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Everything posted by loftrat

  1. loftrat

    Netbios Hacking

    Me too..... Unless Rick is an uber l33t h4x0r and the lyrics are a coded message :D
  2. loftrat

    Ping Command

    Possibly behind a router/firewall that is dropping the ICMP echo packets rather than responding to them? You could try nmap with the -P0 switch and see if that comes back with anything, failing that you could also add the TCP ACK option on port 80 (-PT80) and see if you get a response that way - that will only tell you that the host is up, something that you say you already know. Be wary though. You could always be scanning some proxy that they have sat between themselves and you. Also, ensure that you have their permission before launching random scans against their boxes - you never know if you're going to crash a service that they have running, or possibly fall foul of the legal system in your country.
  3. Awesome, nicely done, and thanks for posting back with the solution - I'm sure you're not going to be the last person to get this issue :)
  4. If you read the screen that comes up just before you log in to Back|Track there's a configuration command that you can issue, i think it's something like: xconf This automatically adjusts the settings to account for your hardware, try running this before you issue the startx command and see if it helps.
  5. I fear that you may have missed the sarcasm in the earlier posts ;)
  6. .....or just the stupidity of some of the people we share it with ;)
  7. $870? Really? Wow. Can you remember the item number? I've been after one of those little Aspire Ones for a while now and that's the best price I've seen by far. If you can let me have the details I'll rush out and buy one now. I might even buy 2 because it's such a bargain. </sarcasm>
  8. Hey Guys, Just another n00b, been watching the shows for a while so I thought I'd take a look at the forums and introduce myself :) Favourite game: WoW, although I don't really get the time to play Favourite OS: Difficult this one, depends what I'm doing, probably Ubuntu, Backtrack, or XP Favourite console: Don't have one Nationality: British Accent: English (or whatever I need it to be ;) ) Sex: Male Age:30+ Race: White European Height: 6'1" Status: Engaged Build: Tall, stocky, need to get in shape a bit Favourite band: Tough one, maybe the Killers, possibly Pendulum, probably just about anybody :D Favourite book: Don't have one Favourite author: Ditto Favourite movie: Casablance, Hackers, or either of the Transformers movies Favourite director: Don't have one Favourite TV Show: 24, Fringe, or Battlestar Gallactica (the new series) Favourite actor: Kevin Spacey, or possibly Keiffer Sutherland Favourite actress: Gwyneth Paltrow, Natalie Portman, Megan Fox Favourite Pinup: Don't have one Favourite Comedian: Me Other hobbies: Photography, anything techy, job hunting (..........), moderator for a big UK based forum. Car: Not even worth mentioning, would love a Dodge Charger or an Aston Martin DB9 Occupation: General technical security consultancy, penetration testing (infrastructure/web applications).
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