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Posts posted by Netshroud

  1. Free time is like that moment between breaths. It exists, but it's never long enough to be useful.

    I haven't seen any of the episodes since 820, but some of the latest episodes feel like that too.

  2. Don't just copy, look at what I've done and see how it works. (It does all files though, not just directories)

    directories = "`ls -l | ask '{print $9}' | grep -v ^$`"
    let i=0
    for directory in $directories; do
    echo [${i}] $directory
    let i=i+1

    Then comes the task of getting user input and responding to it.

  3. No hints in that part.


    It was just the basic stuff Darren says at beginning of every episode.

    "Welcome to Hak5, Im Darren K. and this is your weekly does technolust.
    We have a excellent show today. But it is a small... sorry,  yea. 
    Here is Shannon with trivia. See you later.

    Just wondering why Darren is speaking in Deutsch, not English.

    Watch the beginning of the Buzz Out Loud episode for this week he was on (Wednesday IIRC)

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