac address ? ist ? i guess yes !!

    Technically speaking, you are still required to have two separate LAN interfaces on the card, for the two MAC addresses to be used individually. By design, its not possible to have two MAC addresses operating on the same interface.

    and in that case how do i find which one is authorative MAC adress for the card among the two ip address associated mac address ?

    Let me guess, are you trying to set up some kind of load balancing or redundancy? If that's the case, you can't assign more than one MAC address to a single NIC. You can change the MAC address, but that's as far as you can go. A single NIC can only operate with a single MAC address, you will need an additional NIC if you want to have two separate MAC addresses.

    what is the best ways to manually add the static entry of my machine mac address into the targeted network gateway so that i can start intercept thier connections !

    This will need to be hard coded in the router's firmware, however you can use ARP Poisoning to redirect your victims traffic into your attacker's machine.

    if you haven't done ARP poisoning before, check out this Backtrack arp poisoning article.


  6. For learning experience I'd recommend Ubuntu, I've been using it as my second OS in a VM, for quite sometime now and have always been learning stuffs.

    Plus Ubuntu has a great community, with lots of tutorials and resources to help out any new starter.

  7. Meterpreter or a Remote Administration Tool with a built in keylogger/screencapper would be a good place to start, I think there's a section on Hackforums, I don't know if its still there though, haven't been on that website in a long time

    As a matter of fact, there are a lot of talks on RATs in the Hackforums even tutorials. I just became a member and its amazing to see how many threads are created on the topic. Not to mention, that in every question or answer, there will always be the abbreviation RAT, or people suggesting the use of RAT.

  8. C and Python would be good languages to learn, learn C first then Python. I'd also encourage you to do certifications, whilst they may not seem effective at determining someone's experience, they will make your resume look good, when hunting for a job.

    Apart from these certs, network+ or security+, I'd also go for the CCNA and CEH.

  9. Turn off your main wireless card WLAN0,

    ifconfig wlan0 down

    Then connect your Alfa wireless card in and run the command,


    It should now display some information about your Alfa card, issue an Ifconfig WLAN0 up to bring your Alfa interface up and then try again, see if that still freezes up.

  10. This is the laptop, I am getting, I know it doesn't meet your requirements but its a great machine, for pen-testing I'd say. One of the things, that I like most about it, is that it comes with an NVIDIA graphics card, with 480 cuda cores, which will help me crack passwords faster.

    I'm also going to wipe Windows off and install Backtrack 5. In addition, I will be replacing the HDD with an SSD for optimum performance.

    "Intel Core i7 2670QM 2.2Ghz (Turbo 3.1G), Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, mobile Intel HM65 express chipset, 12GB (3 x 4GB) DDR3 1333MHz, 15.6" LED full-HD (1920 x 1080), 2GB DDR5 NVIDIA GeForce GTX560M, 2 x 750GB 5400RPM, Bluray writer and more. 2 year hardware warranty, 1 year..."


  11. Thank you, Mnemonic. I wanted to thank you for your comment immediately but I couldn't remember my password at the time and I have not logged in in a while. The thing I was doing at the time was needed kind of urgently so I didn't have time to learn but I took your advice and gave learning metasploit a go. I'm still basically just reading the intro of a book on it, but we'll see if I can Forest Gump my way thru it :)

    I don't know if you know, but there is a hardware keylogger, you could buy.


  12. It takes time, patience and a bit of thinking, which is the difference between a successful pentester and a script kiddie, in my humble opinion.

    You are definitely right and that's exactly how I implemented my dictionary files.

  13. Aha, yeah, Im viewing some of the ones google threw up now,

    was just wondering if anyone on here had any specific tutorials that

    they know concentrate on the key points and dont faff about with stuff, thanks though

    I don't know what makes you hate Google!

    But it only took me a second to find these articles.

    WEP Cracking Tutorial


    WPA Cracking Tutorial



  14. You don't put 25 users on a domain, that's what workgroups are for.

    Ideally you should have no more than 10 computers in a workgroup anything, above or beyond becomes impractical.

    I like everything managed from a central point. Its easy for keeping track of things and as well as helping maintain a secure environment.

  15. Another direction you could go in might be to use Rainbow Tables, if you havent already tried them?

    You can either download them, or use the winrtgen tool that comes with Cain and Abel (inb4 Skiddie)

    The only problem I see with rainbow tables, is that after a certain length of characters, they become ineffective at cracking. And then you are back to square one!

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