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The Sorrow

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Posts posted by The Sorrow

  1. I second the motion on the honeypot. My dad works systems administration and that's what we both came to. It may be a random beige box that's up until Darren finishes whatever hes doing. I'm sure he wouldn't just jerk us all around for nothing but shits and giggles.

  2. To be honest, this is where I started. "lets hack the network" and just as the hacker manifesto says "a board is found". Hak5 was that board for me. I was looking for USB hacks and viola - a new lifestyle and mentality. I encourage these kiddies to do whatever cause unfortunately you only learn by messing up as a kid. Though the warnings are good and helpful, most kids have that "well I'm smarter" mentality which they'll soon learn otherwise. Experiment kids, just cover your asses and make sure you think a little before you act.

  3. To summarize all of what i said, just use a proxy server....flyproxy vtunnel etc. Just dont surf into anything stupid that will give you more than a slap on the wrist for browsing blocked content.

  4. The problem is if a kid sees some images that are not appropriate, the parents could sue the school for not providing measures to prevent such things from happening. At least with using those proxy services to block content, they can say they have some prevention to make them not responsible for the content that may be inappropriate.

    Which is a problem. Sorry to make this a political topic, but the subject does bring up a certain amount of politics. America is sue-happy. If I wake up to a burglar in my home and I subdue him for authorities to cart away and i hurt him in even a slight manner I can be the one in bracelets. All be it that some screening of content is more than rational (X-rated content and so on that has NO place in school), it shouldn't block potentially useful tools like Google Images for the simple fact that kids will be exposed to minor nudity regardless of where they're surfing. Plus I've been there recently enough to know that most kids are not new to seeing more skin than one's face.

    Getting to the blocking some content. A simple defense to the occasional bare posterior shot on image search engines is easily defended with the rationale that said images are open anywhere and the real "damaging" content is strictly filtered.

  5. I think most network restrictions are more hampering than protective. When i was in high school back home (which was also a Jr/Sr high school) they blocked Google images and all other search engine image searches. I'm a big fan of non-censorship. But hey, who am i to speak for the kids that i just got out of school with B)

  6. #set vaules
    list = ['I','II','III','IV','V','VI','VII','VIII','IX','X']
    number = 0
    menuOption = ""
    print "Hello, Im a roman numeral conversion program"
    while (1):
        number = input("Enter a number to be converted> ")
        if (number < 1):
            print "ERROR - Can't convert numbers less than or equal to zero"
        if (number > 10):
            print "ERROR - Can't convert numbers over 10"
        if (number <= 10 and number >= 1):
            print list[number - 1]
        menuOption = raw_input("Run again y/n > ")
        if (menuOption == "n"):
        print "Goodbye :)"

    also I would suggest 4 spaces in replacement of tabs when you're working with python.

    forgot to declare menuOption :P

  7. sorry for the double post but this is that roman numeral converter i made today too.

    list = ['I','II','III','IV','V','VI','VII','VIII','IX','X']
    number = 0
    menuOption = "" 
    print "Hello, Im a roman numeral conversion program"
    while (menuOption != "n"):
        number = input("Enter a number to be converted> ")
        if (number < 1):
            print "ERROR - Can't convert numbers less than or equal to zero"
        if (number > 10):
            print "ERROR - Can't convert numbers over 10"
        if (number <= 10 and number >= 1):
            print list[number - 1]
        menuOption = raw_input("Run again y/n > ")
    if (menuOption == "n"):
        print "Goodbye :)"

  8. oh got ya lol. yea, thats how the source is. im taking an intro programming class in college and was ahead so i thought id get more ahead. wowed my instructor and his TAs by using a list array to convert numbers to roman numerals :P

  9. menuOption = raw_input("Enter another number? (y/n)> ")

    is never executed and thus, menuOption cannot be set to "n" by the user.

    it prompts me if i want to enter another number....so it seems to work. Basically while menuOption is not equal to "n" it'll loop.

  10. Yea i figured it out.

    num1 = 0
    num2 = 0
    menuOption = ""
    print "Hello, I'm a number comparison program "
    while (menuOption != "n"):
         num1 = input("Enter a number> ")
         num2 = input("Enter another number> ")
         if (num1 > num2):
              print "Your first number is greater"
         if (num2 > num1):
              print "Your second number is greater"
         if (num1 == num2):
              print "Your numbers are equal"
    menuOption = raw_input("Enter another number? (y/n)> ")

  11. I wanted to know how to edit this code to make it loop back to the beginning. Its just a number comparison.

    num1 = 0
    num2 = 0
    print "Hello, im a number comparison program "
    num1 = input("Enter a number ")
    num2 = input("Enter another number ")
    if (num1 > num2):
        print "Your first number is greater"
    if (num2 > num1):
        print "Your second number is greater"
    if (num1 == num2):
        print "Your numbers are equal"

    here is how i want to finish it in pseudo-code:

     "Enter another? (Yes or No) > "
    if yes loop to beginning
    if no print "Goodbye :)"

    any help?

  12. infiltrator thinks hes dieing? :blink:

    More sarcasm, expect it from me. Sometimes it doesn't apply correctly.

    Jason is an awesome co-host and has made a lot of contributions to the show, he is also very experienced and knows his stuff and I am not mad at him, its just he needs to learn when not to talk over Darren.

    Should have said this first rather than blasting and pasting the title of "Show Destroyer" on Jason.

  13. As the co-founder of the Hak5 show, Darren should educate him better.

    I find it very annoying and frustrating to watch, when Darren tries to say something and Jason talks over him.

    Jason you don't realize it, but you are destroying the show. You should make the show interesting, not about you.

    Okay, a bit too bold friend. To be honest, I call trolls where I feel I see them, and your setting off my radar. True, speaking up IS an issue, but hes FAR from destroying the show. Constructive criticism. Its hypochondriacs like you, dear friend, that cause people to crawl into a little corner and not peruse any further with whatever it is you portray as sub-par.

  14. Ahhh, I am sorry but we do need trees. No trees, no oxygen, no life. And if you take the green away, you are killing the planet.

    Eh, trees, grass, plankton. If it uses photosynthesis to process whatever it consumes plus carbon dioxide into oxygen it works. Dont take sarcasm so seriously bro. Heck if we replaced most of our trees with Cannabis sativa wed be better off as far as oxygen ;)

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