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Xbox Hub For PC


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This Project will not be finished until all of my things are here, i moved from overseas so alot of my stuff is still on a boat in bfe.

WARNING. Project will VOID any warranty.

Purpose: I use the Xbox Controller and Xbox DVD Remote for different things on my PC. I use the Xbox Controller for different emulators and games and the DVD remote to control VLC, WMP, and ITunes. So what i want to do is make a usb hub for the both the controller and the remote.

What's all in it:

2(maybe 4) Xbox Ports

2 USB Ports

USB 2.0 hub

Other Modifications: Better IR visibility for the Remote and maybe a flash drive in the case to hold games and emulators.

Since i do have a broken xbox sitting around I did disassemble the controller board and sockets. For your veiwing pleasure:

Controller Ports and Board still in Xbox


Slot where the controler board came out of for the 1st 2 ports


Slot for controller 3 and 4


Ports and board after being removed from the Xbox


Just the board alone for reference use


I didn't use andy special tools. The Xbox had hex screw in it, but i didn't have any hex screw drivers so i used a phillips head. There was no need to snap or bend or break any parts, it can all be put back again.

Upside down shot of the xbox video encoder for shits and giggles


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You should just be able to solder the XBOX controller ports in place of a hub's USB ports, or just solder USB plugs to the back of the XBOX ports, either way.

I was thinking about that. The only reason i decided not to was because i want to keep all the parts fairly stock looking, and i have no life so this will keep me occupied for the time being. I will try to make a drawing of what i would like to do at some point.

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Tore apart the daughter board so thats not going to be used.. I also found a soldering iron from like 1901 and i added a usb plug to the ir adapter just to debug and what not.. so far i have started editing the script found in one of the links i posted because he used winamp and i am a vlc fan so here is what i have so far, this is an auto hot key script for the xbox remote on a pc. This will open and close vlc with the Display key.

UPDATED July 20, 2008 @ 18:30

;                      .ed"""" """$$$$be.
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;                d  3                      $$$$
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;               d$L  4.         4$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b
;               $$$$b ^ceeeee.  4$$ECL.F*$$$$$$$
;   e$""=.      $$$$P d$$$$F $ $$$$$$$$$- $$$$$$
;  z$$b. ^c     3$$$F "$$$$b   $"$$$$$$$  $$$$*"      .=""$c
; 4$$$$L        $$P"  "$$b   .$ $$$$$...e$$        .=  e$$$.
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; Language:       English
; Platform:       Win32
; Author:         DingleBerries
; Script Function: Transforms XBDRC input into computer control
; ++| Some helpful hints
; '^' = ctrl
; '#' = window key
; '!' = alt
; ';' = comment out a line of code
; '+' = Shift

;Button Delay

DelayBetweenButtonRepeats = 0

;Mouse emulation

^#NumpadRight::MouseMove, 25, 0, 0, R
^#Numpad6::MouseMove, 25, 0, 0, R

^#NumpadLeft::MouseMove, -25, 0, 0, R
^#Numpad4::MouseMove, -25, 0, 0, R

^#NumpadUp::MouseMove, 0, -25, 0, R
^#Numpad8::MouseMove, 0, -25, 0, R

^#NumpadDown::MouseMove, 0, 25, 0, R
^#Numpad2::MouseMove, 0, 25, 0, R


;End Mouse emulation

;Start VLC and End VLC
; Start/End:: DISPLAY
IfWinExist VLC media player                                                              
    IfWinNotActive, VLC media player, , WinActivate, VLC media player, 
    Send, {ALTDOWN}{F4}{ALTUP}                                               
    Run %A_ProgramFiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe                                                                                               
    WinWait, VLC media player,                                                        
    IfWinNotActive, VLC media player, , WinActivate, VLC media player, 
    WinWaitActive, VLC media player,                      
    Send, {SPACE}                                                                                        

;End VLC and End VLC

;Start Eject CD Tray
Driveletter = D: ; Set this to the drive letter you wish to eject.

hVolume := DllCall("CreateFile"
    , Str, "\\.\" . Driveletter
    , UInt, 0x80000000 | 0x40000000  
    , UInt, 0x1 | 0x2 
    , UInt, 0
    , UInt, 0x3  
    , UInt, 0, UInt, 0)
if hVolume <> -1
        , UInt, hVolume
        , UInt, 0x2D4808   
        , UInt, 0, UInt, 0, UInt, 0, UInt, 0
        , UIntP, dwBytesReturned ; Unused.
        , UInt, 0)
    DllCall("CloseHandle", UInt, hVolume)

;End Drive Eject

;Start VLC/Win Master Volume Control
; Volume UP::INFO
; Volume DOWN::BACK
; Mute: 0
Send {Volume_Down 10}
SoundSet +10 

Send {Volume_Down 10}
SoundSet -10 

Send {Volume_Mute}
SoundGet, master_mute, , mute

;End VLC/Win Master Volume Control

;+ Set your preferences here
; Play::SPACE
; Pause::SACE
; Faster::+
; Slower::-
; Next::n
; Previous::p
; Stop::s
; Volume UP:: Ctrl UP
; Volume DOWN:: Ctrl Down
; Mute:: Ctrl M

; End of Script
; Enjoy;)

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