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Everything posted by ZigZagJoe

  1. Is IE set to use fiddler? Check in the proxy settings. If it is working, you should see activity in the fiddler window as IE makes requests through it. Huzzah! Successfully got pandora to load + play music through my hackjob of a proxy. I'll have to check some other stuff and implement chaining with another proxy (for those outside US), but it's looking like the standalone version will indeed happen. All that is left now is to clean up the code some, and implement mating with a SOCKS proxy, as that is what is evidently needed to work with Tor, and i know more than a few people use it with pandora. also, help v1: Huge image alert.
  2. Yeah, I added that message specifically for this case. This Hotspot Shield - it seems to be a type of VPN. So, I'm guessing that fiddler does not know to use that interface to access the internet, and instead tries to use your regular interface (whatever that might be). And somewhere along the line, either Pandora does not acknowledge/accept the request properly [ip filter?] or it got filtered out by something else. Edit, yeah, it's a VPN. I have no idea how to fix this problem. If you are using hotspotshield to avoid Pandora IP blocking, maybe try a traditional http proxy?
  3. * a few small bug fixes (rare ones) and the URL-matching was made more robust. * now caches album arts that are downloaded from pandora, instead of separately downloading them (efficiency/"nice" change.) * enable/disable pandorasaver on the settings menu as well now. * can now organize playlists by station - that is, for each station music plays for, it will create an m3u playlist for that station. same link per usual: http://zzj.itf-inc.com/PandoraSaver1005-ZZJ.zip @Edge np. By the way, did you have shockwave flash 8 or 9-10? because 8 will make pandora give mono mp3 files, which this isn't equipped to handle. I don't think it was however, i remember seeing aacplus in your log bit. Odd. A cache clear might help too (dunno, just throwing it out there...it's really weird regardless) also, Ii am looking into making this standalone. Might or might not happen. Currently bludgeoning my way through making it handle urls like msn.com fine before i try to tackle the SSL stuff it will have to mess with. Getting it to load trivial stuff is simple enough, but it has to deal with tunneling and such (and keeping the socket alive) with SSL - you can get away with closing it afterwards with normal stuff but it would prevent it from working with pandora. Also trying to keep it compatable with other proxies so it can "stack" with them. Would be nice if fiddler was open source, as i could just hack chop and maim it into a "lite" version to host this.
  4. I don't know what either of those are. I assume they are proxy managers of some sort? according to the FAQ, you can make Fiddler chain with another proxy by going to IE settings, while fiddler is not running, and telling it to use one of those proxys (that you have the manager use) in the IE proxy config. Then, when you launch fiddler, it evidently reads that setting. it should be listed in the settings if it worked. a bit of a crude method for sure (as opposed to providing a dedicated dialog box for it)...I'll see if i can find any other way as this seems to be a reoccurring problem. might be easier to have Pandorasaver create a proxy of its own at this rate (and become a stand alone app, rather than a plugin). it would be a hell of a lot of work for sure though. (and i have no idea where to start for that) but, i like a challenge, so i will look into it. it would be nice to be completely stand-alone.
  5. the error is a malformed ad url, unrelated to pandora. is pandora playing music? it doesn't show any music being downloaded nor is it downloading albumart, but it is spamming playlist chunks. if it is, fiddler might not be setup right...but with the traffic i see there(dl applet and playlist req) I doubt it. it doesn't seem to be silently failing either. worse case, try using firefox, and see if it plays fine without fiddler in IE.
  6. Click pandorasaver->log, and double click in the window that comes up (which copies it to clipboard). it should be full of text. Then paste it here. Also, just to be sure, make sure you have "Enabled" checked on the PandoraSaver menu. (it will do nothing without it). I'll add a setting in the options to make it more obvious. It's off by default.
