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hide already existant window


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does anyone know a way to hide an already existent window (preferably without using a gui)?

i know i can use nircmd to run a program and hide its window, but this isn't the problem.

i want to hide a window of a program that has already been run.

thanks very much.

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does anyone know a way to hide an already existent window (preferably without using a gui)?

i know i can use nircmd to run a program and hide its window, but this isn't the problem.

i want to hide a window of a program that has already been run.

thanks very much.

do you mean a running window? or do you want to hide a window like if you used an old batch syslog and the dos window doesn't close and what you want to do is close the dos window. is that right?

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do you mean a running window? or do you want to hide a window like if you used an old batch syslog and the dos window doesn't close and what you want to do is close the dos window. is that right?

yes, i want to hide a running window---not a dos window.

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yes, i want to hide a running window---not a dos window.

ShowWindow API does this very easily! it is how Ghost works...

2 Simple Steps!

1. Get the window's handle! (HWND)

2. Call ShowWindow with the window handle and specify SW_HIDE for the second parameter

in C++

HWND WindowHandle;
WindowHandle = FindWindow(0, "WindowTitle");

ShowWindow(WindowHandle, SW_HIDE);

in ASM

HideWindow proc WindowTitle:DWORD

    LOCAL WindowHandle:DWORD

    invoke FindWindow, 0, [WindowTitle]
    mov [WindowHandle], eax

    invoke ShowWindow, [WindowHandle], SW_HIDE

HideWindow endp

call it like this if using macros.asm

invoke HideWindow, SADD("WindowText")

or just give it a pointer to a string

MSDN for reference it will tell you everything you need to know about these two APIs





P.S. who said anything about a GUI? you can make a windowless application call these APIs! If your using C++ that means make a GUI application instead of a console but just never make a window! that way nothing ever pops up...

hiding command prompt windows is the same as hiding GUI based windows, there's no difference.

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