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Wifi Pineapple Mark Iii


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I ordered my Mark 3 and everything got here quick and it looks great. It seems all you have to do is tether it to your computer and run a script(Linux) or change a few settings( Windows). I got it fully working within 5-10 minutes.

However I started playing with a few settings and changed them and rebooted. The reboot was taking a few minutes so I ended powering it on and off. Then when It got back, my Karma setting won't enable. Everything else works and I know it did work because that's the first thing I tried. But it won't now.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

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I have been trying to fix this for awhile now and I think I have narrowed it down to a possible fault in the "Factory Reset" button and settings. Could someone with a new Mk III and working karma copy all their settings for me?

i can't get mine to do anything anymore.. i messed up a bunch of the configurations. went to go flash it and now i can't connect to it at all... i might have to send it back and get a refund.. it seems hopeless now

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i can't get mine to do anything anymore.. i messed up a bunch of the configurations. went to go flash it and now i can't connect to it at all... i might have to send it back and get a refund.. it seems hopeless now

Yeah you really have to becareful changing around your config files when they control your ability to talk to it in the first place. Though all I did was try to change the name of my access point and did a factory reset, so you never know.

Try hooking up to it with the ethernet cable. If it gives you an ip still you should be able to connect. Try the website or via SCP like in the rick roll tutorial.

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I ordered mine for 4 days ago, it's stucked at usps:

[ Processed through USPS Sort Facility, November 15, 2011, 9:11 pm, OAKLAND, CA 94615

Electronic Shipping Info Received, November 16, 2011

Dispatched to Sort Facility, November 15, 2011, 5:21 pm, RICHMOND, CA 94807

Acceptance, November 15, 2011, 4:26 pm, RICHMOND, CA 94807

Depart USPS Sort Facility, November 15, 2011, OAKLAND, CA 94615/quote]

they are totally shit, i can't recommend usps

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I'll have a zip file of all important config files posted by Monday. A backup is included in /etc/config/backup so if you're handy with ssh or scp you shouldn't have much trouble restoring them.

Can you be more specific about what changes you made before the reboot? I'd like to make sure we have a proper resolution guide in case anyone else runs into the same issue.

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Hey Darren,

This is lengthy but thorough.

Plugged it in (power and ethernet), booted up Linux(Backtrack 5 r1), followed the quick start, turned everything on(karma, dnsspoof, ngrep, everything), connected to the AP "internet" with my phone, went to a website, didn't work, ran script again, changed a line I had messed up on, worked, disconnected from AP typed in random AP name, connected successfully. Everything worked.

Went to the configuration page, read thru the files to get a feel for it, proceeded to change the name of the AP.

In the non-karma AP I changed "Pineapple" to "Free Wifi." Hit update. Didnt reboot or leave the page. Was worried about the space. Changed it to "XYZ". Hit update. Changed the karma config AP name to "XYZ!" Was worried about the exclamation but hit update anyway.

Went to advanced tab and rebooted. Couldn't connect. Waited a minute. Nothing. Unplugged power, plugged back in. Waited a minute. Got on via the ethernet on laptop. No AP up so far. Waited another minute.

Was too impatient and decided I'd just clear my cache and revert back with the factory settings. Hit the button. Reverted( with no "are you sure?" prompt surprisingly, though I see in the source you did code one?), says it will take effect on next reboot.

Checked and the AP was up successfully with "XYZ", said to myself "you should know routers are slow", punched self for not waiting, went to advanced tab, rebooted, came back up, changed AP names again. Rebooted. Thought everything was cool. Clicked karma. Wouldn't start.


Clicked it again. No go. At this point I went thru a variety of reboots and factory resets but the only thing I ever touched in settings was the AP names.

Went and looked thru the log files. Here's my config and karma log which I've played with after the fact of it not working. But minorly. I did SCP/SSH in and look at the backup files. Most look very similar if not match identically.


The main problem in the log is the invalid/unknown driver complaint. Which I googled and it said to recompile the newest karma'd version hostapd with the nl80211 driver enabled. However I know this was not the case because I know it worked in the beginning. I also read an obscure thread about changing the network mask and it fixing the problem with hostapd.

Anyway. So after that thorough run down. I come to the following possibilities in the order of most likeliness.

1- Factory reset is pointing to broken versions of config files.

2- Me running that script and messing up the first time with ICS somehow screwed it up.

3- I somehow broke hostapd or the driver?

4- Pineapple packet poultrigeist are screwing with me.

Your thoughts?

Thanks for any help.

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I had a very similar problem in my pineapple (v2), maybe it will work for the different hardware.

When I changed the SSID in the webif interface (gui, I guess it would be ddwrt for the new pineapple), it usually wouldn't work. It would reboot and continue broadcasting the old SSID. What I had to do was manually edit the /etc/config/wireless file in the router (via ssh) and manually change the ssid name in the line "option ssid pineapple". Then, usually after a reboot it would broadcast the correct SSID.