  7. How to setup Firefox to use Fiddler: Create a file named "BrowserPAC.js" somewhere, and paste the following into it: // script which IE or firefox can use to decide how to route a certain URL // this can also be used to avoid pandora's US-only restriction function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { if (shExpMatch(host, "*pandora.com*")) // url contains pandora.com return "PROXY"; return "DIRECT"; // no proxy } For firefox, go to Tools Menu>Options->Advanced->Network->Settings and set it to use "Automatic proxy configuration URL". in the box provided, enter "file:///C:/BrowserPAC.js" (or wherever you a put it; using forward slashes instead of backslashes). This will have Firefox ONLY use fiddler for pandora and for nothing else. For IE, on Fiddler, go to Tools->WinINET Options then, on the "Internet Properties" box that came up, go to Connections->LAN Settings, disable "Use a proxy server for your LAN" and check "Use automatic configuration script" in which you put "file:///C:/BrowserPAC.js" EDIT: IE seems to disregard this method. Not sure why. But fiddler2 will set that up automatically so i suppose it is fine EDIT you can also try using http://zzj.itf-inc.com/BrowserPAC.js as the URL, as opposed to creating a file on your computer. Evidently, IE will respect this. misc note: Fiddler has an option "Reuse client connections (improved performance)". Do NOT use this, as it causes fiddler to mix up what it sends to clients and generally makes browsing the web hard and unpleasant with mixed up images everywhere.
  8. It sounds like pandora's jar is failing to load the song (error in processing or something) and because of that pandora never gets the song properly. I would just use the better method of Fiddler2 + Plugin, because you get stereo files of a better quality and it works fine with flash 9 (and java free, though does require .net framework. lesser of two evils?). see this thread for infos.
  9. Do you have only download positively ranked songs enabled? files are left as *dat (until it reaches a limit, adjustable under advanced settings) while they are pending approval - you use the "view songs" option on the menu to select songs to download, positively rate them in pandora, or use the download button embedded in the webpage, if you select that option. if automatic download of any song is enabled, the songs box will say so (and should not leave any dat files, except for a split second when it initially downloads them) I should note selecting to display the download button in the webpage forces "only download positive songs" on, as it is useless without it. Feel free to donate at - it would be much appreciated, for i am but a poor college student :o I am glad that you have gotten use out of this. I lives in texas, ride a horse around town, with a good ole six-shooter on my belt and a 10 gallon hat on my head. Yeehaw! (j/k, but i've been asked about having a horse before. Really.) It could be argued I am an impostor, for I came from new york once upon a time...
  10. WMP 5.541? that would put you before windows 98's WMP ... do you mean Winamp? as "WMP" typically refers to Windows Media Player. IF you meant winamp, no, the one you have is fine. The pro edition just adds faster mp3 ripping and some other trivial stuff, iirc. It will play AAC (plus) regardless of free or paid (so just use the free one you have) Just checked, reload time is functioning as intended. Try lowering the refresh duration. Though a note, it will *not* refresh the pandora mini player (launched via the link on pandora's applet or http://zzj.itf-inc.com/gopan.html) as I figured that is likely to be in use for actually listening to music. Just use the regular player (pandora.com) to do ripping w/ refresh. The only difference is that the miniplayer is slightly smaller. (and pandorasaver can kill the ads in it) It might be possible to have pandorasaver forge the heartbeat that i noticed pandora sends out when you click "I'm still here", but I would have to check that first the pandora servers initiated the check (and overwrite it if true) and then forge the response, for a much cleaner way to handle it. If the applet initiates it, there is not much i could do except possibly forge a click in the general area of the pandora applet on browsers, but that would be a mega hack that i am not even sure if it would work properly. EDIT: It's sourced from the flash applet. not much that can be done, then. I think there may be a way to undo never-play-this-song settings on the radio's page, you might check that (blacklisted i think it called them). Other than that, I don't know. You might try checking http://blog.pandora.com/faq/ as it may have more info. Also, yeah, i had forgot the bit to save the dup log setting again. Oopsie. updated at the usual location. All it does is log duplicate files encountered like so: Song 'Andy Hunter - Come On' has some duplicates: \Andy Hunter\Life\Andy Hunter - Come On.mp3 \Andy Hunter\Life\Andy Hunter - Come On.mp4 \Andy Hunter\Life\Andy Hunter - Come On.wav --END-- to a file called "DupLog.txt" in the root of the save dir, as music is played on pandora. of course, only if there is more than one duplicate does it log it - single copies are not logged (because that's okay). Might make an app to parse this log some time and present the user with choices to do regarding duplicates (delete move etc). Added it because prior to the versions I made, invalid chars were only replaced with a space, and no other processing was done. this led to names having multiple consecutive spaces and or spaces on the end of the name, as well as having trouble with multiple periods in the name (technically legal, but you shouldn't do it as behavior is undefined, such as the image saving failure). With my changes, it treated periods as invalid chars and changes them to spaces also, and then removes all but one space in cases of consecutive spaces. Also deals with trailing spaces and a few other nuances. but as i had been using an unmodified version before, i ended up with some duplicate files on disk and so have had to deal with deleting them.
