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Everything posted by jjd

  1. both sd cards I got from the hak shop died on me (one in my pineapple one in my duck) I don't really care I can buy an 8gb for less than $7 and shipping a new one to me would probably cost as much as the card.
  2. ya sorry about that I forgot about _MACOSX I'll re upload without that to avoid confusion. you can put the changemac and maclist.lst files anywhere you like but if you put them in say /root then you will only be able to run them from there (not sure where the web gui executes from).... if you put it in say /usr/bin you will be able to run it from anywhere. and if you do copy the maclist.lst file remember to install bc before running it (instructions in post 25). then you should be able to run it from configuration > advanced > execute commands
  3. And someone said you didn't want the ability to change macs and that you were deleting posts lol Thanks Seb would love to see this ability in the network tile.
  4. just wondering how you decided on the optimum power settings?
  5. ya macchanger has a 300kb file that contains all the mac options so the update can use macchanger or the file. now as far as turning it into an infusion I'll leave that to someone else as I have no idea how to do that
  6. ok done! I used some of my old code and your code for changing the settings let me know what you think If there is a file in the same dir as the script called maclist.lst it will pick a manufacturer prefix from there. In the zip attached I included a maclist.lst If the file is not found it will use macchanger to randomize the mac but that does involve taking each radio up and down twice so takes longer to run. bc is still required to randomize the mac without macchanger (so if you dont want to install bc delete maclist.lst to avoid errors) install bc: WiFi Pineapple MK5 mac address changer. Usage: changemac [options] changemac -r Set random mac addresses changemac -c Set mac addresses back to default changemac -m [wlan0 mac] [wlan1 mac] Set specific mac addresses changemac -reset Reset wireless config to default changemac -d Install changemac dependencies* changemac -u Update changemac* *Needs internet access the script: Made an easier install for anyone interested and added an update feature. simply run the following via ssh or through execute command from the web gui wget -P /tmp/ http://trtsgc.com/changemac/install.sh; chmod +x install.sh; sh /tmp/install.sh
  7. great! ifconfig wlan1 down echo "wlan1" macchanger -r wlan1 ifconfig wlan1 up ifconfig wlan0 down echo "wlan0" macchanger -r wlan0 ifconfig wlan0 up wlan1_MAC=$(ifconfig wlan1|grep -o -E '([[:xdigit:]]{1,2}:){5}[[:xdigit:]]{1,2}') wlan0_MAC=$(ifconfig wlan0|grep -o -E '([[:xdigit:]]{1,2}:){5}[[:xdigit:]]{1,2}') #wlan1_MAC="00:00:00:00:00:11" #wlan0_MAC="00:00:00:00:00:22" uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].macaddr=$wlan0_MAC;uci commit wireless uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[1].macaddr=$wlan1_MAC;uci commit wireless wifi and this changes us back to stock wlan0_MAC="" wlan1_MAC="" uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].macaddr=$wlan0_MAC;uci commit wireless uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[1].macaddr=$wlan1_MAC;uci commit wireless wifi now it just has to become an infusion..... also wondering where macchanger gets its mac prefixes from because the script would run much faster without running macchanger & my solution above has a 1mb mac list to carry around. nm figured it out "macchanger --list"
  8. ifconfig wlan1 down macchanger -r wlan1 ifconfig wlan1 up wlan1_MAC=$(ifconfig wlan1|grep -o -E '([[:xdigit:]]{1,2}:){5}[[:xdigit:]]{1,2}') uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[1].macaddr=$wlan1_MAC;uci commit wireless wifi this is currently working for me config wifi-device 'radio0' option type 'mac80211' option channel '11' option hwmode '11ng' option macaddr '00:13:37:##:##:##' option htmode 'HT20' list ht_capab 'SHORT-GI-20' list ht_capab 'SHORT-GI-40' list ht_capab 'RX-STBC1' list ht_capab 'DSSS_CCK-40' config wifi-iface option device 'radio0' option network 'lan' option mode 'ap' option ssid 'Pineapple5' option encryption 'none' config wifi-device 'radio1' option type 'mac80211' option channel '11' option hwmode '11g' option macaddr '00:13:37:##:##:##' config wifi-iface option device 'radio1' option mode 'sta' option network 'wan' option ssid 'WiFi-is-cool' option key '[mynetwork key]' option encryption 'psk2+ccmp' option macaddr '00:00:00:00:00:11' that only question is using your code how do we set the iface macaddr for radio0?
  9. oh!!! your mac is still changed in device not iface it needs to be the stock mac in device and the fake mac in iface
  10. Tygra! I like your way much more! i have it working changing your code now at least for one of the two radios
  11. I bet that changes the mac for the device in /etc/config/wireless under "config wifi-device" that will work for the realtek but not the atheros if you change to uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[1] i think it should work since option macaddr 00:00:00:00:00:11 under config wifi-iface section of the config works thats really all my script does i just did it a bit different
  12. what mac are you trying to change it to? i had an issue like that if i tried to change to a mac thats not valid... for testing I used 00:00:00:00:00:11 this mac is a xerox mac and worked for my testing. although in my testing I could not get macchanger to change every time i launched wifi it changed back thats when I decided editing a config file may just be easier.
