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Posts posted by Infiltrator

  1. There is a command in Windows, called Tasklist, it lists all the processes running on the background. If you want to display all the current processes running on a remote machine, I would recommend you to use PSexec + tasklist.

  2. please guys help me..

    23 views .no reply...

    please it is very important for me and other user also.. if we get solution to this problem


    If you want to protect yourself against, arp poisoning I would recommend you to look into ArpON. It not only detects arp poiosing but it also blocks.

  3. First off, when cracking WEP, you don't have to be authenticated to the AP. All you have to do is capture enough IVs, before attempting to crack the WEP key.

    In order to crack the WEP key more efficiently and fast, you can use aireplay-ng to generate traffic.

  4. Like digi said it sounds like maybe it's a driver issue. What updates did you install?

    Can you boot it to the cli? If you can maybe you can run


    and see what video driver you're using. You can also try to download the driver from the manufacturer's page, chmod +x it, and run it from the console. Once it is installed you can try the /etc/init.d/gdm start. That's how I normally install video drivers on my Ubuntu machines. Could also be a resolution issue. BT should ask something about display/driver settings on bootup, anything of interest there?

    I can certainly boot into the CLI and even login, but when I execute the command startx, my desktop looks like the screen shot I posted. I think it has something to do with the distribution I upgraded Backtrack with, it somehow must have stuffed up some vital configuration file. Now on my Vmware Backtrack machine, I just issued the following commands, followed by a reboot.

    apt-get update
    apt-get dist-upgrade

    And I didn't have any problems whatsoever. I can boot into my normal Backtrack desktop just fine.

  5. Few releases back they had issues with some graphic cards and drivers in addition to corrupt resource files in the native install versions, and having to remove files in the KDE version to make the gui load properly. Might be similar issue where you have to delete the resource files and let the system recreate them, but that shouldn't still be an issue. I could however see it being a vbox issues, since vmware seems to have better GPU support, might be something such as updating your virtual box to fix the problem, or trying to change the boot to use vesa mode and then reconfiguring/dpkg the xorg configuration for your system to fix it.

    This is what we used to do in BT5 KDE x64 - http://www.ticktockc...l-instructions/ but I don;t know that it would help you in your situation. By the way, thats for installing vmware tools, you can ignore that part for vbox obviously.

    I've tried all that and still didn't work. I'm also running the latest verison of Virtualbox and after sometime of playing around with it, I decided to create another Backtrack VM. But this time, I am using Vmware as I always do. The virtualbox thing was only experiemental, as I never used it before.

    Anyway, thanks for your help I really appreciate.

  6. Hey guys,

    Not sure if anyone has experienced this problem with the latest version of Backtrack. But when I tried to upgrade Backtrack to the latest "Distribution Upgrade Available" and after restarting the system, this is what I am getting, when typing the Startx command at the console.


    By the way, I am using Virtualbox and the version of Backtrack is R3 KDE x64 bit. I've spend a lot of hours, researching on this issue and still can't find a solution.

    I've read a few how-tos from the Backtrack website, including the forums, but had no luck.

    Any comment or suggestion will be very much appreciated.

    Thank you in advance.

  7. Have you tried wps attack via reaver? Might get you there in less than 5 hours if its enabled, no password needed.

    That's if the router has WPS enabled, my router supports it, but it's disabled. I know a lot users out there, will opt to have this option enabled, as it will save a lot of their time with configuration. But it's worth a shot, if the router has it enabled.

  8. I have recently installed airdrop-ng on my Backtrack Linux. I have an Alfa AWUSO36H card, and everything works fine it seems except airdrop. When I run airdrop-ng it promptly tells me that "Interface mon0 does not exist", even though I'm successfully using mon0 with airodump-ng at the same time.

    Much obliged for any help!

    Have you tried, running those tools individually and at different times. Rather than running both at the same time?

  9. If you search in Google, you can find a plenthora of passwords, that's how I compiled mine.

    You can also use CeWl, a tool written by DigiNinja to make your own password list, based on a given website.

  10. Thanks, you're right. That's a good answer, but I should have mentioned that I'm scared of the darknet and don't want to mess around with it, because I think it would put me in a small group filled with a lot of really really bad people, blah, blah, blah

    You could look into buying a private VPS (virtual private server)! And then use a VPN service to connect to it from home, so that you don't expose your real IP address.

  11. He there, first time poster here. Im a little new to all this so im sorry if some of my questions are retarted. Ne ways here the deal.

    Im using virtualbox and i have ubuntu 12.04. I was able to get the aircrack suite installed, but when i attempted to start up any interface it doesnt find them. When i ifconfig all i get are eth interfaces and no wireless ones. Im wondering if its a driver issue, or if its an issue with the way my virtual machine is connecting to my adapter. Sry if this is retarted lol.

    Internal wireless cards, don't work well with VirtualBox, you need to use an external USB wireless card, or install Ubuntu straight to a physical machine.

  12. Perhaps try upgrading your computer to more RAM. I have 8GB of RAM in my computer at home, with Vmware workstation 7, running x2 virtual machines concurrently, without any issues.

    Also how many cores does your CPU have? If it has more than 2 cores, try allocating some of them to your VMs well, that will help boost their performance too.

  13. There are always people in this forum, but they expect you to do a little bit of research before posting stuff.

    In response to your question, there is an option in Vmware, that you can select to disconnect an USB device from the host and have it connected to the virtual machine isntead!

  14. You have a wordpress site? Just wondering if you've tried the Attack Scanner too, and if you've caught anything on the logs. Some of the things that get caught, look like false positives for RFI attacks, but because of how we do the RFI lookup, we catch things that while aren't true RFI attacks, are still attacks of other kinds. One in particular someone on the TOR network has been trying was to attack a plug-in I don't have installed, and it showed as an RFI when in fact they were trying to inject spoofed data into the plug-in.

    We actually found the plug-in the person was trying to attack, and from viewing the source code, realized it wasn't sanitizing the data sent by the visitors, so you could spoof your user agent and in the process, send XSS attacks to the admin reading it. If they had a web based email client that natively allowed Javascript, like some smartphones or just plain web page based email systems(aside from Gmail and such) that allowed the XSS to run, the attacker could scrape the admins session, cookies, url, etc, potentially gain access to their email account. Then they could send a password reset for wordpress, intercept the change password link and login as the admin to their site. I notified the authors, but they have not responded nor updated the plug-in in over 2 years, so I will be publishing the findings tomorrow on my site.

    Hi Digip,

    Thank you very much for your response and as always very welcomed and educational. I don't have a WordPress site yet, but looking to get one soon, so that I can host my website. I will definitely look into securing my website with your plug ins once it's up and running. I will also try to keep you posted if anything comes up.

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