  11. hmm, yeah, i can only guess that hotspotshield is preventing proper functioning of fiddler2 (or maybe fiddler2 is trying to go around it? dunno). Evidently the XML files which pandora uses to communicate get mangled when fiddler2 reads them, hence that error (something that should never occur normally) @COKEMAN ah, yeah, i forgot the bit that saves that setting. Wops. Fixed now. By the way, it will catch most matches on the default setting of 100, because even though the whitespace and punctuation between the two names may differ by a lot, it still contains the same base words. I wouldn't mess with it unless you have put other songs into the directory structure. (that matches the one pandorasaver is using) link is the same, http://zzj.itf-inc.com/PandoraSaver1005-ZZJ.zip
  12. WMP supports (good) aac playback regardless of version with ffdshow installed.
  13. AAC (not plus) in itself is not a bad format, and 192kbs LC aac is superior to 192kbs mp3 (though i would call any higher birate in either format past the point that i can pick out nuances of compression). So you are fine to rip CDs as AAC, i think. You are correct in that ipods (evidently) do not support aacplus however (not that i can find, but i don't have one to test with) so they would probably sound the same as itunes has it. to sum it up, either aac or mp3 is fine as a ripping format.
  14. yeah, first version of 1005 had a problem which broke file deletion (it immediately removed the song info when done ripping, which means it could never look up a song, and it was possible for an exception to occur when deleting empty dirs if the deleted song was the only file in said dir) glad you are happy with it :) @Hawaii it's actually not encryption - it's additional info which contains the higher frequencies, which aacplus uses in addition to a regular AAC stream to produce good sound at low bitrates. if you rip that out, it sounds like a 64kbs mp3 or worse, with no high freqs at all. i think itunes only uses the LC profile so i guess they had no reason to implement it :S let me know if you find any more bugs! (or feature requests, within reason)
  15. album arts are usually stored in the aac file (which, if pandora has an album art, it will add to mp4s and mp3s) i don't know anything about itunes displaying the wrong song length though. displays right for me when i tested it (in itunes and winamp as well) don't know about itunes lyrics. they may have some proprietary extension to allow for that, or it could be in itunes db. it's possible a large db would slow down itunes, but i wouldn't worry about it though, a note, you should be able to just add the newMusik.m3u playlist to itunes and have it catch the new songs - just rename it to something that isn't newMusik.m3u and it will start creating a new newMusik.m3u, thus allowing incremental updates. by the way - if you use another player besides itunes the songs may sound MUCH better (i don't know if the latest version supports SBR, as mine is an older one, but without SBR support songs will sound very low quality. play one in winamp or something and compare the sound. maybe i should add an option for using m4a instead of mp4 (extension)...
  16. try thumbing up a song and see if it says xx by xx has been positively rated (where xx is artist or title) in the log check to make sure you have the most recent version and it is enabled in the settings as well
  17. does it say xx by xx has been negatively rated in the log? if not, it was unable to look up that song. at the moment, it keeps song info for 10 minutes, after that it (the songinfo) gets deleted to avoid leaking memory. without the song info, it has no idea of what the songID is and so it would silently fail i just tested the file deletion again, it seems to be working as intended. also, check in your log for the line "Exception occured while deleting file." if you find it, let me know what the exception says (it also turns off file deletion when an error occurs while doing so)
  18. added code to allow for custom lame settings under advanced tab in settings is make sure this line is right, as any changes that don't work would break all conversions! do not put anything relating to input or output files on here, that is appended automatically. edit the field to do whatever you like to make it encode as you wish. the normal value for that field is "-h -b %bitrate%" , %bitrate% being replaced with the selected bitrate on the common page. i don't know the options you would use, try googling lame command line switches. as for larger album art, it can't be done (easily). the problem is that the large album arts are not the same size for each song, and there is no way to know what the proper size is outside of visiting the album info page and getting the image url from that. it could be done, but i'm not going to do that at the moment. link is http://zzj.itf-inc.com/PandoraSaver1005-ZZJ.zip simple guide is: install fiddler2 copy contents of /bin in zip file to fiddler's /Scripts directory use IE or set up firefox to use fiddler2 as its proxy (typ visit pandora, and listen to music. will replace this with a better guide later i may end up rolling my own mini install for this. as it does require some work to install. also, if you need to ask a question it is best to post in this thread as i will see that immediately (as opposed to editing your post afterwards)
  19. You will only get mono songs with this regardless now. (pandora changed it to give mono mp3 to flash 8, aacplus to 9 and 10).
