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MySpace MP3 Hacks


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Ok, I was trying the old MP3 download hack for songs that don't have the download button enabled, but I noticed that for whatever reason, it doesn't seem to work any longer. You now get a download error when navigating to the file. (A not found to be more precise)

I have discovered a little trick to download the mp3 using a few free tools, but there are some bugs in this method as it leaves some gaps in the file and you will hear silence between the pieces that are missing.

Tools you will need are Wireshark(ethereal or equivalent), PuTTy and a browser.

Start Wireshark before going to the myspace page in question.

Now, navigate to any page with the music in their flash player on MySpace. Click any song to hear it start playing. Now, in wireshark hit CTRL-F to bring up the find box and check off STRING and search for .mp3

The first one you will see is your GET request for the song from that specific site. Now, search again for musicplayerxml.ashx and you will see the playlist file. You need to navigate to this file in your browser to see the underlying text of the playlist. It will be a link like "http://mediaservices.myspace.com/services/media/musicplayerxml.ashx?b=38953951". In the playlist file there will be a line similar to: durl="http://cache07-music02.myspacecdn.com/56/somefile.mp3

Now, normally all you would need to do is put that into your browser. You will get a file not found error. This is because the server will only accept request from the local network when doing a GET for the MP3 file. Try it in your browser and you will see what I mean.

-Open putty and put in the following under Session:

Hostname: lads.myspace.com

Port: 80


-Under Logging you will want to save all output to somefile.mp3

-Under Terminal change the Answerback from PuTTy to nothing. (Delete it)

Save the session to some name like MySpaceMp3s

Ok. Now the reason we are using lads.myspace.com is because if you go with the http://cache07-music02.myspacecdn.com you will get a file not found error in PuTTy.

Now we need to construct our GET command to grab the file and log it to somefile.mp3


GET http://cache07-music02.myspacecdn.com/56/s...1a083ae3348.mp3 HTTP/1.1

This needs to be on one line with no text wrapping. Copy the string and then start your PuTTy session. once the window appears right click the mouse to past the text. Then hit enter (twice) and it will start streaming the file to your hard drive. Then when at the bottom, hit enter again, and the window should close.

Done! Now open the mp3 with windows media player and you have the file.

The only thing that I havenet figureed out yet is how to stop the little silence audio gaps from appearing, but there may be something in PuTTy to get around this, like the screen buffer or wrap size.

Let me know if you use this and it works for you or if you have any problems. If you figure out how to stop the slient audio bits, please let me know or post it in the thread.


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hehe works great only one problem

Try it in your browser and you will see what I mean.

i did, and it worked lol (the power of IE7?), but apart from that this is a great tutorial, and great idea / hack u have made, love it thx.

also can u provide more info on the silence audio gaps? im not fully sure what ur talking about, when i listen to the song, there is nothink wrong, it works perfect.

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hehe works great only one problem
Try it in your browser and you will see what I mean.

i did, and it worked lol (the power of IE7?), but apart from that this is a great tutorial, and great idea / hack u have made, love it thx.

Well, When I do it on IE6 I get a not found error. Maybe its my firewall. I will keep messing with it and let you know.

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Tried it in Opera and IE6 with firwall off and I get an "Access Denied" when trying to download it. Wonder how IE7 is getting around this. Maybe its my settings.

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also can u provide more info on the silence audio gaps? im not fully sure what ur talking about, when i listen to the song, there is nothink wrong, it works perfect.

When I use PuTTy to download it, it is missing peices, so they play as if its a skipping vinyl record. I even tried to take them out in soundforge and it doesnt help, as there is song data missing from the file so you still hear a skip.

I would like to know how IE7 is getting around this though. That would be the only reason to switch back. I tried it but I didn't like the toolbar interface. Not customizable and it seemed to be a bit buggy at times. That was a while ago though, so there are probably patches for it now. I still like Opera, but there are times when IE6 is the only thing that seems to work. Im also not afan of Firefox, but if anyone tries it in Firfox and it works, let us know.

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hmm no skipping on my end at all, the track plays fine.

From IE7 or from the PuTTy file? I get this from the file PuTTy creates.

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Well, I can't see how even IE7 is getting the file, unless your downloading one that is already downloadable by default.

Here is their crossdomain xml file which shows which sites may request the files for streaming to the flash player.


  <allow-access-from domain="lads.myspace.com" />

  <allow-access-from domain="creative.myspace.com" />

  <allow-access-from domain="stage.myspace.com" />


So in my tutorial above "lads.myspace.com" can be substituted by any of the three in their cross-domain-policy file.

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sounds pretty complex, i just use "FREE Hi-Q Recorder" to capture the stream from the sound card i presume. lower bit rate like 64k i think.