In regards to Karma, sometimes it would not start because there was no ath0 interface on the router (I think it was ath0, it will probably be different on the ap51). There is a script to create the ath0 interface (it's in the jasager package, I think it was also written into the gui) and after I created the interface it would always work (even though I never fully got the whitelist/blacklist function working).

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thanks for the feedback guys.. yah i've tried to reflash this many times. it finishes flashing the router, then i go into linux, setup the connections and i still cannot connect. and there is no ping reply from the router or anything. did i completely brick my pineapple ? do i need to just send it back and get an exchange ? or what...

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If you can't ping your router after a reflash it may be bricked. You might want to describe how your flashing it though because (in detail, for example mine would not flash correctly if my wifi interface was connected at the same time) you may not be flashing it properly. Try in windows and ubuntu.

Check your arp-tables and use nmap to see if you can find the router's ip, sometimes after flashes it can be crazy numbers.

Why would you need to send back a router that you yourself messed up?

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If you can't ping your router after a reflash it may be bricked. You might want to describe how your flashing it though because (in detail, for example mine would not flash correctly if my wifi interface was connected at the same time) you may not be flashing it properly. Try in windows and ubuntu.

Check your arp-tables and use nmap to see if you can find the router's ip, sometimes after flashes it can be crazy numbers.

Why would you need to send back a router that you yourself messed up?

ok thanks for the info, i'll go run through some ip's with nmap, see if i can find it.. i've tried flashing it in windows 7 enterprise and in blackbuntu and backtrack. and now in windows 7 again... the first time i flashed it was in windows xp.. check my arp tables ? look at my status, it says " noob " can you be a bit more specific ? lol

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i could have sworn there might have been a warranty on my router. at least i could get an exchange. i waisted $100 bucks on this thing ? i dont think so... either i get it to work or i get an exchange

you do normaly have a warranty on new hardware, but that is voided if you fuck the firmware up your self, for an examble, if you updating your BIOS in your PC and get a power loss during the update so your BIOS is fucked you cant get a new one or a refund either...

when that is said, even if you cant connect/reflash it from the network, most routers have some pins (or soldering points) on the inside you can connect to a com port and still save a bricked router :)

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however. none of that happened.. i just flashed it like it said in the tutorials they provided on this site.. and i just cannot connect to the router. it powers on and my hardware detects it.. i just cannot connect

hmm.. i have only seen a tutorial for flashing the old pineapples, is there a new one out for the MK3?,

or have anyone confirmed that the old tutorial is also compatible with the MK3?

i dont know if the new one has a diffrent size flash thats need other parameters when flashing, but my guess is that Darren will give you the info for flashing it the right way (if it is different from the old) :)

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Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from Destination host unreachable.

Reply from Destination host unreachable.

Reply from Destination host unreachable.

Reply from Destination host unreachable.

that's exactly why.. cause it's an old flash tutorial.. we need some new config files and new tutorials for the new mark 3

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Lol I use the same method to flash my open mesh as I do all my routers, only thing different should be the files but you still should be able to flash it with ddwrt until he releases the final ones.

Yes, check your arp tables to try to find the IP of the router. If you don't know how to do that, I know a place where you can learn. It's a wonderful magnificent place filled with information of all types and you will get an answer there MUCH faster than you'll get an answer here. This place is called google and you can arrive there by typing www.google.com in your browser. May the force be with you.

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Problem solved.

It is not the factory reset. It is the in-browser text editor that you can edit the config files with. I SSHed onto the box and used vi to look at the /etc/hostapd/karma.conf file.

After a few tests I found that anything updated with the in-browser text editor had "^M" added to the end of each line. This was screwing up the commands sent to hostapd.

After removing the ^M's everything worked perfectly.

This was quite a frustrating dilemma and I hope I save some of you a headache.

Darren, you might want to make note of this in your future guides.


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Allison, please contact shop@hak5.org and we will get your pineapple replaced free of charge ASAP.

Jakey, thanks for the valuable feedback. It seems the first changes to make in the upcoming 1.0.2 point release will be to fix the factory reset confirmation dialog and the config page text editors adding ^M to the lines. I think it has to do with linefeed vs carriage return in \n...

I'm glad you got it working and appreciate your patience and understanding.



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Lol I use the same method to flash my open mesh as I do all my routers, only thing different should be the files but you still should be able to flash it with ddwrt until he releases the final ones.

Yes, check your arp tables to try to find the IP of the router. If you don't know how to do that, I know a place where you can learn. It's a wonderful magnificent place filled with information of all types and you will get an answer there MUCH faster than you'll get an answer here. This place is called google and you can arrive there by typing www.google.com in your browser. May the force be with you.

hack the planet. google huh ? never heard of em

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