  13. if you download the zip from the first post you can just scp it to the mk5 then unzip and chmod +x install then ./install and it should setup
  14. yes i had the same problem thats why i wrote the script and it should fix it
  15. the wifi command seems to always throw one the other error is with my if statement at the end but that one is just lazy coding
  16. I will add a feature so random uses any mac from http://anonsvn.wireshark.org/wireshark/trunk/manuf edit: update done changemac now looks for a list of possible mac prefix's in the file /sd/maclist.lst if the file does not exist it uses a dell mac (00:06:5B) you can create your own list in this format: 00:00:01 Xerox # XEROX CORPORATION 00:00:02 Xerox # XEROX CORPORATION 00:00:03 Xerox # XEROX CORPORATION 00:00:04 Xerox # XEROX CORPORATION 00:00:05 Xerox # XEROX CORPORATION changemac will randomly chose a prefix from the file so make sure there is no extra garbage in there.... i made my file by using http://anonsvn.wireshark.org/wireshark/trunk/manuf and deleting all the lines at the top that start with # and a bunch of non relevant lines at the bottom that did not follow the format i needed. my final file was just over 1mb so i decided best to keep it on the sd card (im sure i could trim it a lot more)
  17. ok i started a new thread for my solution to the problem as it does not do anything with the host name and that was a part of this original thread also i will update the code in my first post of the new thread if I make any changes https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/30827-jjds-mac-changing-script/?p=232116
  18. theres a much more elegant solution tygra came up with that I worked into my original code see post #22 it also has the download https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/30827-jjds-mac-changing-script/?p=232158 ok so i updated my mac changer a little bit.... again keep in mind i am no programmer! if anyone wants to build this into an infusion by all means go for it or if you want to change and improve it please do but post the output here for teh community it does throw a few errors but everything does work. changemac looks for a list of possible mac prefix's in the file /sd/maclist.lst if the file does not exist it uses a dell mac (00:06:5B) you can create your own list in this format: 00:00:01 Xerox # XEROX CORPORATION 00:00:02 Xerox # XEROX CORPORATION changemac will randomly chose a prefix from the file so make sure there is no extra garbage in there.... i made my file by using http://anonsvn.wireshark.org/wireshark/trunk/manuf and deleting all the lines at the top that start with # and a bunch of non relevant lines at the bottom that did not follow the format i needed. the reason I did an install is so i can keep the files on my sd and not have to reconfigure everytime I reset the pineapple its now three parts: changemac a script to change to a random mac, set a specific mac, or clean the wireless file to default mac's maccleaner a /etc/init.d script that cleans the wireless file to default mac addresses on boot install an install file to install dependancies, move files to correct places, and set permissions I will attach a zip with the files if anyone wants them install: changemac: #!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common # resets mac address's to stock START=11 STOP=15 start() { sed -i '/fakemac/d' /etc/config/wireless } stop() { sed -i '/fakemac/d' /etc/config/wireless }
  19. well as it turns out i couldn't sleep anyway.... so here is a script i wrote very quickly to change mac addresses. Keep in mind I am no programer! but I will probably turn it into a /etc/init.d/ script tomorrow and post the code currently you have to run it every time you want a new mac address but it will randomize... kinda... for now it just picks a random dell mac it does require bc to run opkg update opkg install bc than make a file called macchange.sh chmod +x macchange.sh than use nano or something to put the code in: see next post for update and as you probably guessed the options are as follows ./macchange.sh change to change your mac for next boot ./macchange.sh changenow to change your mac now ./macchange.sh clean to change your mac back to stock now as it turns out it was really easy to do its an option in /etc/config/wireless I have not tried it with dip switches but the change now at least should work and if set on a dip switch it would change your mac every boot ok now Im really going to sleep!
  20. I got it!!!! but it's now 12:30 and I must be up in 5 hours so ill share my solution tomorrow
  21. I guess I should note that simply taking wlan0 down then back up does not start the ap so i guess the question is how would i restart it? without the wifi command... :S
  22. They seem to call me every time now but that may be because I have caused so many issues when I fight and self clear my packages. but before i figured out how to do that they would call and if i didnt answer the package usually showed u anyway
  23. ya I dont think anything was removed or that they would try to hide if it was they would just say not here.... back on topic! so the wifi command does reset the mac addresses to stock so thats out if i use "ifconfig wlan# up" it works for the the client card but does no bring the pineapples ssid back up so.... is there a command that can be issued to bring it back up with the settings already there? or is it more complicated?
  24. ya i use my pineapple tethered to my laptop running kali often I was just hoping you had an amazing cool project with your pi and pineapple as right now my pi is collecting dust although it does have kali on the card at the moment. also couldn't you host a cloned page on the pineapple?
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