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Mubix Truecrypt USB


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Hey guys I remember episode 2x10 and i'm just now finally trying it out. I remember Mubix did have the truecrypt portion of the code on his site, but now I can't seem to find it on there. I seen a couple forums where they mentioned code relating to the same setup, but haven't tried yet. I'm wanting to set it up basically just like he has it. I'm guessin he installed truecrypt to his U3 Drive, then an autorun.bat file with the truecrypt code to ask for the password and after correct password rub pstart.exe?

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Open up truecrypt click "Tools" > "Traveller Disk Setup" > Follow instructions.  Basically copies Truecrypt as a portable app onto the drive and creates a .inf for any file you want.  U3 NOT required. 

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It is all gravy my friend, let me know if you run into problems / have more questions.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I finally got around to trying to finish this up. I did the traveler setup created a hidden volume inside a regular volume and set the program "PStart.exe" in the options to start, but when I insert it does not ask for my password? I'm assuming it's not auto-mounting the drive like it should. It did create an .inf file, but it just isn't launching when I insert the drive?

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you could also post your code here that would help ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

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