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Everything posted by hakgipc

  1. looking at the program itself in detail makes it possible to conect to a mysql (with phpmyadmin)server over the internet on a difrent pc that is running mysql providing u have username and password?
  2. hakgipc

    +4400 amd

    hi darren and yes i am aware of this but the speed in 1 core is 2.2ghz in total there is 4.4
  3. hakgipc

    +4400 amd

    rightio i have a +4400 and my interpritation of what it means is that it is 4400mhz clock spead but i dont know what the + means
  4. hakgipc


    yes now ive put it on http it prompts me 4 a user and password i tyope what i put in teh config it does not work???
  5. hakgipc


    how do i make it that when i conect to it remotly i want to prompt a login box (liek a routers) and yes ive tried google but cant find anything on passwordind phpmyadmin
  6. hakgipc

    mysql prob

    hi ive got a forum set up on phpbb. and i stuffed it up but i managed 2 copy the data folder in mysql dir then i downloaded the newer veersion of my sql and pasted teh data folder back in and it does not work for some reason
  7. hakgipc


    hay does anyone know how to make a service in services.msc start up on startup like force it to start up cause its ticked in seveces under msconfig. (btw the service is ics and abyss)
  8. problem solved due to services ics, alg
  9. i uninstalled my firewall stil same thing
  10. i have nod32 as virus, sygate pf as firewall. netgear router that is port forwarded and working beacasue it works fine in safe mode. my guess threre is a windows problem(as usual)
  11. umm nice idea but NO.lol i cant evenconext to my http java vnc with my ip in the browser only in safe mode i can
  12. ok since i dunno how to install apache i use abyss( i think its relly good) everything is runny (abyss,mysql etc) now when i try to visit my site from my browser it dosnt load up but when i do it in safe mode it does i think the prob is somewhere in windows servies
  13. yes. its a problem in services.msc cause when i got to safe mode it works
  14. hay guys i got a major problem with my site, what happens is that when i type my domain name in the browser it dusnt work at all then when i do a clean boot it works it is definatly a windows service cause i didnt need 2 disable any of my apps. so i anyone out there knows what windows services.msc service 2 disable post it... cheers gamerx.ath.cx (hakgipc.tk)
  15. my advice to her is to purchase a computer
  16. hay guys i have a slight prob on my system. when i log onto windows it gives me an instruction error i think its a cpu instruction set. anyway the main prob is that that times comes up telling me i have 60 secs till a shutdown by nt/authority or sumthing like that. liek the blaster worm (it could be but i dought it) and my qestion is that is it a virus or a windows thing, and howd it get there
  17. on the mobo there are two ide ports that say primary and secondary what r the difrences is it better 2 put hdd in prime im not sure how it works can some tell me
  18. hakgipc


    hay guys what type of defrag do u guys that use O&O recomend -stealth -space -complete/name -complete/modified -complete/access cheers gamerX
  19. ok guys ive decided 2 use gag its neet put it this way nicer than winows boot loader
  20. i find pc-bsd a hell of alot beter than freebsd vako. it has a nice kde 3.5 desktop enviroment and i made the taskbar look like a mac its sweet u should try it. oh btw it is based on freebsd but the diffrence is it is nearly all gui witch is a good thing and still really fast to install
  21. hey i was reading this article http://wiki.pcbsd.org/index.php/PmWiki/Dual-boot and i need the file pcbsd.pbr i haved searched it and cant find it can som1 plz tell me the directoty for this file regards gamerx
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