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Show a list of swf files


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Ever want to download a game off AddictingGames or any other website?

Copy the this code and save it as a bookmark in Firefox

Name the bookmark "List SWF in URL"

Put the code in the Location box.

Visit the website and then click the bookmark.

This will open a new tab that you will be able to save the swf file on your computer.


java script:%20var%20res%20=%20"";%20for%20(var%20i%20=%200;%20i%20<%20document.embeds.length;%20i++)%20{%20%20var%20swfurl%20=%20escape(document.embeds[i].src%20+%20getFlashVars(document.embeds[i].attributes,%20document.embeds[i].src));%20%20res%20+=%20i.toString()%20+%20"="%20+%20swfurl%20+%20"&";%20}%20function%20getFlashVars(att,%20src)%20{%20%20var%20fvres%20=%20"";%20%20for%20(var%20j%20=%200;%20j%20<%20att.length;%20j++)%20{%20%20%20if%20(att[j].nodeName.toLowerCase()%20==%20"flashvars")%20{%20%20%20%20fvres%20=%20att[j].nodeValue;%20%20%20%20break;%20%20%20}%20%20}%20%20if%20(fvres%20!=%20""%20&&%20fvres%20!=%20undefined)%20{%20%20%20if%20(src.indexOf("?")%20>=%200)%20{%20%20%20%20return%20"&"%20+%20fvres;%20%20%20}%20else%20{%20%20%20%20return%20"?"%20+%20fvres;%20%20%20}%20%20}%20%20return%20"";%20}%20var%20swfListWindow%20=%20window.open("http://lolsalad.squadcoding.com/hax.php?"%20+%20res.substr(0,%20res.length%20-%201),%20"_blank");%20void%200;

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His Code

java script: var res = ""; for (var i = 0; i < document.embeds.length; i  ) {  var swfurl = escape(document.embeds[i].src   getFlashVars(document.embeds[i].attributes, document.embeds[i].src));  res  = i.toString()   "="   swfurl   "&"; } function getFlashVars(att, src) {  var fvres = "";  for (var j = 0; j < att.length; j  ) {   if (att[j].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "flashvars") {    fvres = att[j].nodeValue;    break;   }  }  if (fvres != "" && fvres != undefined) {   if (src.indexOf("?") >= 0) {    return "&"   fvres;   } else {    return "?"   fvres;   }  }  return ""; } var swfListWindow = window.open("http://lolsalad.squadcoding.com/hax.php?"   res.substr(0, res.length - 1), "_blank"); void 0;

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or you could just use a browser like opera and the open cache and press ctrl+f and type the name of the site and scroll thtrough till you find the swf and then right click and save to...:D thats how i save swf or flash files

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or you could just use a browser like opera and the open cache and press ctrl+f and type the name of the site and scroll thtrough till you find the swf and then right click and save to...:D thats how i save swf or flash files

or the page info window in firefox.

On examination, this script is more likely an attempt to get page hits than any thing else. This could result in any number of things. For example, the page that displays the list of flash files on a page could start could start hosting exploits or similar. There isn't any proper reason for the javascript to link to a page other than to make the list of flash files look nice.

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Without the source to his PHP script, who is going to trust it. You can't see what he is doing behind the scenes. Like others have posted, there are plenty of ways to get the files. I'll stick with my own methods if need be, but if you released your PHP script, maybe someone would use it(In combo with their own server for the PHP side fo things).

I noticed though, the javascript only seems to catch one SWF file. If there are multiple files, it only grabs one of them.

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