  20. haven't encountered them yet, so i don't know. where do you see(hear) these ads? probably ignores them though.
  21. okay, 1005 is donish. Testing notes/feedback pl0x? semicurrent features list: • Bugfixes! Lots of em. • Turbo download mode! 5 seconds per song ripped. • Pandora helper, a mini helper window, catches keyboard hotkeys + volume control and sends to a Pandora applet running in firefox or opera. Shows up as a small somewhat transparent window with a playpause button, next song button, and volume slider. Option to launch on start. Access in settings or on context menu. • Can insert a download button directly into the source of a Pandora page - click it to trigger a download! (only works with firefox/safari/chrome) • Catches feedback requests and downloads songs • Option to disable full auto download completely • Song selection box & keeps a variable amount of songs in queue • Better name matching capabilities (far superior, with option to use old) • New settings box • Can log duplicate songs encountered (may write a small app to parse this log and resolve problems with user helper • Breaks mini-player Pandora check • Removes some ads • Tray icon • Catches first songs played on a new station now forgetting other stuff, i'm sure. Edit: fixed deletion of bad-rated songs. also optimized the parsing code. http://zzj.itf-inc.com/PandoraSaver1005-ZZJ.zip
  22. no, ripping only, because pandora just gets a blank 5 second long aac file. it rips incredibly fast, with 3 or so running! i'll update the source uploaded now, though i'm still checking for bugs. it is currently using "m_notifyicon.Dispose();" to get rid of it when fiddler unloads the plugin, how are you exiting fiddler? maybe it is skipping that? also, i have finished made it using temp files instead of relying on fiddler to store song data - this is more reliable + if you have turbo mode on means that it will leak memory a lot slower (fiddler, that is, because it stores responses in memory and when the one is replaced it frees the 2mb or so of ram) a bunch of other misc changes under the hood were finished as well. http://zzj.itf-inc.com/PandoraSaver1005-ZZJ.zip
  23. try looking at http://www.fiddler2.com/Fiddler/help/hooku...p#Q-ManualChain other than that, you're on your own
  24. Hmm, that's odd...it always disposes properly for me (i noted this and had to add code to dispose of it when first introduced) I'll check if i am missing anything. As for the matching feature, i missed one case: what if it is a mixes (the names would be similar) so the tolerance is going to be lowered to around 90% for songs with mix in the title. I may have to put an option to use normal strict compare because if the artist name has too many words compared to the song name the similarity will be too high and so it matches on any song by the artist... turbo mode nearly finished, pandora will play a song every 5 seconds then (it replaces the response pandora gets with a 5 second blank aac clip) Just need a little more testing to make sure everything works properly. I should note that you should only run up to 3 instances of pandora at a time when using turbo mode, because of how fast they are running (having to get a new song every 5 seconds)
  25. Finished the checking for other songs - if there is another file with 75% + similarity in name to what the name that would be written would be, it will not rip again. the compare method is pretty durable, as long as there is some separation between the words that is not a letter or number (but that would make no sense anyways) it will figure it is the same thing. (75% similarity or greater). that is, Hello World feat Joe & The Iinternets - This song is Neat (El o El).mp3 and HELLO_WORLD!_feat._Joe_-_this_Song_is_neaT! Yay! (E_o_El).aac would be (correctly) seen as the same thing and thus it would not rip again. However, this assumes that they are organized under the same system - it can't try to check for other dirs with similar names first because that would take an increasing amount of time per (or risk making assumptions) and it would have to compare every single possible file within to the base dir, and make guesses about the path. Maybe I should write a tool to handle that. Another possibility i thought of was adding a "turbo" mode - that is, saving the responses normally but having fiddler feed Pandora a short aac response (so it plays more songs, faster). I've had it happen from time to time "normally" and it just goes to the next song quickly. worth a test. i'm not exactly sure how the sessions are handled & think that how it handles sessions would have to be changed so that it saves the proper response, not the small one. But the possibility is there. Gonna wait to release this until I figure that out (and a few other small fixes) as 1.005, probably final unless pandora changes something.
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