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Video problems


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I was given an older Compaq system to play with. It runs excellent save for one issue... Video lag!

Ok, here's the specs. 533MHz(Intel, Celeron maybe??), 384MB RAM, 20GB HD, CD/RW DVD Rom, Extremely lightened up copy of Windows XP Pro(everything not needed turned off). I run VLC of course. I have the BIOS settings allocating 8MB video memory(maximum amount).

The problem is, no matter what video I play, audio streams fine by video chops and lags something fierce. I've tried new installs of VLC, updating the on board vid card drivers, and all sorts of things to no avail.

Now, the kicker is I have the EXACT same image running on an older laptop(Compaq Presario 12XL310), and it runs fantastic! What is bad is the Compaq is only slightly faster at 600MHz(celeron for sure), but has only 64MB RAM with 8MB allocated to video.

So, anyone have any other ideas? I can't think of anything. I may try Kubuntu on it since all it does is basic surfing and playing my favorite shows ripped to disc(Hak5, PP, 1337). I had issues with it on the lappie I'm guessing were memory related, so I am a bit hesitant.

Edit: It's not an Intel after all. It's an AMD K6 3D.

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That has all the signs of hardware acceleration not working when you think it actually is. Now, I'm not one to jump to conclusions (actually I am, but hay, it makes tech support all the more fun and quick some times.), but the quote "everything not needed turned off" speaks volumes. I know both ATI and nVidia cards need a service to run on startup to enable hardware acceleration, I have run in to other obscure cards that need programs (not necessarily services) to run on startup for acceleration to be enabled. Anyway, the the point: Are you sure you didn't disable some thing that rlates the the graphics card?

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I checked everything I had turned off. It's the same as the laptop.

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I didn't see related to the video or hardware acceleration.

Could there be something wrong with the on board video hardware?

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Start > Run > "dxdiag.exe" (no quotes). Display tab > check "DirectDraw Acceleration" is enabled.

Next, try updating the drivers for the onboard video. If it's using a basic vesa driver, then that could possibly be the cause of the problems.

If it still doesn't work properly, then it's probably just not up to the task. Some older chipsets just dont do very good hardware video acceleration. Have you got a card you could try?

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Start > Run > "dxdiag.exe" (no quotes). Display tab > check "DirectDraw Acceleration" is enabled.

Next, try updating the drivers for the onboard video. If it's using a basic vesa driver, then that could possibly be the cause of the problems.

If it still doesn't work properly, then it's probably just not up to the task. Some older chipsets just dont do very good hardware video acceleration. Have you got a card you could try?

Also, do they both have the same version of Direct-X? As old as it is it may not even be able to handle later versions of X, but I think that it is probably somehting in the graphic cards drivers not being up to date or maybe check and see if their are support drivers for the AMD chipset/bios update, etc.

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Well, a slight update. I'm guessing it is Windows related after all. For some reason now it is getting just as choppy in everything it does, including sounds and browsing. It's like the whole system has a lag. The laptop did this once before and a fresh install fixed it.

What concerns me is that this thing has a fresh install on it, and it really doesn't get used much. There is nothing else on it so why would Windows start eating itself up?

This was a complete format and re-install, not just a refresh.

Ah well. I wanted to put Kubuntu on it anyhow.

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Well, a slight update. I'm guessing it is Windows related after all. For some reason now it is getting just as choppy in everything it does, including sounds and browsing. It's like the whole system has a lag. The laptop did this once before and a fresh install fixed it.

What concerns me is that this thing has a fresh install on it, and it really doesn't get used much. There is nothing else on it so why would Windows start eating itself up?

This was a complete format and re-install, not just a refresh.

Ah well. I wanted to put Kubuntu on it anyhow.

How old is the hard drive?

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To be honest, I'm not sure. I'd say a few years, 6 or 7? It's a 20gb Seagate.

I was thinking it could be the prob as well. I've got a few other known good drives I can try. Since I have to reinstall Windows, I'll do that as well.

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