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The Sorrow

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Posts posted by The Sorrow

  1. I recently moved from Windows to Ubuntu 8.10 on my Dell Inspiron 1525 and have run into a problem using the Aircrack-ng suite. I use airmon-ng start eth1 to put the card into monitor mode and then type in airodump-ng to start capturing packets but it returns with this

    root@******:/home/******# airodump-ng eth1

    ioctl(SIOCSIWMODE) failed: Invalid argument

    ARP link type is set to 1 (Ethernet) - expected ARPHRD_IEEE80211,

    ARPHRD_IEEE80211_FULL or ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM instead. Make

    Sure RFMON is enabled: run 'airmon-ng start eth1 <#>'

    Sysfs injection support was not found either.

    i spent a couple hours researching and tinkering and found nothing. My card has been said to support promiscuous mode so im stuck.

  2. Its true that on most any tut it always goes on for a few very intensive sentences on how you NEED the handshake capture in order to crack WPA, but the new cowpattie found a way to get around that

  3. This process will grant the user SYSTEM level access and basically admin permissions.

    1. open a command prompt and type in [at XX:XX(Put here the current time plus one minute in military time) /interactive "cmd.exe"]

    For example if its 10 am you would enter [at 10:01 /interactive "cmd.exe"]

    2. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to bring up task manager and kill "explorer.exe"

    3. At 10:01 a new command prompt will open in this new konsole type in [explorer]

    4. Now you will notice that the windows default visual settings are now loaded and the user name on the start menu is now SYSTEM

    This exploit can be used even on guest accounts on any windows 2000 or higher (Don't know bout Vista yet).

    Have fun

  4. Virtual dos drive? And yes, it should work fine seeing as it's just a mod to the base engine it shouldn't be using any APIs etc. that the normal game doesn't.

    well ive tried multiple ways in getting it to work (drag and drop on vdos drive, install manually etc) and it gives a file error.

  5. Heck, I have like 50 of them in my closet (it was all the craze when sata wasnt mainstream yet)

    Also.. you ever heard of newegg.com or tigerdirect.com??? If not, 1. your a fool, 2. CHECK IT OUT!

    (just kidding about the fool part)

    yes ive heard of newegg. in fact if i could get a job id be their most frequent customer lol.

  6. Ok Im running Ubuntu 8.10 and can run Diablo 2 basically perfect with Wine and was wondering if it was possible to run the Eastern Sun mod with D2 through wine. Ive trued just copying it to the virtual dos drive and i get the file initialization error. Any ideas?

  7. Call me cazy, but aren't molex to sata power adapters only a couple of bucks? It seems like it would be worthwhile to go that route rather than splicing connections.

    rofl. as true as that may be i dont geographically live anywhere near a PC supply store, and my grandparents aren't one for ebay so i had to improvise

  8. Ok today i was installing a new beast of a power supply (Mad Dog 550v) thing has 5 fans and a whole lot of connections, but only two SATA power connectors....two less than i need....so i pulled out the wire snips and electrical tape and spliced in two more SATA connectors on the same wires as the native two. Im mainly posting this to see if there are any downsides to this idea...comments greatly appreciated.

  9. @filip007 - I hear unscrewing a 60watt lighbulb and sticking in your penis while urinating will increase your download speeds. But I could be wrong, don't quote me on that.

    people have tried using an electricla fence as well....never heard from them again tho...

  10. Rule #1, if you have to ask if its illegal, don't do it.

    Rule #2, if you ignore rule #1, don't tell other people what you did or are continuing to do.

    Rule #3, it's only illegal if you get caught, so you put yourself at risk, its your fault if you go to jail. I could care less, but use your own moral compass, not mine.

    this is the advice i follow, in the end its your own morals, anyone that can catch you would secure a wireless AP (and thats not the average pc user)

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