Well the streaming bitrate is 96k, and the free download is whatever the uploaded file was, but my method is only getting the streaming file that is blocked from downloads. I could use soundforge to record it, but that wasnt the purpose of the hack. I want to find a way to get the file to download without recording the audio as a wav and then converting it to an mp3.

There are some swf catchers out there, but they are mainly for getting the .flv video file, and you then need to convert it back to avi or mpeg, but thats a whole other topic.

The PuTTy method seems to download the files really quickly, but again, it leaves some artifacts in the file and I think of there was a way to slow it down it wouldn't lose the packets.

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Guest TehHacks

Sorry to post again,

but quick question: would you mind if i blog'd this? (with full credit to you of course, I'm just having writers block atm, and this hack is the only thing that is rely interesting me)

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You can blog it all you want but I am not the original person to discover this. I take no credit in the method to get the url using Wireshark and the xml playlist file. I did however come up with the ideo to use PuTTy to grab it, though anyone coudl have done this. The only reason I used PuTTy is because when I try to open the mp3 file, for whatever setting sI have on my pc, it gives me an "access denied" error. Maybe I will ty it in Firefox, because I get the same error in Opera as I do in IE6.

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I think I know what the problem is but I will have to try it when I get home. I think its because I block site referring and this may be the cause of the download not coming through directly from the browser. Whatever the reason, I can't get it to download directly to my pc through the browser, but I can when I use the PuTTy method.

Anyone else have the problem getting it through the url in the browser?

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What the hell are you listening to?



It was for my wife!

She wanted this new song she could't get out of her head and asked me to download it, but there was no download link on their webpage for that song. Only the ability to listen to it through the flash player.

I could care less about Maroon5. Personally, I think they suck, but try telling that to my wife...

Oh, and someone psoted the script wasn't working, but I havent tried it. If you have, let us know. Thanks.

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I just figured out another way to get the file. In Wireshark, find the .mp3 file using the ctrl+f and use .mp3 as the string in "packet list" Then right click the mp3 packet and select follow tcp stream. You will then see the data in ascii. Click raw, and then save as somefile.mp3 and there you go.

You will need to sit through the entire song for this method to work, because you will need all the packets of the mp3 your listening to in order to save the whole song, otherwise you only save what portion you have captured.

Now, I havent tried it yet, but I am sure if you have the space and badwidth, you could probably do the same with avi, mpeg, etc.

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The saved packet method from wireshark also works on pandora.com

Right click any packets that contain "lame" in the packet and do a follow tcp/ip stream and then click raw, and save as somefile.mp3

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Figured out why I couldn't download directly from the url. I had javascript and site-referring turned off.

I have been using this on pandora, but the only thing is you can't search for .mp3 You have to look for "lame" as the string in the packet because they arent using file name extenstions in the streams through the flash player so searching for .mp3 will result in nothing. You then have to save the packet stream (using raw) and then you shoul dbe able to play it in any mp3 player. I havent figured out how to extract the url yet from their playlist file.

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hmm just wondering if u think there is anyway to weapanise this method into a tool? i would be more than happy to help out for this as a community project.

Well, All you really need is a packet dumper with a gui. Since Wireshark uses WinPcap, I think you can just use it by itself and possibly write a script combined with something like wget, but thats a little over my head. I think winpcap has a command line tool as well, so if you write a batch file to execute the download using wget or such, all you would need to do is figure out the catcher part when you visit a webpage.

Like I said, its a bit over my head, but I know someone on here could do it in a few hours with minimal effort. I think there are programs that allow you to do this already, but I don't trust half the things out there that claim to do this and most of them get plugged, like the pandora hack that keeps getting re-written. The thing I like about the wireshark method is even if they remove the mp3 extension, they have to stream the data down to the user, so you can just save the packets (in raw) as the mp3. Doing this on Pandora.com is a little difficult, becuase they send all the songs to you weather you listen to them or not, so when you save each audio stream you won't know what song it is until you play it back, and even if you skip a track, it still downloads the one you skip, so it can be tricky to filter out each song in wireshark, but I have managed to do it.

Anyone wanting to wotk on this, I suggest we make a new thread and make the effort to keep it commented well with all the source code and changes. I would like to see something like that come to life. It would be fun to see it take shape and I could learn something in the process.

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having a look at it, winCap can be used with WinDump and pretty much do what Wireshark does, only in CLI. just gotta work out what my Interface name for my wireless is ^_^.

Fire up wireshark and it will give you allthe info you need. Under "Capture/Interfaces/Details". I think that is what your looking for. The actual DeviceNPF thingy

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