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Batch file help


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Hey, I'm trying to write a batch file that will switch my realmlist for wow to easily allow me to switch between a private wow server and the public one, however, I can't get it to work...

Here it is so far:

@echo off

dir "C:Program FilesWorld of Warcraft"

if exist realmlist.wtf DEL realmlist.wtf


choice/c:BMQ /N select lizzard [M]agicstar [Q]uit

pause >nul

IF errorlevel 3 goto end

IF errorlevel 2 goto magicstar

IF errorlevel 1 goto blizzard


copy blizzard.wtf realmlist.wtf

goto end


copy magicstar.wtf realmlist.wtf

goto end


start launcher.exe


*note, the [ B ] infront of BLizzard is making the text bold, but there is a [ B ] (without spaces) there.

However, apparently choice doesn't work, which confuses me because I've seen references to it on several websites....  Can anybody help me figure out how to do it?

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well, I wanted it to be easily accessible, (just to change the shortcut on my computer to run the command again...)

May be I'm stupid (which I probably am, though hilarity some times ensues through my weired stupidity), but having two short cuts on the desktop sounds more accessible then having to modify one short cut every other click. It's the easiest way I think.:


@echo off
dir "C:Program FilesWorld of Warcraft"
if exist realmlist.wtf DEL realmlist.wtf
copy blizzard.wtf realmlist.wtf
start launcher.exe


@echo off
dir "C:Program FilesWorld of Warcraft"
if exist realmlist.wtf DEL realmlist.wtf
copy magicstar.wtf realmlist.wtf
start launcher.exe

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If I were doing this i would replace this...

choice/c:BMQ /N select [B] lizzard [M]agicstar [Q]uit
pause >nul

IF errorlevel 3 goto end
IF errorlevel 2 goto magicstar
IF errorlevel 1 goto blizzard

With this...

ECHO 1. Blizzard
ECHO 2. Magicstar
ECHO 3. Quit

SET /p choice="Please Select an Option: "

IF '%choice%' == '1' GOTO blizzard
IF '%choice%' == '2' GOTO magicstar
IF '%choice%' == '3' GOTO end

Although I do agree with sparda if you have room for two files on your desktop go with sparda's idea

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If I were doing this i would replace this...

choice/c:BMQ /N select [B] lizzard [M]agicstar [Q]uit
pause >nul

IF errorlevel 3 goto end
IF errorlevel 2 goto magicstar
IF errorlevel 1 goto blizzard

With this...

ECHO 1. Blizzard
ECHO 2. Magicstar
ECHO 3. Quit

SET /p choice="Please Select an Option: "

IF '%choice%' == '1' GOTO blizzard
IF '%choice%' == '2' GOTO magicstar
IF '%choice%' == '3' GOTO end

Although I do agree with sparda if you have room for two files on your desktop go with sparda's idea

This works like a charm!  Thanks!

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