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Posts posted by Infiltrator

  1. 1) what do people get for cracking the software?

    Its a good question, and one that I think I can answer. Why to pay for something, when you can have it for free? Financially speaking, its not good for the person who is trying to make a living out of it, but what if someone can't afford buying in the first place.

    In that sense, making it available for free of charge, helps those who can't afford to buy it.

    2) How to determine is a torrent is unsafe/safe?

    Run it inside a VM, if something bad happens than you know its not safe. You could also use an updated antvirus to determine that for you. But sometimes, even the most up to date AV will not be much of a help.

  2. The guitars I have. 2005 Fender Mexican Strat, Ibanez 6 string acoustic and a yamaha 12 string acoustic. The 2001 thinline telecaster which I only play when something super happens.

    They are nice guitars, I own an acoustic guitar and initially, I thought in buying the original Les Paul Gibson guitar, the one that Slash from Guns N' Roses plays, but too expensive. I've now decided to buy an ESP Horizon instead. What kind of songs do you play?

  3. Or just run TAILS in VMs instead of installing TOR in each instance. It seems to work quite well. Just be aware that running in a VM is not the same as running off write-protected media on physical hardware, forensically speaking.

    You can always encrypt the VM's virtual hard drive, or use a Live CD of TAILS as you suggested, forensically speaking.

  4. Thanks for everyones input! dont worry, i will be speaking to the IT manager regarding company policy!

    Do definitely that, also I don't know if the company you work for, has an internet usage policy in place. If it doesn't, I would get the IT department to write one up, and get every employee to sign it off. This should stop employees from spending too much time surfing on the internet. If anyone breaches or violate this police, the company should give them a formal warning.

    Setting up a squid proxy is not hard, but once you've got it up and running you will be able to block specific websites, and if an employee has a problen, they can go up to their IT manager and have a fit about.

  5. Another thing you could do is, if you have a beefed up computer, you could create several virtual machines and install TOR on each one of them. Tor will give you the ability to remain annonimous to a degree, and at the same time, you will be able to accomplish what you want.

  6. There is also a feature most browsers(and sites can ask for) which is called "persistent data", which is a whole other ball of wax, and most browsers, don't even allow you to disable it. IE does, and I know Opera does, not sure on FF(Might need to go under the hood on it) and Chrome might too.

    Chrome has a feature called "Incognito mode"

    a) Webpages that you open and files downloaded while you are incognito aren't recorded in your browsing and download histories.

    B) All new cookies are deleted after you close all incognito windows that you've opened.

    c) Changes made to your Google Chrome bookmarks and general settings while in incognito mode are always saved.


  7. Thanks I appreciate the info. I have always used net stat to view my connections but I never knew how to kill them. This utility should. help me a lot. Thanks!

    Yeah, the netstat command only allows you to view all current established connections, in your computer it doesn't allow you to terminate them. You will need a third party app, such as the one Digip suggested, The TCPView.

  8. Very nicely done and honestly most netbook wireless internal antenna perfomance suck and mounting an external antenna certainly helps add that extra boost in performance. And yet for better performance you could always upgrade the antenna for a high dbi one.

  9. Isn't that the entire point of using a proxy though?

    The point of a proxy isn't always for concealing your IP address, proxy servers also have other roles, like for web caching and forwarding requests on behalf of the web clients. So it's always important to check what, proxy you are using, not all proxies are what the seem to be.

    There are proxies that are purposely built for spying on users, by sniffing any traffic that goes through. These proxies are also known as honeypot proxies. In my experience, sometimes you are better off with a VPN than a proxy.

  10. yes i want to put a low speed guest wireless network

    In this circumstance, I would get a spare computer, if you have one lying around and set it up as a hotspot, instead of using your server which doesn't support your wireless card.

  11. But they'll only be able to see that I'm using a proxy... bot tell that multiple accounts are the same user, right?

    In that case, NO they wouldn't be able to tell if you are the same user, since you are using multiple accounts and proxies to appear to be coming from a different location.

    However, there's one thing you should be aware of, some proxies will forward IP header information as well, meaning that they could reveal your real IP address, so even if you are using a proxy, to access the forum as a different user, they could block you, because they will see two different users coming from the same IP address.

  12. How can they tell if you're using a proxy?

    They could use either a third party service provider or a software running in their network to detect and block when someone is using a VPN or Proxy.

    Edit: If you do a search in Google for, how to block proxy servers/users, you will find lots of information on it.

  13. If you need to wipe your hard drive securely, you could boot it Dban or BCWipe, the only issue I have, is I am not 100% sure if these boot CDs would work on Macs, so you would have to remove the HDD and install it on a PC, if it doesn't work and wipe it off from there.

  14. I was thinking of a small NAS that had both a USB and Ethernet connection. However, I've heard you can't use both at the same time.

    Correct, you wouldn't be able to use both USB and Ethernet connection at the same time, but if the NAS had two Ethernet ports you could have two separate networks and still share data between them. I would check out that Qnap units, if I were you.

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